Crystal Animamates: Story Quest 1

23 days, 12 hours ago

As Rosalind slowly moves from sleep to wakefulness, her mind is stirred by a chorus of whispers, gently moving through her consciousness.

It is time to fulfill your destiny!

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The other senshi mentioned in this piece is Sailor Variscite Melodious Blackbird, who belongs to dA member makolatte

As Rosalind slowly moves from sleep to wakefulness, her mind is stirred by a chorus of whispers, gently moving through her consciousness. 

 It is time to fulfill your destiny!

Blinking awake, she finds herself in a room with shining walls, empty but for a doorway. A jolt of panic surges through them, and out of habit they raise their right hand to run their fingers over the heart locket they always wear, only to be met with their bare collar bones. Glancing down, Rosalind realizes she’s in the same strange uniform she wore when she awoke in that playground all those weeks ago, after a particularly bad spell of sleepwalking. There is still a base layer of panic beneath their skin, but Rosalind also gets the distinct feeling that the place she is in right now is safe. it feels warm, and full of light. Only as they begin to calm down and process this do they notice something else. They are not alone. In this glowing room with it’s single door, there is another figure, dressed in a similar uniform, with shades of black and green. There’s a tattoo on her leg that catches Rosalind’s eye; a beautiful black dragon wrapping itself around the woman’s fair skin. 

With a sudden jolt, Rosalind realizes she has been staring silently at this strange woman’s legs for, possibly, a worrying amount of time. They clear their throat politely, and offer a bright and dazzling smile to the dark haired stranger, along with a cute little wave complete with a wiggle of her fingers, tipped in perfectly polished pink nails. 

“Heya!” she tilts her head, and reaches out to offer the hand she just waved with “I’m Rosalind. Everyone calls me Roz, though.” Roz pauses, looking the oman up and down again before glancing around the featureless room “So, do you know where the fuck we are?”