Muscle Movers

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"How did we get roped into this again?" Kage sighed as he put a chair down.

Soku shrugged after he put down a couch. "Cause we're here to help and not a lot of trouble happens around here."

"There's also the fact that those others are always chasing away the Team Havoc members that hang around." Kyu joined the conversation as he entered the house. The lugia fusion had a bed frame held aloft with a psychic. Kit was on his tail, carrying a cushion in his mouth.

"I suppose." Kage looked at the furniture their group had already brought into the house.

"What? Missing the excitment? I thought you were happy about the calmer life we had now." Soku grinned.

Kage gave him a look. "I don't want to hear that from you. I'm well aware how you feel about all this." He pointed a claw at Soku.

"Me? Missing the glory days?" Soku put a hand on his chest. "Nope. Not me. I'm perfectly happy to settle down here and raise our kids in a safer environment."

"You're not fooling anyone Soku." Kit walked past after putting the cushion down.

Soku gasped. "Since when did you get an attitude? My innocent little buddy?"

"Clearly he gets it from you." Kage turned to go get another piece of furniture.

"No." Kyu threw out casually. "He always had one. He's just comfortable with you guys now."

Soku followed the others out and grabbed a cabinet of some sort. "What an upsetting turn of events." He said with exaggerated sadness.

"You'll live." Kage said, picking up a chair. "If you can use it, you can take it."

"Even my own partner huh?" Soku tilted his head back. "I truly have no friends in this team huh?"

"We've just learned how to deal with you." Kyu walked past, dresser held aloft.

Kit pat Soku's leg. "Don't worry. I'm still here for you."

"I can live with that." Soku grinned at Kit. "Attitude or not."

"Get a move on you two." Kage narrowed his eyes as he looked back at them. "We still have five houses to do after this." Soku just shrugged as he looked at Kit. Better get back to work.