Rin poems

1 month, 18 days ago
1 month, 18 days ago
2 235

Entry 2
Published 1 month, 18 days ago

poems :3

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meow :3 (not it's not about cats)

I have a fear for venting,
After an incident in the past, everything still clings on me.
Hence, I have a fear for venting.

I have a fear for venting,
People listen to me but the thought that they too, have their own problems overlap the reassurance they give me.
It makes me feel bad. Selfish. Unthoughtful. Self-centred.
Hence, I have a fear for venting,

I have a fear for venting,
and it has ruined me completely.
My negative thoughts will always throw away my positive thoughts.
Hence, I have a fear for venting.