"Heavy Motherfucking Tall Ass Bitch"

1 month, 10 days ago

Krylya is sleep deprived, Cynibirus is irritable, Jasi is silly.

i wrote this while half asleep

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Krylya stared at the mirror in front of him, silent and still—like that of a stone statue firmly rooted in the ground, a statue left untouched for eons before and eons to come. He closed his eye and it felt like a year passed within the span of a split second before he reopened it. It was then that he realized his eye burned with exhaustion, the effects of sleep deprivation feasting on his brain and body. He could feel his mind slowly shutting down as he stood; the idea of falling asleep standing up was both extremely appealing and extremely horrifying right now.

He jolted back to full alertness, brain waking back up, the sound of a crash and a shatter reverberating through the air. It took longer than a mere moment for him to process the disturbance before he slowly turned around and slunk through the house in an effort to figure out what had caused the noise. As he wandered down the stairs, careful not to trip, he caught a glimpse of a shattered plate on the kitchen floor and an annoyed Cynibirus angrily whispering at Jasi.

Krylya stared, not yet making his presence known for the most part. He listened close, although he didn't fully process a single word spoken.

"Come on, you could've woken him up!" Cynibirus whisper-shouted at Jasi, looking around in search of something to use to clean up the mess.

Jasi scoffed. "Like I said, it wasn't my fault that somebody put the plates into the cupboard wrong," he remarked with a glare.

Krylya finally took a step forward, the floorboards creaking under his weight as he approached the two. 

"What the hell?" Cynibirus spun around at the sound, noticing Krylya. "Oh. It's just you. Wait... Kryls? What are you doing awake? It's the middle of the night, you need to get rest." Cynibirus met him in the middle with a stern stare, unhappy with how obviously sleep deprived Krylya appeared.

"I'm fine, I'm not tired, I don't need any rest today," Krylya slurred, almost unintelligible.

"That's a load of bullshit. You're practically falling asleep right in front of me. Come on, let's get you to bed," the fuzket sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he grabbed Krylya's hand and began to tug him back towards the stairs.

"But I'm not tired," Krylya whined like a petulant child as he slowly started to lean against Cynibirus, already beginning to doze off.

Cynibirus hissed in alarm, taken off guard. "Hey! Don't fall asleep on me!" he yelped, though it fell on deaf ears as Krylya promptly passed out on him. "Damn it... Heavy motherfucking tall ass bitch," Cynibirus cursed at the alatura, momentarily struggling as he dragged the taller man up the stairs.

After what felt like an eternity—and a day's worth of a workout—he managed to pull Krylya all the way into the bedroom. With shaking arms and waning strength, he shoved the glorified dead body equivalent into bed. Cynibirus sighed, gently pulling all the blankets over Krylya with a smile.

The sleepy man in question shifted and, barely half awake, shuffled his sweater off in an attempt to cool himself down within the blanket hell. Cynibirus took the sweater and neatly folded it before placing it on the chair at the other end of the room.

The other watched over Krylya as he fell asleep again, staring with a fond gaze. He watched Krylya's chest rise and fall with each breath, each moment of his life passing by and passing through such a fragile and fleeting body, one that could malfunction at any moment.

Cynibirus hesitated, though soon slipped under the covers with the sleeping figure, resting his head upon the chest of his lover. The silence of the outside world around them allowed for him to listen to the steady pulse of magic that rung through Krylya's chest and faded across every vein in his body. A pulse that could end abruptly at any second that ticks by.

He cherished every moment he had, taking note of every twitch, every breath, every detail of Krylya. He stared up at the man's face, memorizing every detail down to the almost invisible scar on his cheek. He reached a paw up, tracing his claws over Krylya's cheek. He stared so intensely he thought it would be the only thing he'd ever remember. The fuzzy skin against his hands was all the reassurance he needed to calm his anxieties.

If Krylya were to die right now, he'd still have memories.

Finally, Cynibirus closed his eyes and let himself rest. Consciousness slipped from his mind. The two slept in peace, the silence of the night nothing more or less than simply comforting.

Jasi, standing in the doorway, stared at the two men sleeping so soundly. It was just too cute to interrupt... Looks like he'd be sleeping on the couch tonight.

Author's Notes

big thank you to my own sleep deprivation for giving me the idea to write this