Jaintialo Lore!!!!

4 months, 28 days ago
221 1

lore for my fakemon region woaaaah

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The Ancient Tribes

Sola, Oomso, Syis, Lusos, Narma, Amar, Funa, Mynals, Zelos, Enox, Ymón, and D'Linja (Zega is also a tribe, but they seemingly vanish)

Each tribe has a certain symbol, worn as a pendant by all members of the tribe. Sola is sun, Oomso is earth, Syis is an eye, Lusos is a lightning bolt, Narma is a moon, Amal is a heart, Funa is a raindrop, Mynals is a star, Enox is a half white-half black circle (they are believed to have started Team Equinox, a cult trying to harness the power of Rhionseeus and his children), Ymón is a leaf, D'Linja is a flame and Zega is a diamond.

Many of the Tribespeople still waer traditional clothing and live a traditional lifestyle. Sola are farmers, Oomso are caretakers (of animals/pokemon), Syis are psychics, Lusos are engineers, Narma are hunters, Amarn are peacekeepers, Funa are boatmen/sailors, Mynals are merchants, Zelos were scientists, Enox are storytellers, Ymón are healers, and D'Linja are warriors/soldiers. Enox was a smaller tribe, they were knowledgeable in the lore, legends and myths of the land, and sought the power they told of, often neglecting their job in the Ancient community. They eventually totally vanished until the Moderners (Zega) appeared (technically reappeared), now going by the name Team Equinox.
