Speck's Backstory

4 years, 11 months ago

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This one's another alien with no memories before landing on my stories' equivalent to Earth. His base form is what I'm going to refer to as a "void shrimp".

When Speck landed, he noticed that it was hard for him to move past a certain area. So for many years he just waited in the crater that had formed upon impact. Partly due to his deconstruction powers, partly due to weathering, the crater got deeper. At some point a person happened across him and thought he was some sort of demon; which while debatably true, nonetheless hurt his feelings. So he changed his form into something less threatening. People seemed much more receptive to him after that. As soon as they came within a certain range of him, he'd know everything they knew, though he tried to hold back on the specifics. Mostly he'd just learn the languages they spoke and would keep track of their intentions.

He became friends with one person in particular. She originally jumped in the hole he resided in as an attempt to help him out of it, but that proved to be too difficult, so she just came by to visit him every once in a while. She'd bring stuff sometimes, and he'd show off his deconstruction/reconstruction abilities. Sometimes she'd bring things he'd been exposed to before in order to "fix" them (it's more like he'd break down the broken one and make a copy of when it wasn't broken). On one occasion, she brought an oven and Speck somehow was able to repurpose some energy to get it working. She was aiming to be a baker and wanted to practice somewhere more secluded than back at her home. He found it extremely fascinating to create something new instead of just a copy of something that had exited prior. Even when his friend wasn't around, he'd try making stuff on his own. She'd offered for him to eat some of the stuff they made, but he informed her that his body didn't really work like that. Deconstructing stuff was pretty much how he "ate".

He got very lonely on days where no one showed up. He didn't mind at first, but there was a stretch of time where even his friend stopped coming by. It was after someone put up a sign nearby, but not near enough for Speck to read what it said. He had a vague idea, though. Some nights he'd just lay down and stare at the sky until the sun came up, then he'd sit up and watch his shadow as the day went on until it was night again.

His friend finally came back. She seemed a bit off this time. He tried not to think about it. She offered to try out another recipe, and he agreed and tried to act like everything was fine. While his back was turned, she got a knife ready; he pretended not to take note of it. She went to stab him, and although he dissolved the blade before it reached him, the action cut deep. He tried to play it off like he didn't realize what she was trying to do and that she just tripped or something. She went along with it. She asked to leave. He knew what was going to happen. He let her go. She wasn't going to come back in.

A few days of isolation later, a whole group of people showed up. They were dressed in black. One in particular decided to lower herself in the hole. The rest seemed nervous. Speck realized she knew more about what he was than even he had. They had a somewhat pleasant conversation. It was mostly about his intentions and whatnot. Like whether he was acting all nice to "lure in prey", which he took offense to. He set up some chairs and a table to make things more comfortable. After a bit, the mysterious woman who came into his bubble asked him to reveal his "true" form. He was extremely reluctant, given his past history with how people reacted to it. Suddenly it wasn't his choice anymore as the woman gave a sort of signal to one of her subordinates, who activated a machine which made noise at a frequency that somehow made Speck lose control of himself for a bit; destroying the cloned furniture and reverting him to his base form for a bit. He nearly passed out, which also concerned him as he hadn't lost consciousness before. He hadn't even slept or anything. Even after the sound stopped, he was having too hard a time focussing to go back to his human disguise. He noticed his "friend" watching in horror from behind one of the men in black.

The woman offered to have Speck moved to a "safer" location. He agreed, but didn't know if it was possible. It was, though it took a lot of time and effort. He now lives in a small windowless room instead of a hole in the ground, though he gets visitors a lot more frequently now. Most often, the mysterious woman (I think I'll call her Gladys). Apparently there's another void shrimp at the place, but it was taken forcefully, as it isn't nearly as compliant as Speck was. Gladys and Speck became close friends; even closer than Speck was to his previous friend before the knife incident. He also helps repair damage done by "other monsters" when he can. Due to the other void shrimp, most others are reluctant to go in Speck's room as they know he could instantly obliterate them, and will sometimes try to stop Gladys from going, but Gladys points out that if he were really like that, he would've done so a long time ago.