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Pyrri walked lightly and with such a grace Denver hadn’t quite seen before. It was rather mesmerizing, and from the display it was no wonder where they got their name. While walking, Pyrri had given them a crash course on their clan as well as their location. It was all rather tranquil, the cavern opened out into a wide and spacious area, with a great bit of it being taken up by a large body of water and some of the brightest crystals they had seen since their departure. All around the crystals grew a myriad of different herbs he assumed, as they were being tended and harvested by numerous different haedians down below them. Pyrri led the vayron and tyrian to a well lit area by the side of the large pool. “This would be a good place for us to do a bit of learning, no?” Her soft voice carried lightly across the waters, causing a few of the haedians to briefly look up curiously. 

Denver slumped into a sitting position and heaved out a great sigh. From when they first started, it seemed like all they had done was walk. His paws ached and his back was sore from sleeping on uneven rocky cave grounds between meeting clans. He rubbed at his front leg lightly with his other paw as he lolled his head over to look at Hestia playfully, trying to not show how exhausted he was. “Well, we made it!” He huffed and smiled, before turning his attentions back to Pyrri. He wasn’t quite sure what he would be able to learn, he always fancied himself as a bit of a clumsy brute without much skill for finesse or delicate tasks. But if she would be willing to teach.. He would be willing to learn.


Hestia still was left off kilter by the day’s events. While many might imagine that life among the nobility often was peaceful, the truth was that she was a fish out of water, as politics were only peaceful on the surface, and not always that even. Intrigue and backstabbing were a way of life, and a part of her was on edge, fully expecting a curveball at any moment. Denver helped lighten the mood a little, his own playful antics reminding her of more innocent times. 

“Before we begin, I full heartedly believe in clearing our minds with a bit of meditation.” Pyrri began, her soft voice carrying throughout the area even if it was quiet. “Find yourselves in a comfortable position, but not so much that you’d fall asleep. Staying relaxed but rigid, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Feel the flow of air as it fills you up, energizing every part of you.”

Pyrri guided the pair, and those around them through the steps of inner calm. It seemed redundant, with her own self seeming to exude tranquility as did the entire cave system they were in. Hestia could tell that neither her nor Denver were the greatest at this though. While she was practiced in the art of schooling her features to remain calm, she noticed one of the male’s paws tapping gently in an act of energy. 


Denver watched with lulled eyes as Pyrri explained how to begin meditating. Something the large male had definitely never done, unless you could count napping in the sun. He fought back a chuckle and just closed his eyes as a smile crept across his face. Comfortable, but not too much.. Relaxed but rigid. He fixed his posture and lifted his head, tucking his two front feet between his rear paws as he curled his tail loosely around him for balance should he start to doze. Inhaling a great deep breath, he let it out slowly through his nose. This carried on for what to him felt like a great while, almost too long as he started to sense himself becoming fidgety. What started out as the tapping of a single claw, to a toe, to multiple toes was now the slow rhythmic beat of his paw. Before he even knew what was going on, an abrupt clearing of a throat startled him out of his trance.

Pyrri chuckled lightly, “Apologies, I didn’t mean to scare you Denver.” She said softly. “Meditation can be different from one to the next.” A genuine smile snuck up onto her cheeks, “There is no wrong way to do it.” Pyrri then stood, checking to make sure Hestia was out of her meditation and ready to move on with Denver. “Perhaps the pair of you would like to know about our medicinal herbs?” Pyrri motioned her paw over a patch of thick stemmed lush leafy greens before looking out farther. Most of the plants and herbs were separated for ease of harvesting, but other patches had multiple types and seemed to have a need for each other.


The Tranquil Prompt 2 for Denver 15925 and Hestia 14309

"The Tranquil have watched you as you worked and believe they would like to share some of their unique gifts with you.

Draw or write your reosean being tutored by one of the Tranquil clan members. They could be showing your reosean how to harness the power of crystals to heal, meditating to predict the future, or simply partaking in some of the clan's culture."

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