A Chat with a Buddy

1 month, 17 days ago

Drayton greets Gladion (and Silver) when they arrive at Blueberry with no ulterior motives at all. None.

(A bit of lore for my irl pokemon blog, @arven-x-drayster-4ever)

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“Oh come on, buddy.” Drayton tossed aside the cracked open pokeball, “That was the 50th one.”

Poipole trilled, floating around his head.

“I thought you wanted to be caught-”

He was interrupted by a rumble that almost shook the whole school.

He got off his bed, “Stay here. Kay, buddy?”


Silver leaned on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “Ugh, how long was I asleep?”

“Like 60% of the flight.”

The two stepped out of the jet. “Is this what hangover feels like,” Silver complained.

“You might be actually hungover-”

“Gladion!” Drayton casually slung his arm around the blonde’s shoulder, much to the protest of Silver. “Glads, Gladdy, Gladiator-”

Gladion sighed, “What do you want.” He shook his head at the elder, “We’ve literally been here for a few minutes. Arc,” He pointed up, where the Aether private jet still hovered.

“Gladinator. My dude. Iiiiii desperately need to talk to you.” The duo glanced at Silver, “In private.”

Gladion’s eyes narrowed, “About what, exactly?”

“Uh, come with me and I’ll tell you…?”

Gladion rolled his eyes and glanced at Silver, who nodded tiredly. “I’ll drop off our stuff, or whatever.”


Gladion reached for the handle of Drayton’s unlocked door, which he quickly blocked.

“I need you to promise that you won’t freak.”

Gladion raised his eyebrows, “Okay, I guess?”

Drayton opened the door, ushering the younger in. 

“…Are those my posters?”

“Sorry.” Drayton shrugged, flopping onto one of the beanbags, gesturing for Gladion to sit with him. “It was… for the greater good.”

“What’re you even going on about-”

“You can come out now, lil buddy!”

Poipole floated after the bathroom, perching on Drayton’s head and clutching his hair like a flabébé with their flower.

Gladion just sat, his jaw hanging open. “Where’d you get that ?”

“Oh, they just popped out of a portal in the ‘rarium-”

“They what ??” Gladion abruptly sat up, “This is bad. Bad, bad, bad. If one portal broke open, then more could follow so easily…”


“This is terrible . I’ve got to let mother know-”

“Dude. Gladion.” He waited for the other boy to turn to him, “That was weeks ago.”

Gladion’s eyes widened further. “Weeks? Did anything happen…?”

“Nope. Just a tiny lil portal and them.” They trilled when Gladion glanced at them.

Gladion frowned in thought as they sat in silence for a few minutes.


Gladion glanced at the ultra beast, “Can I-?” 

“Look at ‘em? Sure. If they’re okay with it.” 

Gladion gently picked them up by the scruff, investigating them as they giggled.

“Looks like a young one.”

“You’ve seen one of them before?”

Gladion raised an eyebrow at Drayton. 

“Yeah. I was expecting that answer.” He grinned as he stood and stretched. “Oh, ‘nother thing.” He pointed towards his pile of pokeballs, “You know how to catch ‘em?”

Gladion nodded, pulling out a beast ball from his belt. “Practically impossible without one of these.” He offered it to Drayton, who grabbed it.

“C’mon, buddy.” He tossed the ball in the air, which poipole swirled into, landing back in Drayton’s hand with a satisfying click.

“Get your phone out.” Drayton did as commanded, and Gladion dropped him a few files. “That’s everything the database had on their line.”

“Line?” Drayton skimmed one of the documents, “Poipole, huh?”

“Mmm.” Gladion grinned, “You got lucky. The only thing I really remember about them is that they’re artistic.”

“I’d know about that,” He glanced at the covered wall.

Gladion sighed. “If the portal brought a kartana or celesteela, I don’t know what would’ve happened to the terrarium.”

The duo sat back down as Drayton pocketed the beast ball.

“You won’t mind me checking in on them every now and then…?”

“Nah. It’s fine.”


Gladion glanced at his phone, “So… is that everything?”

“Uhhh, a few more things.”

“Course there is.” Gladion sat expectantly when Drayton didn’t move, “Well?”

“Hold on. ‘M tryin’ to remember where I put it.” He sat for a few more seconds, before going to a shelf and pulling out a file folder. “So, Y’know how we’re down an elite four member? Hugh was your buddy, right?”

Gladion nodded. “What does this have to do with me, though?”

“Wellll,” He gestured to the folder. “Your battle data from last year was off the charts. Amarys chose you specifically as the next candidate.”

“Huh.” Gladion flipped through the folder, a small smile on his face.

“It was you or Silver. But take it from the Drayster,” He grinned, “I think you’re a better candidate.”

Gladion placed the folder back down. “You know what? I’ll do it.”

“Really? I thought’d be harder to convince you.”

Gladion shrugged. “Been itching for some battling lately.”

“Cool then.” Drayton grinned. “Well get everything sorted out, then!”


Neither spoke for a few seconds.

“Are we done-”

“There’s one more thing.”

Gladion waited.

“So. You’ve got a cousin right?”

“Yeah? Multiple.”

“Well. If I said I was romantically interested in one of them, what would you say…?”

“You’re too old for Sarah. And she’s taken, anyways.”

“I don’t know who that is.”

“Well, uh.” Gladion thought again. “Perrin’s too old for you , I think. I’ve also heard rumors that she’s with that Kalos gym leader-”

“Don’t know of her either.”

He waited for Gladion to process. “…Arven?”

When Drayton didn’t respond, Gladion laughed. “ Him ? You would’ve had a better chance with any of my other cousins.”

“…I know.” He slid down in the beanbag, placing his head in his hands.

“That’s in addition to the fact that he’s straight.”

“I knowwwww…” Drayton slid farther down.

“How’d you even meet?”


Gladion paused, before sighing, “Tell me what you see in him. Is this just a crush or-?”

“He’s genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Well, not met- you know what I mean.” He smiled sappily to himself, “He always wants to help everyone, but is adorably awkward and humble. But his temper, his snark, his passion, his drive . That’s what I really like about him. How he can be so… powerful.”


“I didn’t mean it in that way and you know it.” Drayton laughed, “‘Sides, you and Silver are probably way-”

Gladion shoved him lightly, laughing genuinely. “Shut up.”

Drayton grinned as he continued, “That’s in addition to his regular ol’ hotness, though. Like, he’s smoking. Sizzling. I’ve never seen someone who can be rugged and pretty at the same time. And have you seen how muscular he is? His biceps-”

“Pfft- that’s enough.” Gladion smiled. “You’ve convinced me.”

Gladion only shook his head, smiling sadly, “You probably know him better than I do at this point. Maybe I can give you his number-”

“Uh, no need.” Drayton awkwardly adjusted his collar, “Got that already. We chat a lo- every once in a while.”

“What?” Gladion frowned. “That guy. Me, Sarah and the rest of the family haven’t spoken with him in ages…”

Drayton didn’t know if he should mention the video call they had, so he didn’t. He stared into his lap. “Maybe it’s because with you guys he feels like there’s some sort of expectation to live up to, but with me, we just talk. Maybe he’s scared that you won’t recognize him after he’s grown and changed. Maybe he’s scared that you’ll hate him after all the time, and he feels alone because no one knows what his experience is like, fully. Maybe-”

“Dude.” Gladion patted Drayton on the shoulder, and smiled reassuringly. “I don’t think you need my advice at this point.”

He sat up and moved to the door.

“You want the posters back?” Drayton haphazardly called out.

Gladion peeked under the corner of one at the paint, “Nah. Just keep em.”

When the door clicked shut, Drayton was alone with his thoughts once again.