
Tol Show More
1 month, 8 days ago

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The cantina on tattooine was quiet. Of course it was, tattoine isn’t the top travel destination of anyone in their right mind. It’s hot, and sandy, and oh… hot. But that was okay with Tol, this time. Even though he loves to get wild, he just got back from a job, and just wanted to decompress. The hutts, they always want something, always. Tol decided to not stay at the hutts palace, like a lot of other bounty hunters for many reasons. The main reason being his bantha farm. It’s quiet, there’s barely anyone around, and the change of pace is always something he looked forward to after jobs. The other reason being, he didn’t want to feel like he belonged to anyone, given his past and all.

This job was different, he was sent to get someone from mandalore. That someone didn’t seem to have any importance, they just had a normal job, but it was very important to the hutts to have this person, alive. He didn’t ask questions, because he doesn’t get paid to ask questions. But now that it’s over, the cantina is empty, except the owner and a couple merchants, he couldn’t stop thinking about them. Of course, he wouldn’t do anything about these thoughts, but he can’t help but be curious sometimes. Ah well, he’s home, time to think about his banthas. As he sipped his drink, staring at the condensation ring on the bar, he was planning tomorrow’s day. His favorite thing is taming the banthas to ride. That’s what he was gonna do tomorrow. He had a couple young banthas that needed to be rideable, to make some extra money. No one was sure why he loved these banthas so much. One of his partners from a past job, cad bane, was pretty judgmental, asking why he chose to work with those “foul beasts.” It didn’t sit right with Tol, so that job wasn’t too enjoyable. His train of thought was interrupted, when the cantina owner stopped cleaning glasses, and just stared into the doorway of the cantina. The owner knew how Tol felt about them, and didn’t want to clean up a fight. Tol turned his head, and saw a few tusken raiders passing by on their banthas. He hated them. If it was up to him, he’d fucking get rid of them. But the respect they have for their banthas, means more to Tol than his hatred.

An hour or so later, the sun started to set, which means Tol needed to go home and rest. He didn’t have my big jobs coming up that he knew of, so he was planning on working his farm for a while. As he started walking home, the sand crunching beneath his feet, he wondered why he ended up here. Why didn’t I wait to escape to a different planet? He thought to himself. Of course he didn’t know anything at the time, but now that he’s seen the other planets out there, why did he end up here? He could always pack up and leave, but it was too late, he has his home here.

Moving from one hot, stupid planet to another just seemed to be his luck. He’s too good looking, too talented, to be where no one ever sees him. But regardless, he was so so grateful to be on this stupid planet, alive. After his childhood, and the jobs he takes, he’s still here, and even tho he’s here, he couldn’t be happier. He does enjoy the peace and quiet. But still, it doesn’t hurt to wonder.