Finding Home June Prompt

15 days, 15 hours ago

This is for an ARPG prompt!

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The world is a loud, uncertain place. Alakdan has always found that he prefers to be alone when out and about. He has found that most of his time, even when not studying, is spent alone. He never was the type to make friends or have a real sense of belonging. There was no time for it. He always gives a small, polite smile if greeted but feels no need to try and make small talk . He preferred his anthro form, but his human form was the best for his profession, though he always kept his tail. He sighed softly to himself and pulled the scrubs over his body, careful of the spikes trailing along his body. Yeah... those made life a little difficult with clothing. He walked into the hospital confident and ready to work.

He loved his job. It was an escape, his favourite place to be. Alakdan belonged here. He began flipping through charts, his eyes scanning for any abnormalities. It was still a bit noisy inside for his liking, but that was normal. His ears perked at his name being called and he headed towards the elevator. His eyes watched as the number rose as the small metal box climbed up the floors. It was never fast enough.

He stepped out, lightly trotting to the scrub room, and turned on the water. He hummed a small song; it was exactly the length he needed to complete the task. After being adorned with another protective layer and a double set of gloves, he stepped into the operating room.

Suddenly the world was silent, everything was perfect. He was exactly where he was supposed to be. He stepped up to the bed, taking a small breath. A soft melody began to play in the background as Alakdan held out his hand. "Scalpel."