
1 month, 3 days ago
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Why is this… So boring?




People are boring… They really are… Enjoying peace like that… 

The World is boring when it doesn’t burn…

So how do I ignite a spark?

Green eyes hovering over the Walls and the roof of the room, looking for something, searching for something to stop them, to hold them. But nothing did. Her thoughts wandered wild. When a knock suddenly stopped her thoughts. with a loud thud, she shifted her weight to the front while setting her heavy boots from the table to the floor. The chair loudly complained as it hit the plank floor, but it didn’t stop Aube from swiftly rising up and marching to the door. She took a calming breath. “May the lord save you who interrupted me”, she mumbled quietly under her breath, then she opened the door. A Soldier, two heads taller than her, stood in front of her now. She knew him, instantly recognised him, who was normally in full heavy armor. “Oh, what a pleasant surprise”, Minerva said in a soft tune, “Arron, if I recall correctly? What can I help you with?”. The man seemed to have been caught off guard by her cleavage. It had always been carelessly opened, but after sitting like this for hours and hours, it was loosened more than normally. She was used to people staring. Aube loved the staring. She leaned on the Doorframe, Minerva didn’t give Arron a hint that she had noticed his direct Gaze onto her boobs. “ah- uhm”. He tried to find words while quickly looking up to her face, which seemed to make him more insane though so he looked to the side. “I uh, thanks for your good work on the battlefield… I mean good fight… I mean I enjoyed fighting by your side… As a soldier!”. Aube didn’t need long to notice what he was on about. Every Child would have been able to see it. It would be a good way to stop her boredom… If she’d sew some distrust, some jealousy… He was not the only male suitor - heck she even had female suitors… Aube could easily send mixed signals… It would be some fun in this boring rebellious group against her brother. Minerva subtlety touched Arron’s arm. “I really enjoyed fighting by your side too, you are really an enrichment for us”. The way Arron blushed let Aube roll her eyes inside, not visibly of course. Oh god, he couldn’t make it more obvious, could he?

“oh, I’m glad to hear… I mean thanks for the compliment”. “Don’t worry about it, really. I mean it”, Minerva assures as she caressed his arm a bit, then she took her arm away from his, crossing her arms again, “And I’m sure you have a lot of other qualities too”. This made Arron look at her in a bit of a shock. And the shock forced his eyes to her face, averting his eyes made them fall down to her chest again, and to the Side. “Ah, yes, quite some… Maybe I can show you one day?”. “I’d sure enjoy that”. His face was all red by now, “you mean now?”he asked and took a step forward, but Minerva swiftly turned around in just that moment2, Today’s battle was tiring, maybe another day. We should both get some sleep”. She looked over her shoulder, “be sure to close the door before you leave, good night aaron”. The soldier was a bit dumbfounded, but nodded. “you’re right… Maybe another time then, good night Minerva”. Minerva watched him close the door before chuckling and laying onto her bed. “This is more fun now… Now I gotta do the same with some others”, she thought to herself as her legs started swinging like those of a little child. “I’m sure he would not like that too much… But this might bring even more spice”. Aube pictured her brother going mad and doing unspeakable crimes to the guys she’s flirting back with. This made her day