Thinking of You

1 month, 7 days ago

Ness and Violet ignore their work to think about each other instead.

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“Heya Violet!” Ness jumped and bounced onto the couch, right next to the fantastical side. Ness wore a huge smile on his face. He’s holding his backward cap like it might fall off even after landing on the couch. “Ness? How’s it going, pinwheel?” Violet turned his attention from his notebook to the passionate side, a short smile spread to his lips when Ness bounced as he spoke. “It’s SO great! I was trying to write fanfic but I got writer’s block so I had to stop.” Ness spoke with incredible enthusiasm as if writer’s block was the greatest thing in the whole world. “..That’s great how?” Violet watched as Ness tilted his head at the question like he forgot what they were talking about, and knowing Ness he probably did. Then, a millisecond later his face lit up again like fireworks. “It isn’t. BUT after I got the writer’s block, it started to get great,” Ness said and grabbed a nearby pillow to hug close to him. Warmth spread to Violet’s face, that pinwheel always looked so cute doing the most random things. A short silence followed as Violet stared at Ness before he laughed. "Right, what happened after then, dingus?” Violet shifted his body to face more toward Ness. Ness, of course, paused to try to remember both what Violet’s question was and what happened earlier. Once he remembered, Ness giggled and hugged his pillow closer. “I started thinking about you, obviously!” Ness said it with such confidence like it was the only correct response. The heat in Violet’s cheeks only spread, he didn’t think of that, a funny fanfic or a new cartoon obsession, sure but Ness thinking about him? “Me?” Violet raised his brow as Ness gaped at Violet’s apparently offensive question. “Yeah you, doofus! Trying to get myself to get creative reminded me of you, because you are always SO good at writing then I started to think about how cool your outfits are and how pretty your eyes are–” Violet pushed Ness’ shoulder a bit causing the other to stop his rant to giggle. Violet’s face was surely redder than a stop sign right now, he hoped that Ness didn’t take too much notice. “Okay–okay! I think I get it, pinwheel. You think that much about me, huh?” Violet meant it to be a playful tease but when Ness messed with his gloves, something Violet picked up on being a nervous gesture from the writer, he got worried. That worry washed away from the fond smile that Ness held for Violet. “Of course I do, you’re so awesome,” Ness said, in a softer tone than before. Violet’s heart almost stopped. He adjusted himself to look carefree before responding, trying to put as much genuine care into what he said next. “Well. I think about you too.” Violet almost whispered and looked away, missing Ness’ initial reaction. When he was met with silence Violet turned towards Ness again only for a squeal to startle him and two arms wrapping themselves around Violet in a tight embrace. “Really??? You do? What about me?” Ness bounced in his hug with Violet. “All good things. You got the cutest laugh, first off.” Ness seemed to calm down as he tilted his head, clearly not expecting Violet to talk about it. Violet only took it as a challenge as he continued. “Second, you’re the best to watch cartoons with and you don’t mind singing every song with me.” Violet returned the tight embrace as Ness began to laugh. “Who wouldn’t want to sing for three hours straight with you, Violet?” Ness asked. Whatever Violet was working on was long forgotten, all he could really think about was the cute multi-colored side basically vibrating at a few compliments. “Haha, well. Since we are already thinking about each other, let’s get another cartoon binge, just the two of us, eh pinwheel?” If possible, Ness bounced more and unwrapped his arms from around Violet to get up from the couch. Violet watched with amusement as Ness jumped around the room. “YAY! I was hoping you’d asked, let’s get this binge started– OH! I’ll get the snacks!” Ness abruptly ran towards the kitchen, leaving Violet alone in the room. Violet looked over his open notebook and absentmindedly tossed it to the side, he grabbed the remote and began looking for a show to binge with his favorite pinwheel.