Tutoring you was a mistake (and then it wasn’t)

1 month, 2 days ago
21 days, 17 hours ago
2 2672

Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 2 days ago

Arven is tired. Every day’s the same old cycle: skip class, do something by himself, sleep.

At least, that’s how it is before a certain idiot wanders into his life.

(No pokemon/high school/none of the cousins are very close au (with elements of hsm) cws: Minor swearing)

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Day 0

“Wait, you want me to do what?”

“Do I need to repeat myself, Arven?” His tone carried more amusement than anger.

“Uh, no.” Arven awkwardly sat down, “Sorry, Cla- Director Tanaka.”

Clavell smiled at his godson. “You know we’ve done away with the whole last names policy. Principal Clavell is fine.”

“Okay.” He glanced at the older man, “But my grades are also… bad. I didn’t think I’m the right person to tutor someone.”

Clavell shook his head, “You’re the perfect person. You will both be positive influences on each other.”

They both glanced up when Director Moore- Principal Cyrano- entered the office. He gave a nod and a smile at Arven, “Vellie, we still on for that date?”

“Oh, of course!” Clavell stood up, “I’m surprised you remembered.”

“I couldn’t forget something as important as this!” Clavell laughed in return.

The two walked to the door, but Clavell quickly turned back to Arven. “Your first session is today after classes, and his info is in the folder of the desk.”

Arven didn’t get a chance to protest as his godfather left.


He shoved his way through the hallway several hours later. His godfather knew he didn’t go to class and still expected him to do this?

He broke through a girl with pink hair and a girl with blue hair holding hands- ignoring a glare from the brown haired girl holding pink girl’s other hand. If he stopped to apologize, he would realize that all three were his cousin’s friends and possibly feel some regret. He didn’t stop, though.

Arven jogged up the stairs to the library floor- the highest one. He pushed through the doors and glanced around, no one sitting and waiting. He grabbed a seat on the balcony by the stained glass windows and waited.


Ten minutes later, he guessed that he’d been stood up. Arven stood and stretched, pushing in his chair. Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to a different pink haired girl.

“Excuse me, are you Drayton’s tutor?”

Arven hadn’t even looked at the folder, but this would be some hell of a coincidence.

“Uh, yeah.” He paused for a second, “Name’s Arven.” He held out his hand, just to be polite.

The girl smiled, “My name’s Lacey! Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” He frowned, “If you’re friends with him, you must know why he’s so late.”

“I’ll be honest,” Her smile wavered. “He thought he could get away with skipping, but I called him. He’s on his way now.”

Arven sighed. “Of course he is.” He sat back down as Lacey chuckled and patted his shoulder.

“Good luck!” She paused for a second, “You’ll need it.”


Arven’s attention snapped up from his phone when he heard the sound of a chair scraping the floor across from him. He shoved his phone in his pocket as the guy immediately placed his elbows on the table and rested his head on them.

“So, teach,” He grinned, “What’re we learnin’?”

Arven scowled. “Firstly, why would you try and skip? This was assigned.” He stood, “Secondly-” Arven cut himself off when he noticed the guy, Drayton, lazily drag his eyes up and down his body.

He sat down with clenched fists and an embarrassing flush.

“Damn. You work out, teach?”

“Shut up.” Arven was already sick of this guy. Better influence my ass. “And my name’s Arven. Stop calling me teach.”

“I’ll stop when it rains cats and dogs, teach.” 

Just as he said that, the two heard a strangled yowl and watched as a cat fell past their window. Someone yelled, “Ready the trampoline! Don’t let Fluffy hit the ground!”

They blankly stared at each other. “…I’ll stop.”


“-And then you carry the two here.” Arven looked up from the tablet, “Are you even listening?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah. Totes.”

Arven placed his hands on the table. “Why can’t you pay attention?”

“Oh,” He smirked. “Maybe I just need motivation.”

“…What kind?”

He lifted his head off the table and leaned back in the chair, kicking his feet up on the table, causing light to glance off of the two lip piercings Arven didn’t even realize he had. “Let’s make a deal, Arv?”

Arven raised an eyebrow.

“If I pass my next test, you’ve gotta give me a kiss.”

Arven froze. On one hand, it would motivate him and get him better grades, then making his godfather proud of him. On the other hand, it would mean associating with Drayton more and, essentially, being used. It was almost an easy decision.


Drayton almost fell out of his chair. “Wait, really?”

Arven sighed. “If it makes you work, then yeah. Sure.”

Drayton’s eyes widened, and he put his feet back under the table. “Let’s get to work, then.”


Arven jumped up to answer the knock at his door. He blinked at his cousin, who smiled at him. “Hey, primo!”

“What’s up, lil buddy?”

The girl shrugged, “I dunno. I just felt like checking in. And,” She dragged someone into view, “I wanted you to meet someone.”

The guy grinned awkwardly. “Hey.”

Arven hesitated, before opening the door and letting the duo in.

“It’s been a while since we last chatted, huh?” Sarah smiled, “It’s good to catch up.”

Arven nodded. “Have I missed anything big with the family?”

“With everyone else? I don’t know.” She shrugged, “Haven’t talked to Gladdy until very recently. Lillie too. Oh, and Perrin’s off in Japan.”

“Huh.” He’d thought she was closer with everyone.

“I actually only reached out to Gladdy- and you, actually- because of him!” She patted the guy on the shoulder, “Arv, meet Hugh! My boyfriend!”

“Nice to meet you.” They shook hands, “Sarah’s told me a bit about you.”

“She has?” Sarah shrugged in response, and Hugh chuckled. Arven glanced at his cousin, “Wait, what inspired this check in?”

“Oh, so Hugh and I are in this Pokémon club-”

“Of course it’s Pokémon.”

“-And one of our, but more Hugh’s, friends was talking about you.”

Arven sighed. “Was his name Drayton?”

Sarah laughed, “Yup.” 

She and Hugh exchanged a look, “He seemed very… intrigued by you.” The two burst out laughing at “intrigued” as Arven sighed and wondered what he got himself into.