Something Unknown, an Unknown Visit

23 days, 19 hours ago

Mild Violence

Somebody returns...

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Gabriele is in a forest walking, until somebody, very familiar, is approching, he's an unknown villain from the past that he faced during a Wendaly Patts's older adventure.

He wanted to seek revenge for something unkown!
"After all these years and growing up, do you know who will taste the fate between me and you?" 

Gabriele punches him in the full face anyway. Then he tried to kick him in the groin but eventually avoided it!

"Not bad for a grown up man! Prepare to perish!" He says while trying to stab him with small sharp wood logs but Gabriele avoids all of those, thus kicks him in the face too.

"You really made me angry! Taste this for the last ti-" But Portal, a superhero about portals, came in and defeats the villain by teleporting him into a prison.

Then he teleports Gabriele in the street near the heroic man's house. Gabriele thanks him and then goes to his own home very happy to having fought proudly!

Capo Tartaruga did got informed from his servants that Gabriele is still aware of him, and the turtle humanoid seeks to plan his Earth conquest...