Rose Mary meets Amun

29 days, 14 hours ago

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Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,

Remember me to one who lives there,

For she once was a true love of mine.

“Are you going to Scarborough Fair?”

A soft Voice was echoing over the high grass that was moving with the wind. And it instantly caught his gaze. It turned to the source of the singing. 

“Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme”

He hovered over the wild nature, which gently caressed his skin. It must be the one whose wish summoned him here this time… Amun, as a wishwing who grants a peaceful death, was not often summoned to places like this… Hospitals or beds, yes… but this Grass hill… the Mossy, wet floor he didn’t necessarily want to touch… The sun high… And a stream nearby, its sound mixing with the singing. What a pity… Such a relaxing voice, such a beautiful voice… But he had seen a lot of good or talented people dying…

“Remember me to one who lives there, for she once was a true love of-”. 

The singing stopped. Why did it stop? His curiosity got him flying faster until he spotted a place where the grass was trampled down a bit, but carefully not to hit the few wild flowers. But when he arrived, Amun had a surprised look on his face. Before him laid a wishwing, such as himself. Her dark brown hair was all over the place and her paper wings should have been soaking wet by now, the way she relaxingly laid on the moss. Her gaze was directed to her left, where an old woman laid. Her skin pale, her rosy cheeks and lips were still, as her chest by now. Was he too late? Did this woman accidentally summon two wishwings to give her a peaceful death? The other wishwing, having soft female features, sat up and laid the dead woman's arms onto her chest, placing a flower in her hands and softly stroking her cheek, for the last time, even though this was just but a shell by now. “You are late… I thought you would not come at all by now”, the wishwing now said. It had been her voice! not the Woman’s. “Excuse me… late?”, Amun asked, wondrous as the brown haired stood up. “She wished for a peaceful death, but also a fast one. I’m glad she didn’t suffer or anything. HEr wish was granted anyways but I won’t take lives”, the wishwing explained, she gave Amun a smile, “I’m sure you would have enjoyed her company, too. She was soft at heart, lovable even. My name is Rose Mary, I was here because she wished for company until her death”. Amun didn’t know how to respond for a moment. He had never been late… maybe he miscalculated when that Kid Altan was talking to him for hours and hours on… It wouldn’t happen again, but he let out a sigh. “I’m very sorry to be late, and sorry that you had to be here when I could not, but I’m grateful”, he explained. "Oh, don’t be. As said, I’m sorry you didn’t get to know her. She was wonderful and I’m sure you would have loved to grant her wish”. Amun nodded, slowly, “well… we had the same goal in the end, to give her peace”. “Indeed”, Rose answered. They both looked at each other for some time, looked like they didn’t know how to properly communicate with each other. “oh, my name is Amun, I didn’t tell you yet”. “It’s nice meeting you… we might meet again more in the future. I think wishes that you grant might often be tied to wishes that summon me”. Rose Mary’s gestures were as soft as her voice, as she sat down into the moss again, “she also wished me to accompany her until she is found by her grandchildren, but keeping hidden from them… Do you want to accompany me?”. As Amun thought about the question, he noticed the wishwing before him gazing at his wings in interest, and at his charm. “Do you mind if I ask for something in return?”, only when his words left his mouth he had noticed that his request had sounded weird, but to his surprise, the woman before him only gave him a smile that said nothing. “It depends on the request”, were her words. “Would you mind singing for me, too?”. Rose Mary patted onto the moss aside from her, “Sit down with me and I might”. And so, Amun did. The warm sun from above was a contrast to the cold floor, but it kinda had a relaxing effect. And then, The wishwing beside him began to sing again. “Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme,

Remember me to one who lives there, For she once was a true love of mine.”

“By the way… Do you also grant wishwing’s wishes?”. Amun was laying down by now, too, side by side with Rose Mary. “It doesn’t summon me but I would. Do you have a wish?”. “It is a wish for a friend… He’s a Wishwing too, but he has Wings of metal. As you can imagine, it’s anything but comfortable, especially when he wants to sleep. He doesn’t know a lot of things that can spend relief, but I think some company, or someone who cares for him while he sleeps, might help. He’s very cautious, so of course I would suggest you two get to know each other first…”. 

It was quiet for a while until Amun heard Rose’s voice again, relaxing him a bit. Maybe it was part of her abilities? or it was just her whole aura… “This is a very kind and considerate wish for your friend. If he wishes for that too, and is comfortable, maybe there is something I can do for him”. A smile was sneaking onto Amun’s lips. “But before that, I should get to know you better, too. I want to be sure to have made the right request to the right person”. “I understand that well. It’s normal to be critical nowadays - not all of us have good reasons either”. Amun nodded. In the far, he could hear people talking loudly, so he looked up, raising his torso above the grass level. “Oh, here they are… They are going to find her”. “They will. It was her favorite place, they were bound to look here sooner or later”.