Crazy Spiral

4 years, 9 months ago

A day goes awry when a mysterious stranger drags our heroine on an adventure she wishes she never knew...

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A twirl, a stunning display, a man dancing amongst the crowd as he spins and spins with glee. I’m a little put off by it, to be honest. Here I was, dancing to my heart’s content, enjoying the attention and love I was receiving, and then he shows up and utterly ruins it. Why, I want to give him a piece of my mind! But that was simply not the proper way to do this, now was it? No, sneaky, slyly, I have to play my cards right if I want to outdo him. I slither over, my gigantic tail swishing from side to side, as I confront the man. “You are an…interesting dancer,” I said slowly, eyes half lidded as I smirked. The smirk wipes off my face at his next words.

“Dance dance spin! Spin spin dance! The world is dizzy, dizzy, dizzy ahahahaha play with me some more!” he giggled as I just stared in shock. …Who in the world was this guy? Did he have to pretend to be insane to get attention?

“Hm, play? Then where to shall we go?” I asked. I immediately regret my words as he grabs me and starts trying to spin around me. “Hey, watch it-!”

“Spin spin spin in a beautiful twirly dance!” he giggled as he drags me deeper and deeper into the square, towards an alleyway, “Spin spin spin!”

“Let go of me, you ingrate!” I hiss, flicking out my tongue in annoyance as I try to shake him off. His grip is like iron, how in the world-?!

“Spin, spin, spin to the death! Spin to the life! Spin to the left!” I yelped as he lunged left. “Spin to the right!” And then another jerking lunge as he moved to the right. I growled and tried to shake myself free, but this guy…! The more I shake, the tighter his grip is. This wasn’t good, if he kept going he was going to bash me into something! “Spirals spirals spirals aaall around!” he squealed. His voice was hurting my ears… Oh, we’re in an alleyway, everything turned dark. “Spiiiin~”

“I get it, you like spinning,” I began to say, but he cut me off.

“Nuh uh, spirals! Spirals are the way of life, spirals consume all, drowning, drowning, drowning everything into the vortex! What lovely spirals! What lovely spirals on your tail!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, looking at me with manic eyes. Immediately I felt fear.

“My tail? My tail is nothing special-“

“Ah, it’s a spiral! Spiral spiral spiral~” I continued to try and shake him off, but his nails are really digging into me.

“Okay, let me go right now, will you?!” His grin widened to an impossible degree.

“Why why why? We are all one with the spiral and the spiral should be within us. You, with the beautiful spiral tail…care to join me forever with my master?” I shivered again as I tried to shake free.

“I rather not, let me go right this instant!” I gasped as he bit down on my arm, hard.

“Don’t be naughty, let’s have fun!”

“Wait where are you taking me let go of me right now SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE-!” But it was too late, we were taking many twists and turns away from the public and towards parts unknown. I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all. Master? Am I to be a slave to someone else’s whims? No, no not again, I can’t go through that again! A faint and unreadable memory nags on my mind as I try to escape. His grip had slackened somewhat, but it was still so, so tight! What made me freeze, however, was the sound of bubbling cries. W-What…?

“Weeeee’re heeere!” he chimed as I struggled all the more. Oh god no please no not here-! My eyes darted about in a frenzy as I glanced at injured blobs of jelly and my heart froze. Oh god no. Please no. PLEASE! “Don’t be scared~ We all have fun here! Join us forever!” he giggled, making me freeze up and stop my movements.

“…No thanks!” I hissed as I finally managed to escape his grip. The minute I did so, I darted into the throng of injured Dropzillas.

“Oooh, naughty naughty! Catch time!” I muttered apologies as I slithered through the throng of Dropzillas, my heart pounding like crazy at this forsaken place. I wasn’t going to be made a slave to whoever owned him. I was not going to be a slave to their whims. I will not! I can hear him cackling as I ran with all I have, and yet, there were some noises of discontent from behind me by the very same voice. Were these drops slowing him down? I hoped as much. I gasped as I saw a large body of water and grinned. I’ll be much faster in there than out on land! Without thinking, I dived into the water and began swimming, undulating my tail as fast as I could to get away. The shore was soon far away as I heard distant cries of some unearthly noise I couldn’t describe. It was him, for sure, but it sounded…despairing and lost. What in the world was going on? I swam further and further away from the shore into the middle of the lake, trying to find something to help me. Now that help would find me out here, but it didn’t hurt to dream, right?

There was a shout as I saw a flicker of a light in the distance. My eyes lit up as I swam faster towards the boat with a lantern at the end. “You alright there, miss?” a man asked with a wide brimmed hat. “I hauled myself up and sighed as I let my tail drift in the water. “Whoa! A Dropzilla I’m assuming?”

“Yes…Just got dragged by some crazy guy to a bunch of…very hurt looking drops in their bubble form. I still don’t know what that was about…” I turned to look at the man’s now shadowed face. “…You know something.”

“Ay, miss, you had a close call right there. Probably had a run in from someone who worked for the black market.”


“Uh huh. They say a Dropzilla’s jelly tastes sweeter when they are despairing, they go through a lot of torture that they can somehow remember, don’t ask me I don’t know all the specifics. But I’ve seen survivors…they look like they’ve been through a war with their memories. Reminds me of my friend, he had those awful memories plaguing him after a war that-“

“What did they want with our jelly? Just to eat?” I interrupted, not wanting to hear the man’s story.

“Ah, that. Could have many uses, but I know eating is one of them. Listen, I suggest not going back to where you were kidnapped for a good long while, lest you end up finding yourself in a pickle again. Alright, miss?” I slowly nodded as I turned to look at the shore.

“…I will. Thank you for the advice,” I murmured, the breeze playing with my red hair as I thought of the events of today. Hopefully it won’t affect me in the long run…

Author's Notes

AAAAAAAAAAH THIS IS DONE! I'm sorry if I got Meringue wrong, I don't know much about his personality but he seems...ditzy. Maybe crazy, can be frightening. idk. OTL But yeah, decided to do Hypnotic Dance/Hypna for this piece! It was nice to use her, she's quite sassy! And really headstrong, I think she'll be a fine friend to people who need direction. ...A bit tsundere I feel though. XD Anyway, hope you enjoy!