Fountain Bloom Wishes

4 months, 16 days ago

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Through dancing lights and twisting banners, the small family were led up the hill towards the fountain. One tall muscular lop, a slender yet strong darker lop and two bouncing children of varying shades lead the way, jumping excitedly to lead their parents towards the main event. Even after eating and dancing, taking in the sights and sounds of the festival, the two were still brimming with energy. Rito watched both little toddlers bob and weave through the flowers, tails bouncing, and ears flopped back in the breeze. He smiled fondly as they walked, his own arms crossed over his chest while his tail remained looped through the dark lop’s tail at his side. They walked in time with little said between them but fond gazes finding their little ones as they enjoyed their first exploration into the sacred fountain bloom passage. They paused as they crested the hill and took in the glorious sigh. Rito chuckled and looked at Miri. This man. His longest friend, silent companion, and greatest comfort. “You know I initially had the plan to return here and wish for a future with someone. But it seems the bloom already answered that request,” Rito whispered with a soft flush. The big brute of a man rarely felt strong emotion and even rarer; displayed anything outside of casual happiness. He turned to face Miri and cupped his face. “My love, my moon. I am yours…. Thank you for the sweetest love I’ve ever known,” he whispered softly.

Miri’s eyes widened but then softened as he cupped Rito’s cheek and snuggled into his chest with a warm sigh. “Aye…. My Sun. Our future shall be sweetest together,” he said in a soft brief whisper before kissing his cheek. Rito smiled widely and snuggled Miri close before the excited shouting of their toddlers drew his attention away. He looked over to see them crouching by the water and then standing to call out to their parents with excited arm waving. “We’d best hurry before they jump into the fountain.”

“It wouldn’t shock me if they did,” Miri retorted playfully before he began to gracefully make his way down the hill while Rito slid down slowly to keep from falling over.

Near the water’s surface the two young Lopilu toddlers crouched down to touch the water. They were very young still and touched it gently, watching their reflections shimmer in the magical water. Rito sank down beside them and drew a bloom close. Dark in color with teal leaves. “We take a bloom…” he explained, holding it in his hands. “Gently we whisper our desires to bloom and let them float back to the others. If we wish well enough, it should come true in the following years,” he explained. Both Rito and Miri had a very early understanding: never talk down or baby talk with their little ones. Speak to them as though they understand and if they do not they will always ask or be able to understand in time. Both toddlers looked up at him with wide curious eyes before Miri stuck out his staff to pull two small blooms in towards each tot. “A kind wish does well for you and the person you wish for. Selfishness only instills more selfishness in the world,” Miri mused sagely. Both toddlers exchanged their gazes when Miri spoke and paused to understand. Then, with a nod they looked at their own respective pale blue blooms. Miri gently grasped a red bloom and held it in his hands, looking at Rito with a soft smile.

Rito smiled, “I’ll show,” He whispered before speaking softly. Normally one wouldn’t utter it out loud but he figured the fountain would forgive if only to share with a younger generation. “I wish for my toddlers to be happy, healthy and to have the best childhood we can provide,” He whispered while the bloom gently glowed before he sank it down to the water’s surface. He pulled his hands back and smiled at them. “Wish for what helps you… but also others if you can,” He explained.

Miri showed how to do it silently, bowing his head and thinking of his own magical wish before letting the red bloom hit the waves. The red bloom and dark bloom danced side by side while awaiting the two smaller blooms. “You don’t have to say it out loud either… no one should know the wants of the heart if they are not ready.”

With that both toddlers grasped their blooms, whispered to the leaves, and clenched their eyes shut before plopping them into the water and ushering them off to join the larger blooms. The two smaller blooms butted up against the larger before the quartet slowly drifted off to join the others. All four sets of eyes watched as they floated away, happily awaiting the approval of the fountain. When the light began to fade and both toddlers began to yawn, both fathers scooped up their children and made way for the festival down the way.

“I’m so glad I chose you,” Rito whispered softly to Miri. “Aye, and I you.”