PRIDE || 5:6:2024

25 days, 15 hours ago

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PRIDE || 5:6:2024


Nearly two weeks had passed since the altercation. Jynx found herself confined to the walls of her home, sentenced to an indefinite grounding by her father's decree. According to him, her defiance had led to her injury, a consequence of disobeying his orders to steer clear of a certain boy. As for her sister, she too faced the repercussions, grounded for failing to prevent her sibling's transgression.

As the echoes of her father's stern words still reverberated in the air, Jynx felt her frustration boiling over. She'd endured his scolding, his disappointment, countless times before, but tonight was different. Along with the still fresh wounds wrapped tightly in bandages on her arms, it all felt suffocating, unbearable. With each passing minute, the weight of his disapproval pressed down on her, crushing her spirit.

After enduring another round of lectures from her sister, Jynx retreated to the corner of her room, her mind consumed by thoughts of escape. As the night deepened and the household fell into slumber, she knew what she had to do. With quiet determination, she packed a few essentials into her backpack, her hands trembling with a mixture of fear and resolve.

Stepping out into the cool night air, Jynx felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. The darkness enveloped her as she made her way towards the edge of town, where the dense forest loomed in the distance. With each step toward the forest's edge, Jynx's heart raced with anticipation, and as the canopy of trees loomed closer, her mind drifted to the creature that resided within the forest.

Jynx wasn't running away forever; she just needed a temporary escape, a chance to catch her breath and find clarity amidst the chaos of her emotions. As the forest enveloped her in its tranquil embrace, Jynx felt a sense of calm wash over her. With each passing moment, the weight of her burdens began to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of determination.

Amidst the shadows of the dense forest, Jynx wandered aimlessly, her steps faltering as she searched for her friend Whisper. But as the night wore on and her search yielded no sign of Whisper's presence, frustration gnawed at her insides. She couldn't bear the thought of returning home, of facing the disappointment and anger that awaited her there.

Finally, overwhelmed by exhaustion and despair, Jynx sank to the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. In the solitude of the forest, she reached into her backpack, fingers trembling as they found the familiar shapes of her Whisper and Slink plushies. Clutching them to her chest, she whispered words of longing and regret into the darkness, yearning for the comfort of her friends' embrace.

Her mind swirled with memories of happier times, of laughter and companionship shared with Slink. But now, those moments felt like distant echoes, drowned out by the cacophony of her own doubts and regrets. Why had she lashed out at Slink, hurling hurtful words that she couldn't take back? What had possessed her to even call him a... Freak?


As the minutes crawled by, the night deepened, shrouding the forest in an eerie cloak of darkness and chill. Shadows stretched like grasping fingers across the forest floor, swallowing the soft sounds of nature in their wake. Time seemed suspended in the stillness, a palpable silence hanging heavy in the air. In the midst of this desolation, Jynx crumpled to the ground, her belongings clutched tightly to her chest as tears streamed down her face, her cries piercing the oppressive silence like a mournful lament.

From the depths of the forest, a large figure emerged, his form barely discernible amidst the tangled foliage. The creature moved with a sinuous grace, his warm aura casting a soft glow that illuminated the darkness around him. With cautious steps, he approached Jynx from behind, his golden eyes alight with concern as he lowered his head towards her. Ears flattened against his skull, he emitted a low rumble of empathy, wary of her reaction but unable to ignore the call of her distress.


In the quiet of the forest, as the pentagram moon casts its gentle glow upon the Pride Ring, Jynx senses the approach of Whisper. Her heart quickens with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, knowing that his presence brings both comfort and vulnerability. With a deep breath, she summons her strength, sitting up and turning around to face him, her movements slow and deliberate as she prepares to greet him.

With a trembling hand, she lifts it to her face, wiping away the lingering traces of tears that cling to her cheeks. "Hi," she murmurs, her voice barely more than a whisper in the stillness of the night. With a tentative smile, she watches as Whisper's golden eyes meet hers. Jynx reaches out a hand towards his muzzle, offering a gentle pet.


Misham halted his movement as Misham observed her demeanor, noticing tears in her eyes contrasting with the smile on her lips. His head tilted in curiosity, awaiting her next move. As her hand extended towards him, he remained motionless, allowing her touch to grace his face. Intrigued, he shifted slightly, lowering himself to kneel, delicately extending a paw towards her cheek. Their gentle interaction conveyed volumes in silence, and Misham couldn't help but ponder the cause of her sorrow.

Despite her evident distress, Misham sensed a shift in her disposition towards him, a glimmer of trust blossoming. He withdrew his face, emitting soft, soothing croons as he repositioned himself. Maintaining a low stance on all fours, he scanned their surroundings, his wings brushing against the earth. Eventually settling beside the imp, he rested on his elbows, his wings drooping to the ground. Unable to verbally express his concern, Misham leaned in to tenderly nudge her with his snout, offering solace in his silent companionship.


As Jynx leaned on Whisper, her emotions spilled forth like a rushing river. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she poured out her heart, recounting every detail of her clash with Slink, her beloved crush.

"I didn't mean to say those hurtful things to him," she whispered, her voice trembling with sorrow. "I was just so angry, you know? It's like... all these emotions were boiling inside me, and I couldn't control them."

She clutched the plush representation of Slink tightly, as if seeking solace in its soft embrace. "This is Slink," she said, her voice cracking with emotion as she showed it to Whisper. "I miss him so much, but I don't know if I can forgive him. I don't even know if he wants to be forgiven."

Her words were punctuated by sobs as she struggled to make sense of her feelings. "But I want to forgive him," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to apologize and make things right. I just don't know if I should."

As she spoke, the weight of her dilemma seemed to press down on her shoulders, leaving her feeling lost and alone. All she wanted was to see Slink again, to tell him how sorry she was and to beg for his forgiveness. But the fear of rejection loomed large in her mind, casting a shadow over her hopes of reconciliation.


As Jynx nestled against his upper wing, the creature draped one of his lower wings over her body, a tender gesture meant to offer solace as she poured out her heart. She recounted the reasons for her distress, her solitary journey into the forest, and her visit to him. Though Misham struggled to fully grasp the intricacies of imp social dynamics, he listened intently, doing his best to comprehend her plight. When she mentioned uttering hurtful words to the boy who had harmed her, a soft snort escaped him, revealing his disdain.

When Jynx presented her small toy, Misham adjusted his wing, allowing a closer inspection. Leaning forward, he inhaled deeply, detecting faint traces of unfamiliar scents mingled with Jynx's own. Could one of these scents belong to the boy in question? While the impling contemplated her inner turmoil over whether to forgive her friend's transgressions while seeking forgiveness herself, Misham emitted a thoughtful hum. He cast a glance at the doll, a representation of the boy, before returning his gaze to Jynx. With a reassuring purr, he tenderly nudged the toy before withdrawing, settling back down, hopeful that his gesture would offer her the comfort and encouragement she sought. It was evident that she harbored deep affection for the boy, and Misham believed that reconciliation was possible, despite the mistakes that had been made.


As Jynx nestled into Whisper's warm feathers, she couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that had plagued her since leaving home. Despite her hopes of finding solace in the forest, her thoughts continued to follow her like persistent shadows.

She noticed Whisper nuzzling the plush toy she had brought with her, a gesture that stirred a flicker of realization within her. "Maybe I should talk with him," she murmured softly. "Thank you for listening, Whisper." With a grateful smile, she hugged Whisper tightly, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence.

As she released Whisper and settled back into his wing, Jynx felt her eyes growing heavy. The weight of her emotions, coupled with the exhaustion from crying, finally caught up with her. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, resting them for a minute, whispering "Goodnight..." to Whisper.


Misham offered a brief nod of acknowledgment as Jynx made the bold decision to confront the source of her troubles, a boy named Slink. Before he could react further, the small imp surprised him by wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. Initially taken aback, Misham soon found comfort in the unexpected gesture, easing into the embrace and allowing himself to relax.

With Jynx nestled against him, Misham instinctively drew his wing around her once more, providing a protective barrier against the darkness of the forest. As she began to drift into sleep, her whispers barely audible, Misham's gaze fell upon a feather tied to the end of her tail—a token of their unlikely bond. In that moment, a sense of warmth and contentment washed over him, and he emitted a gentle purr, lowering his head to rest alongside the imp, his sole focus now was to ensure her safety in the treacherous realm of hell. Despite the fact that he, himself, was likely the most dangerous creature there.