Ascending Allegro [Exploring]

1 month, 13 days ago
1 month, 10 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 13 days ago

Another Exploration in Hidden Grove - A Growing Storm Threatens the Family Threatens Everything that they have Built

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Chapter One - Memories and Tranquil Airs

“Please, slow down! Crescendo!” Echo’s words resonated into the area as the Luxray-Cetitan chased after the energetic Litleo.

“Noooo! You are too slow papa! I’ll leave you behind if you aren’t faster!” Spinning on her heels, Crescendo turned to look straight at Echo as she kept running straight ahead - sticking her tongue out at the other playfully.

Unfortunately, she failed to watch where she was going this way… and tripped ears over tail over a tree root that was protruding painfully from the ground.

She was tumbling to the ground, landing straight on her face after doing a cartwheel due to her momentum.

“Oh Cresc…” Echo sighed as he walked up to Crescendo - slowing his pace as he slowly came to a stop before her.

He looked down at the fumbling Litleo, who just blinked up at him sheepishly. “Haha… oops?”  She giggled as she gave a wide-toothed filled grin at her adopted parent.

“However does Whisper keep up with you, little one?” Echo gave a soft smile as he reached down and pulled her up by her mane, carefully picking her up and setting her back upon her feet - right way up.

“He goes just as fast as I do! You should see him, papa! He runs like the wind!” Throwing her paws out wide to try and encompass the speed of wind, Crescendo beams up at Echo.

Echo just nods to her words - he can imagine. He did all he could to slow down his partner, to little avail. The other is as headstrong as the little cub he found in the grove a while ago. Just like each other they were… Fondly, Echo huffs.

“How about you slow down a little while walking - enjoy the breeze in your mane… and try not to scare all the wild Pokemon in a three mile radius, alright?” Pouting, Crescendo nods solemnly to Echo’s instructions - heeding them slightly as she took a few exaggeratedly slow steps, trying to trip Echo.

Not that it worked, the older Pokemon just gave her a cocked brow before laughing slightly at her antics.

The day was just starting to bloom - the sun taking its rightful place in the sky as the clouds shuffled slowly by - gently caressing the sun as they drift.

The vivid blue sky was bright as it expanded across their vision as it stretched between the fluttering leaves high above.

The grass rustled beneath them as they continued on their way - the blades bending underneath their paws as they venture off the dirt path and onto the plush foliage-covered area.

Flowers darted from the trees and bushes - their beautiful but riotous colors creating a cacophony of colors.

Crescendo giggled as she pounced forth - trying to catch a bending flower in her claws as her tail waved behind her in her excitement.

A squeak and a curse arose from a nearby log as a wild Patrat darted out - gnashing his teeth angrily at the young cub as he darted off, cursing the little girl for disturbing his slumber.

“Oh…” Crescendo just blinked at the way that the rodent Pokemon scurried - frozen in place due to his harsh language.

“I told you to calm down, be careful please. He was just resting before you disturbed him.” Echo gently scolded as he drew to Crescendo’s side - gently brushing against her as his tail wrapped around her, urging her forth.

Crescendo pouted… before sticking her tongue out down the path the wild Pokemon took. Echo just tilted his head at her - letting her know that he seen that. She froze upon the unspoken scolding as he stared down at her, brows pinched at her attitude.

“Finneee…” Slumping down in her steps, she crawled along - dragging herself as she made her displeasure known.

“Higher steps my dear, or you’ll trip again.” Echo chuckled at her dramatics, but she perked right back up as the flutter of wings drew both their attention upwards - various bird Pokemon alighting from a tree’s branch as they took to the sky in a shower of fiery leaves.

“Oh wow!” Look at them all! I’ve never seen that one before!” Crescendo danced around - her worries forgotten as she stared upwards with an agape mouth - gesturing towards a fierce Fearow - their wingspan large as they drifted high above - cawing out instructions to the other bird types around them.

“A Fearow - not a common sight around her. Usually incredibly territorial and aggressive towards trespassers - beware if you see them youngling. They are strong and will take you far away in their grasp if you anger them.” Words dire, Echo stared up at the Fearow - a distant memory tickling at the back of their head. Of when he and Whisper were younger - when the fiery then-Litleo/Zigzagoon had done just that. He had to rescue the temperous Pokemon - as a Fearow had taken him into its grasp and had taken him.

Echo hadn’t been able to catch up and had tripped over his own tail, useless to try and help. He hadn’t been able to do anything against the strong foe.

And as such, he gave Crescendo the warning.

The young Litleo turned back towards Echo - understanding that he was lost in his memory again, his mouth downturned as his brows drew down as whatever he remembered wasn’t pleasant.

“Got it papa! Don’t worry! I’ll be strong enough and will protect ALL of us from those pesky birds! They’ll stand no chance against me! I’ll be fierce and powerful - and my flames will be the hottest around! They’ll scorch the ground underneath you and e…e…ev-evaporate your water!” Stumbling over her words, Crescendo nonetheless puffed out her chest at her proclamation. Eager that her words would prove true one day - even though she knew that that day was not now. She knew she wasn’t strong enough - yet. But that’s okay!

She will get there one day!

And she’ll protect everyone at that! She promises that!

Grinning back at Echo, she let that linger in her mind - she’ll protect her papa and dad. They protect her and took her in, and she will definitely repay that! Even if they say she doesn’t have to.

She will one day.