Party of the Year

4 months, 18 days ago

More of a lore dump than anything, but hey.

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Holidays were a big thing to BonBon and Prancer. If one couldn't tell by the styling of themselves after two prominent holidays from the Western part of Earthen society, they certainly made it known whenever a holiday came around. Ported from humans or other beings, native Terra celebrations... some would even swear they made up their own, though no one could ever get the two terras to admit to it.

Today was not one of those. Terras all around were out and about with friends, partners, or even solo just to take a figurative breather. Any tasks that couldn't risk a day off were done in much shorter shifts than usual for those that wanted to celebrate, with volunteers to fill in where they could, or simply were left on-call.

The day, of course, was the celebration of the creation of terra-kind. Some might even can it an anniversary, though like with many holidays the exact date this had occurred had long been lost to time. Not that this mattered to any but the most nerdy terras, the sort who'd love to bring up this fact with a smug relish to anyone they thought might be impressed with this secret knowledge.

Synthetic terras, their edible-themed counterparts included, had a much more concrete date for their types' invention. While that too was celebrated in its own way, today, on the other hand, was a day for terraliens of all kinds to celebrate. While most terras and their critters couldn't eat, colorful decorations were made and placed wherever any terra could reach.

This year, BonBon had managed to wrangle their overactive and forgetful nature enough to secure the town hall for their plans. Scavenger hunts and crafts outside, charades and board games in one room, movies in another, with the biggest main room even reserved for a dance party with music provided by an up and coming local DJ. While naturally even with this variety of activities not everyone would come, alongside many early departers, the turnout was still phenomenal. The place had become packed, with many terras from outside of town bringing themselves into the mix.

Throughout the early hours of it, BonBon found themselves running all over the hall and even town making sure everything was setup as it should be. While they had help, from Prancer themselves and many other locals no less, their anxiety about hosting the perfect event had still whipped them into a frenzy.

Once a fairly large crowd had gathered, and they'd double-checked all the rooms and helpers, BonBon at last let themselves sit down for a break in the main hall. With the blasting music, and most of the other terras in the room occupied, they stole a seat in the corner of the room and collapsed into it.

It was here Prancer discovered their partner after doing a few checks of their own, having spent a good while scouring the place for them while becoming a bit nervous themselves after not seeing them for ages. Their mental state was made clear by the persistent wing flicks and ear twitches, almost in spite of the exhausted posture they'd slipped into on the chair.

Prancer gently put a hand on their shoulder. "Hey now..."

BonBon nearly jumped out of their seat, only calming when realizing the touch and voice were familiar.

"You're overthinking again," Prancer continued, lightly stroking their shoulder. "Look at this place. You've done wonderful. In the back of your mind you know that too."

"Not like you're b-biased or anything," they replied, with an audible smirk not quite covering up the stutter."


With no further ado, Prancer quickly changed into their four-legged self and hopped into BonBon's lap. A mildly shaky hand reached out to stroke them, the bell on their neck giving a few tinkles lost to the bouncing music still surrounding them.

"That's better," Prancer cooed, as BonBon's strokes began to steady.