1 month, 29 days ago

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Solgaleo was wandering around his temple, trotting through the large gardens and vast open wheat fields, full of a magical-infused golden wheat. However, soon enough a thought had crossed his mind. It was harvesting season in his area, and these seemed to be in perfect pristine condition. He’d start to think to himself what he could do with it, or where he could exactly sell it. He knew that this was a more uncommon species of wheat, or type if you’d like to call it that. He’d then start to realize something. He still had that portal in the basement, or whatever it exactly was. He himself wasn’t completely sure if he had to be honest with himself.

He’d start to think of where he could exactly go. It’d cross his mind once again that there was a large distant town, and that he could rewire the portal to that exact destination. However, he’d realize there was a small catch. He’d have to be in a different form than the casual skire. It had been a long while since he had actually changed, and if he was going to be honest with himself once again, he absolutely hated his human form more than a lot of things. Though, it was mostly because of the appearance. 

His appearance in his human form kept a close theme to his normal, skire form that he’d take twenty-four seven. With his human form, he looked a lot like a child than an actual adult, despite being one. Or, full grown in this matter. But, that was mostly because even as a skire, he was a lot smaller than normal. And with his human form, it was a lot harder to convince people with it as he had an unnatural eye color, and his teeth were sharper than usual. Though, not like he smiled either way.

He’d take a deep breath, taking his sweet time to actually change his form so as to not have any flaws or errors occur as he believed it’d turn out worse if he didn’t be patient with it. His small, vibrant but soft yellow clawed limbs would slowly shift, getting a bit longer as the hands would gain an extra finger on each and the feet would gain an extra toe. The torso would gain a bit of length adding on to it, the fur would dissipate and the head would shift shapes, getting into a more-humanlike form. The tail would disappear, the ears would shrink to nothing, and the face would gain two eyes, though only one had an eye in it. Taken, it was an odd shift.

He’d stand up straight, off of all fours as he ruffled his hair and shut his left eye. He’d get out of the fields, walking up the steps and back into his temple before he’d open up a drawer to properly fix his hair as it looked like an extremely large reck as of now. He’d take out a brush, a comb and some hair gel to properly slick his hair into a certain position. He’d start to work on it, brushing out the tangles and such before using a comb to get some of the smaller bits. And finally, he finished up his hair.

Next, he’d have to get his clothing. He’d go over to a closet, one he had purely for when he was in his humanoid form. He’d grab the handles, turning them before pulling the doors open. He’d grab the under and uppershirt before sliding each on, pulling the fabric over before he’d then take out a pair of rather baggy pants, sliding them on and then wrapping two robes around the waist. He’d take out a small choker from the side drawer, tying it around carefully afterwards before he’d then slide his getas on.

After doing that, he’d apply soft makeup to give his facial-markings look a lot more artificial. He’d then take out his earrings at such, putting them in his ears after making a small hole due to it closing. In all honesty, it didn’t exactly hurt. After finishing up the outfit, he’d turn to one of the mirrors before taking one last deep breath before he’d start going upstairs. Why was he going upstairs? Because that was where the entrance to the basement resided. Although, it wasn't exactly convenient.  

He’d make it to the door upon going upstairs, heading down before getting to the same, pillared hollowed out area with the portal. He’d fidget with the wiring and magical settings before eventually hooking it up to his desired location. Upon doing so, he’d go back upstairs before opening up the door again. He’d walk over to one of his storage corners with all his garden and farming supplies, taking two bulky straw-woven baskets and a sickle. 

He’d make his way back downstairs, finding his way to the door. He’d push it open, walking through once again after letting the two doors shut behind him. He’d make his way down the steps and back into the fields. He’d stare at the several rows of golden wheat, the sickle being positioned over his shoulder. The wind eventually started up, rustling the golden wheat a bit before he’d quickly get to work. He’d re-position the sickle properly in his hands, taking another breath as to calm himself.

With his practiced hands, he’d start to slowly gather several bundles of the wheat, carefully binding them into sheaves and placing them in his baskets. His harvest of the fields took a while, however he only did a few sections. Or, could do a few sections before he had his two baskets fully filled. He’d take a good look, calculating what he could sell it for. Usually, the currency he’d trade it for would be useless over where it’d normally sell. However, he had recently found someone who’d trade that currency for crowns, so it was a good idea to sell this in his full honest opinion.

He’d take a deep breath, taking his tools and going over to the side, propping them against one of the smaller empty sheds around. After doing so, he’d make his way back through the fields, up the stairs and into the house once more. He’d walk through the long halls, retracing his slow steps back to the stairwell at the end. He’d then make his way up the steps once more. He’d look around the area again, quickly getting distracted that he had left a basket downstairs, one of the baskets holding half of the wheat he had been carrying.

He’d retrace his steps all the way down once more, getting extremely annoyed with himself because of his decision. Well, more or less the habit of forgetting or leaving things back in certain places, forgetting to take them. He’d go back down the stairwell, making his way back over to the door before he’d spot the woven basket carrying the golden wheat. He’d pick it up, propping it over his shoulder once again as he’d slowly make his way back down the long hallway and up the stairwell once again, grunting and sighing to himself out of heavy, pure frustration.

He’d open up the door to the far side after walking over, going inside as he shut the door behind him. He’d step down the stairs, slowly going at a soft pace as the ends of his footwear would hit the floor with a soft, wooden sound. He’d make it to the end, hearing the sound of the portal, illuminating an ambience  noise through-out the large cavern. He’d take several minutes to take in the surroundings, admiring the soft grass and the beautiful pillars still mostly standing tall with the large, round but sharp shaped corner in the middle of the area.

He’d take a deep, long breath before skipping through the portal with his baskets. In the blink of an eye with a small flash, he was somewhere completely different. He was in a place a lot more off than the original skirean world. The surroundings, atmosphere and wildlife was weird to him, though he’d seen it before a long time ago, tracing back to a few decades. He’d start to descend his way down the dirt path, kicking small stones and clumped pieces of dirt in the way just for the hell of it. Though, it was mainly to pass time.

Time would pass before he’d start to hear some chatter into the distance. His hand clutched the side of rope that slung one of his baskets. He’d then go to the noise before coming across a decent sized mini-market with small stands set up through-out a path with several floating lanterns, street signs and mini fence lanterns lining most of the stands and tents. He walked through, looking at all the odd people before he’d walk up to a vacant stand, taking his seat near the front as he’d lay out his wheat in even bundles as he separated them into smaller bunches.

He’d then think for a bit before he’d decide to do some quick shopping as to let time take its toll to allow some of the surrounding people to notice the futile existence of the new stand that had appeared. He’d reach into his pocket, taking out a small coveted coin pouch with about fifty golden coins inside the fabric. He’d skip around the area, looking for an interesting stand to stop at. He’d then notice one standing out of the group. A lovely red and blue stand, covered in gold trimming of which sold jars with an odd sparkling liquid inside.

He would notice the smell as well. It was strong, but rather sweet and citrus-y with a hint of chili-spice. He would walk over to the stand, analyzing the jars decorative patterns before picking out a crimson red and a light yellow. He would point to it, looking at the seller before they’d hold up five fingers. He would reach into his pouch, tossing them five coins before picking up the jar and putting it in his basket, more or less placing it into a more protective position to prevent the delicate glass from accidently shattering.

He’d look around the area, seeing if he could spot any other interesting stands. Everything else was rather bland, most of the stands being clothing or decorative items. Most of the ones he didn’t need, already had or just didn’t catch his attention. He would quickly smell something once again, quickly catching the disguised skires attention. He’d skip over before spotting a culinary stand with steak and vegetable kebabs. He’d stare at the menu before pointing to a certain type, staring at the individual behind. This time, they’d hold up two fingers as he tossed them the currency before taking one from the stand.

He’d make his way back to his stand after he finished the kebab, sitting down as people would come over, taking interest in his goods. Surprisingly, his stock sold out rather quickly which made him happier than usual. He quickly sold the last batch after a few minutes. And by the end, his coin pouch was completely full once again. He’d stand up, tossing his woven baskets over his shoulder once again as he’d take the jar out, take a small smell and then go on his merry way back down the path and to the portal.

He’d stare at the portal, looking back behind him as to make sure no one had followed before he’d hop through. Today was a very successful day for the skirean.