
9 days, 20 hours ago

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WC: Yeah, no, I don't really know anything about him.

TL: Really?
WC: Yeah, yeah. And I'm usually a really social guy, like I- I know almost everyone at the office and everything. One of the only times I talked to him was when he was like, getting settled in and everything.

TL: I thought it was just me.

WC: No, it's funny because I've had this exact same conversation before with Refresher before.

TL: Oh, I guess he's just kind of weird. Weird is a harsh word but, like, I think it suits him.
WC: Why's that?
TL: So, one time, I was asking around if anybody had any uhh- what's it called? The.. Paperclis, yeah. I was asking if anybody near my cubicle had any, and when he went to check, a bunch of little baggies full of batteries fell out of the drawer.
WC: ..What?

TL: YEAH, YEAH! Just plastic ziplock bags full of batteries. A BUNCH OF THEM. They weren't even full either. There was just a whole drawer full of them.
WC: Did you ask him about it?
TL: I kind of just.. watched him pick them up. He looked a little embarassed and stuff so I just looked away for a bit but like; I offered to help him and stuff but he DESPERATELY didn't want me to touch them, like, he put his hand out and everything.
WC: ..My god.
TL: The worst part is this went on for a LONG TIME. It probably wasn't *that* long but it felt like forever. It was really quiet. He ended up not having any himself so it was just a huge waste of time.
WC: Huh.


Author's Notes

this is fucking stupid