First meeting

Zenith decides to visit his good friend Astrolas, only to run into a surprise guest.

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Ah, another boring afternoon... Zenith thought it would be nice to visit his dear friend Astrolas. Maybe even bring a nice blueberry pie as a gift. He put on his Angelic Wing Cloak and was about to leave when Penumbra ran up to him, almost tackling his owner. A lil ear scratching and a belly rub later (for both him and the soon joining and loudly complaining Solar) Zenith was free to go.

He entered the magical shop, but his buddy was nowhere to be seen. He looked around in the kitchen as he placed the pie down, he even said hi to Jerma, but still nothing. Then he heard a "in the garden!", so naturally, he checked the garden.

What he did not expect to see was Astrolas having tea with his dead wife. 

-Wow Zenith, one would think you'd have more to say to me after all this time. - said the way too alive looking satyr.

It has been at least a solid minute since Zenith even muttered a single word. 

-Astrolas please tell me. That I'm just seeing things and this is not my wife sitting next to you.

The other browbird hesitated for a second. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it.

-I... I am sorry Zenith, but she is very much real. - Astrolas finally confessed. 

Zenith turned to the satyr at the table who took another sip of her tea. Once they made eye contact, she smiled at the confused bird. And a second later, it all went dark.

-Zenith!! Zeniiiith! - Astrolas yelled, waking the knocked out Zenith up finally. He stopped shaking the blue browbird and stood up, holding his hand out to help his friend up. Zenith accepted, trying to get himself together and try to remember what just happened. Astrolas, the pie, Polaris, te- Polaris?? He snapped his head to where he last saw the satyr and lo and behold; she was still there. She sighed and stood up, stopping in front of the confused brow. 

-Sooo? Or are you only chatty in your dreams, Prince of Velos Yonn? 

-How did you get here? I thought I failed and that you were... you were...

-What, dead? I was. That little amulett of yours did something, something I am still a bit sure about myself. Or maybe it was your astral aspect, who knows? 

Zenith's face went pale the more Polaris spoke about the past. It made him sick to think about all the things he messed up, all the lives that were lost thanks to his mistake and how he cannot do anything to make it better. 

-Zeniiiiith. - she tried interrupting his spiraling thoughts. - You still with us?

-Honestly, not really. I need to sit down. 

-Let me get another chair. - Astrolas said as he helped his friend to the table. - Some tea?

-Uhm. Sure. 

He nodded, disappearing soon as he stepped in his house. Leaving Zenith and Polaris alone for a second.

Silence settled. 


-Still nothing? Come on Zenith. You begged me for another chance and this is what you try to win me back with?

-Wait so that dream... was it all real?

-As real as any other dream. But if you mean I was there, yes. Although I don't see why that would be surprising to you, we used to meet like this all the time. Or have you forgotten it? 

-I... well... yes. I'm sorry. 


Polaris was genuinely surprised.

-I barely remember things from Velos Yonn, let alone from before the incident. I don't know what really happened and what was just a living nightmare. 

His voice quiet, Zenith couldn't bring himself to look in her eyes. Or well, eye, as half of her face was covered in butterflies.

Silence once more settled between them.

Thankfully, it didn't last long. Astrolas popped up, carrying a chair over to the little table. Another turn and he came back with a new cup, a teapot full of freshly made tea.

-Do you mind if I cut up the pie? 

-Hm? Oh, not at all. That's why I made it. 

-Lovely, wait another moment then. 

The two watched their eager friend disappear in the door again.

-Are you really alive? 

It was Zenith who broke the silence this time. 

-Yes. To be specific, I think I am in a state between being alive and being dead. Leaning closer to alive. 

He nodded. Curious to find out how this was possible, but definitely not in the mental state to be able to take in any kind of information regarding it. 

-See it for yourself.

Zenith hesitated, but reached for her hand. Their fingers intertwined. What a simple gesture, but oh how he missed her being close. And in general, alive. 

-I missed you, Polaris.

Astrolas finally returned, now with a small tray in hand; the pie, a few plates and forks and a knife on it.

-Sorry for taking so long, I had to find this. 

He placed it on the table, finally settling down next to his friends. He cut a slice for each of them, the smell of the freshly baked pie made him smile.

-You bake now? - the satyr turned to Zenith.

-Had to pick up a new hobby to not go insane. Again.

-Sooo, how did you two meet? Somehow both of you forgot to mention you were married to each other. - he tried to join in on the conversation. He was still so surprised by the fact that his two most recent friends were married. Somehow.

-I could ask the same from you, Astrolas. Not the marriage part, of course. 

Polaris just chuckled. 

-Oh well uhm... it surely is an interesting story. But I think we have time. But after that, it's your turn Zenith. 

-Sure. - He faintly smiled.

And so, the scholar began to explain the story of a surprise visitor in his dreams. And the prince began to share about his curse.

And the three chatted all afternoon, a bit more cheerfully than before.

Author's Notes

No proofreading, we die like men