A New Home (Skire 2024 event)

1 month, 23 hours ago

After enduring awful living conditions for years, Vette goes with Baker to start a life she always wanted. This is a direct sequel to Skirentines 2024: Hope.

NOTE: This was very rushed to get it finished before the deadline. Everything is not polished and will be quite rough

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Getting out of that soggy shack I tried to call home was the best feeling in the world! So was feeling the wind in my face when Baker took me to the clubhouse. I didn't mention to him I hadn't rode a motorcycle ever, and it was a great experience! The ride was pretty long, though. I thought Baker lived closer; I had no idea he came from a different city just to see me. I couldn't imagine the weather he navigated through to check on me. If it was anything similar to the storm we drove in, I felt terrible for letting him do that. The rain soaked both of us, but it didn't faze him one bit. He had his helm slanted down enough to keep the ran out of his eyes, so did I, yet mine didn't prevent the rain from drenching my face. I had to deal with that to be on the road to a better life, then, to my surprise, we arrived at this big mansion with a fountain in the front yard and a twelve car garage. There were so many decorative windows, too! I couldn't see much else from the rain obscuring the view, though. I remember looking at Baker after he carefully rolled us into the garage, shocked and a little excited to be in a mega mansion, but also confused.

"I thought you said we're going to the clubhouse?" I asked. His first response was a cute chuckle that instantly melted my heart. It didn't match his appearance at all; that made it even cuter!

"Sorry about that, Vette! I didn't think about clubhouses normally being a smaller building. If it'd make you feel comfortable, we have a guest house that's similar to a regular ho-"

"No, no, no! This perfect!" I exclaimed with delight and a big grin. "I dreamt of being in something luxurious like this! It's big, it's elegant, it even has a giant yard! I wanted to walk in mansion, now you're saying I'm going to live in one?!"

Baker was so tickled at my reaction. I'm sure I heard a chuckle come out of him as I bounced around and went to the nearest door, holding my basket of Sand Hearts tightly, then he approached to open the door for me. I had my hand on the knob when he did it, but it was a super sweet gesture I didn't experience much when I lived alone. He was always a kindhearted Pod under his intimidating look. He gave me a quick tour and introduction to everyone living in the mansion, then there was this big dinner in the dining room, and I listened to everyone's stories. They all had drastically different lives until they came here, it seemed. Before the club, they were either homeless, in a rough spot, or a small time criminal, which got me thinking; what about the club made them turn their lives around so easily? I had that question since the dinner, and would've taken it to my room if I had chosen one. Thank goodness Baker remembered.

He had finished washing the dishes before coming to me with my favorite charming grin of his. It looked so adorable him! "Sorry, Vette. I should've showed you your room before dinner started."

"Oh, it's fine! I enjoyed it and it'll be one to remember!" It took a second for me to realize how sad that sounded, but Baker went along with it. "Soooo where's my room going to be?"

"Well.…I would've left it a surprise, but it'll be better to tell you. We're sharing the same room together."

I was silent for a moment before grinning at him. He wanted to be in the same room as me? That made the day a thousand times better in my head! I couldn't wait, so I had him take me up to the biggest bedroom in the mansion where I'd finally feel like I'm safe and comfortable. That hope of being in a better life was coming true so fast, I didn't know what I wanted to do! Oh, but I had to figure out where to put all the Sand Hearts he gave me. I didn't have anything, though, so they stayed in the basket on his desk so I could get on the bed and lay there, basking in the soft glow of the chandelier. Baker joined shortly after, laying down right next to me and staring at the ceiling. All of it felt amazing to me, but not as amazing as his hand delicately sliding under mine to gingerly hold it. I didn't notice for a few seconds until he gave a gentle squeeze.

"Vette, welcome home." He said with a soft and genuine voice, topping it off with that lovely smile. I kept looking at the ceiling despite the tears welling up in my eyes, but I couldn't hold it back for long. I quickly latched on to him and bawled my eyes out. I'm sure it worried him for a moment because he was quick to hold me and gently rubbed my back to calm me down. The poor Pod…I could've told him why I cried, but the happiness was too much then. I had finally found my home and the people I now call my family.

The End