another day

1 month, 20 days ago
1 month, 20 days ago
1 501 1

Entry 1
Published 1 month, 20 days ago

what the fuck is a blurb

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Author's Notes

not proof read or anything. little to no context.

he woke up at his desk. as hed done almost every day lately.

whats the point in going to his bed anyways if hed just need to come back here anyways

it was such a hassle too.

he got up, forgetting he was plugged in. it yanked one of the cables


it dropped to the floor, along with a few drops of blood.

at least it werent as many as last time. he got a tissue from the box on his desk and started cleaning up. hed have to ask for disinfectant again. thats always such a pain. theyve locked it away since what happened last time. just another freedom thats been taken from him.

he rubbed his aching head,  there were marks from him sleeping on the keyboard. 'shouldve put that aside..'

he sighed. god this place was a mess. at least no one would see. when was the last time hed seen anyone. he looked around his.. room. he wouldnt call it an office. he lived here after all. his desk was covered in shiny wrappers. shouldnt have splurged on that candy.

his holopad turned on, showing a hologram of his bank balance. great, thats working. adding insult to injury.

since the last update its been doing that, showing things vaguely related to his thoughts. pain in the ass really. most of the time it just shows ads or some of his deadlines. great, got another code due on wednesday.

what did he want to do again.

right, cleaning up. he collected the wrappers off his desk and threw them in the bin. what else. the holopad buffered and showed a to-do list. he looked at it with nothing but spite.

he could do his own list. he didnt need this ai to show him. it aaalways thinks its better than him, huh? he didnt even.. whatever, it doesnt think, stop humanising it, it doesnt have motives silly. he sat down to calm down. his head hurt.

the hologram displayed an assortment of drinks. when was the last time he drank something. now that he thought about it, he guessed he was kind of thirsty-

his thought was cut off by the flap of the chute in his wall opening and a bottle of water rolling out. at least thats working.

he grabbed it from the tray. why a bottle? why did they always have those stupid caps to open it. his hands would shake with rage if they could. opening bottles had been one of the most difficult tasks for him since he got them installed. youd think theyd make better robotic hands nowadays.

he cut the top off the bottle with his box cutter as carefully as he could. and drank. the jagged plastic scratching his lips. it didnt matter. water dripping down his chin. it didnt matter.

god this place is a mess.. 

god his head hurt.

the hologram displayed an ad for ibuprofen

'order ibuprofen' he sighed

hed better get back to work.