Skire Prompts

1 month, 5 days ago
4 days, 7 hours ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 month, 5 days ago

A collection of texts I wrote for the prompts for the arpg :]

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Finding home prompt - May 2024 (730 words)

Tiko heaved out a groan as he bent forward and let go of the heavy cardboard box he was holding, putting his hands on his hips to observe his work.

He had recently moved place, deciding to house in a small, comfortable little rural village. He liked the secluded nature of it all, but most importantly, he had worked incredibly hard for this little piece of the village.

He wondered if he had forgotten something when he straightened in a snap and ran back to the portal.

It was another thing he favored : fast transportation. That way he could easily navigate between places (but it was mostly so his relocation was easier), and this place had a bunch of portals leading to various areas of the world. That way, he could visit multiple places and never get bored, heck, he could even make his own portal! He'd just have to do a bunch of research in the matter, to be super safe.

He ran to his -old- home as fast he could, out of breath -he really needed to exercise more-, feeling the little rocks under his feet, claws digging in the ground with every step. He could hear the birds here, they were quite loud and active, while back at his new place the main thing he heard were discussions between skireans and various artificial noises.

He barged in his old place, heading straight for his bedroom, and picked up the last box. It was various little trinkets he had collected along his various trips all over skire. He loved exploring and he loved collecting various things just the same.

He carefully closed the door behind him, hiding the key in a pot on a nearby window like he was asked to and took his time to walk on the way back. He'd lie if he said he would miss this place; in reality, he never really got attached to any place he had lived in, even for the ones he spent multiple years in. He never truly had a home of his own. Of course, whenever he moved to somewhere else he'd treat it like his new home but the feeling never truly lasted. He wondered if one day he'll find his home.

He traversed the portal and walked through the colorful back alleys and back to his new place, box in hands.

Collecting all his things that he had haphazardly left stranded in the entrance, he pushed it all aside and closed the door behind him.

He was lucky to have found a house that had an upper floor and a balcony honestly.

He scratched his head, bringing his eye orb up from where it had been carefully resting down his abdomen and parted his lips so the eye could nestle there and immediately got to work. He grabbed a box labeled kitchen and began to move all the boxes to their corresponding areas, opening them and emptying their content on a counter, on the floor or on the bed.

He'd have to install shelves on the walls for his various trinkets but the furniture already there was more than sufficient. The house was sufficiently big for one person. He guessed it would be probably kind of small for two people but why would he live with anyone anyways.

There were plenty of windows and so plenty of light. It was somewhere in noon so the sun was high in the sky and have not yet began its descent.

He had turned on the light and the sun was long asleep when he was about done with it. He set down a beautiful seashell on the shelf above his bed, next to various rocks and trinkets he held dearly close to him and wiped his hands, taking a few steps back. He fixed the angle of a rock just slightly and nodded to himself, satisfied.

"Well that's about it." He murmured to himself.

He turned around to look at his room. It was big. Sufficiently so. And he loved it. He felt at ease. He would say he felt at home but something was missing. Something he thought might be important but he didn't know exactly what. But for now he kept the thought to the side of his mind and contentedly let himself fall on the bed, allowing the feeling of "home" to encompass him.