Adventure Timeline

2 months, 6 days ago

Brief timeline for putting together connected adventures. This does not summarize the adventures in full, just the important details that put together a rough timeline of this world.

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The first of the great adventures took place in a coastal kingdom called Seacrest. A group of adventurers, all of whom had come to Seacrest for their own reasons, formed on a dime when they discovered a magical illness spreading throughout the kingdom -- Trench Rot. These adventurers were Ronan, Friman, Poppy, Hetzen, and Ichtaca. Ronan was a selkie, bound to 'husband' Friman by a curse. Friman was a runaway pirate, and former captain of The Sea Wolves upon his ship, The Longer Tail. Poppy was a halfling woman searching for her missing father, and Hetzen was a Seacrest knight, son of a particularly high ranking knight. Ichtaca was a sort of world-hopper who had lost his powers and ended up in this one by mistake. Though they were something of a motley crew, their party would become a formidable force against all that threatened the kingdom. Their investigations turned up surprising origins, and deep political corruption in the monarchy of Seacrest. On their journey, they were able to help many people, including a merchant named Miles, who was being blackmailed to help spread the illness across the kingdom. In the end, they were able to track the source of the illness to kelpie blood tainting the waters off the shore of the king's prison island where he had been spiriting away dissenters. With magic, fierce fighting, and compassion, everyone was able to free the innocent prisoners. When they returned, the deceased king was replaced by the people of Seacrest with Hetzen Silber Ritter the Second. Ichtaca regained his power, and left the realm to continue on his own journey. The other heroes of Seacrest moved on to new adventures, too, but they would all remain on good terms even as the years flew by. Poppy initially returned to her town, and Ronan and Friman served under king Hetzen for a time, even being granted a new ship - The Longer Tail. However, the three of them would eventually end up on the island continent of Umida Mema. Friman continued to serve as the captain of The Longer Tail, even though he was no longer working for his friend, the king himself. Poppy would join the crew, and Ronan and Friman would welcome a single son into the world -- Fintan. Things would be relatively alright for a few years after that.

Around twenty or thirty years after Seacrest was saved, a strange group of monks began to gain power and terrorize the island. Among these monks was Miles, who was not particularly devout, but instead derived entertainment from joining the faction. Shortly after this, another band of adventurers formed. These adventurers were Butch, Wan, Ericht, Ophelio, Ryker, and Juno. Butch was an amnesiac Hellhound who had been cast out of his realm, and Wan was a young woman who had fled her village after unintentionally dooming it to fire and destruction. Ophelio was a man cursed into an elderly state and falsely accused for the murder of his colleagues, and Ericht was a young paladin searching for his missing mother. Ryker and Juno were two fugitives, bound together by a curse they were desparate to break. They never intended to form a group, but after waking up in a prison together with half a year's worth of missing memories, they decided to band together. After being killed by Claudius, the leader of the monks, a strange being they called 'The Spark' offered them a second chance at life, on one condition. They were to search for twelve ancient and powerful artifacts, lest they all be brought together and spell the end of the world. And so, the party entered a race against Claudius and her monks to collect these artifacts. This adventure has yet to end -- we will just have to see where it goes.