
1 month, 16 days ago

An older 100 word prompt

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The prompt:

Drabble - Write a cohesive drabble relating to an Erra character. It can be about a  place, someone they like, a pet or maybe even something that makes them feel a certain way. The sky’s the limit. Text has to be exactly 100 words, no more no less.

See the full prompt list here

Staring at his glass of wine, slowly spinning the fluid around.

It had always bothered him how he had used his mentor, the kind, and patient █████, for purely personal gains.
His hunger had always been great and he had consumed far too many people in process to gain what he thought he deserved.

The glass in his hand shattered as his fingers curled into a fist.
The snarl of anger and shame twisted his face as he tossed the remaining shards to the floor.

That would not happen with Magnolia.
He already had everything he could ever want.
