About leonard

1 month, 25 days ago
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All you need to know about my persona/fursona

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General Information:

Full Name: Leonard 

Nickname(s): Leo

Age: 20

Gender: Agender/enby 

Date of Birth: June 26th

Star Sign: Cancer

Species/Race: White (human) , feline (anthro/feral)

Occupation: None


Height: 5'1

Skin Color: White

Hair Color: Grey/black ; blue for some subsona's

Hair Style: long wolfcut type

Eye Color: bluey-grey

Clothing: dark alternative clothing/blue


Kind and passionate about what it does, caring and considerate, has mood swings, generally happy or moderate. Loves music, mostly nu-metal and poprap. 


 subsona's are located in the characters basic tabs, includes game sona's, tv media, and fandoms. 


when drawing, please keep all sfw, suggestive ok . there is a range of different styles and complexities of designs that i am happy for you to draw any of them. don't worry about not getting all specific details correct, i love and appreciate the beauty of art and the effort from artists <3 . 

Author's Notes

If you have any more questions, feel free to pm me!