An Anthology of Tee and Kasch

3 months, 4 days ago

a series of events that build the unique relationship between kasch and tee

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Kasch came into Tee's possession when she was 1, they've been living together since.


Kasch 3

Kasch discovers dinosuars after seeing a picture in one of Tees magazine subscriptions. Kasch has literally nothing that is meant for kids and has been growing up on the back of Tees supplies, so using fountain pens, graphite pencils and any paper available kasch starts copying the dinosuars from the magazine. 

Said magazine gets much loved and accidentally gets destroyed after going in the bath,,, Kasch has a meltdown (bro has attatchment issues to anything of significance)

Tee 25

Notices Kaschs (vague) drawings of dinos that end up in xir books and on xir notes and on papers in the printer and starts getting irritated at the out of order and colourful notes. One day Kasch brings one of xir magazines into the bath and it gets soaked. Kasch had a meltdown when it started swelling and all the pages stuck together so Tee tried xir best to try and dry it out. Xe notices its the dino issue from 4 years ago that was collecting dust. So xe decides to start researching dinos to try and understand kasch and her likes a bit more Xe also gets kids books relating to dinosuars so Kasch can understand easier. This is when xe realises that Kasch has no kid items, so xe asks for Rens advice on kids items and they go shopping for toys and proper supplies. (all space or dino themes obviously)


Kasch 4

Kasch starts school. Well pre-school. they are well versed in reading and drawing. She struggles a lot with sharing supplies and toys with other kids since she is so used to not having anything of her own and just borrowing Tees things. Her lack of human interaction for 3 years starts to show, he doesnt know how to communicate properly outside of silent gestures and tugging on sleeves. She LOVEs learning new things though, he always has his nose in a book and frequently complains about the limited available book contents. Their communication issues become a problem and she gets told off a lot by teachers, she never understands what was wrong though since Tee never saw a problem with it. She never made any friends during preschool, she always tried to bring books about dinosuars to other people in the class to try and participate with them but they couldn't understand the way she spoke or what was written so he slowly started giving up. They loved being around people so they always ended up getting frustrated that no one would want to be around them.


Tee 26

Tee sends Kasch to pre-school a year too early because xe doesnt have time or patience to teach him while xe was also doing his own studies. Xe feels bad parting from him for a while but at least the local school bus can commute her to school. Tee is called in frequently by the teachers to discuss the questionable communication and relationship development issues Kasch has, but xe always comes in and leaves confused. He thought those were ample ways of communicating, it worked in their household so xe hoped it would never become a big problem in terms of Kasch's development from here on out. Xe is proud of the way Kasch learns and how much they learn, it makes xem proud.


kasch 7

When kasch was 7 he went out searching for fossils, after finding a lizard they ran after it and got lost. Kasch didnt know the way home and so caught in a thunderstorm, she was found by aadiya who then took Kasch to the police thinking that he has been abandoned. The police tried to contact find out who Kasch's parents were to return him, but Kasch was so scared and alone that she was mute the entire time. Kasch could write really well because of Tee but Kasch doesnt know Tee's surname or address or phone number (xe doesnt have a phone). During this time Kasch started loathing and missing tee because Kasch loves xem but hates xem for forgetting. It was after several days that Ren dragged Tee down to the police station after phoning in about a lost child. For several weeks, Kasch was too scared to leave Tees side, she had to be holding onto xem at all times to feel safe and took a while to speak again. To this day, Kasch hates bad weather because it reminds her of that time. Still has trust issues with Tee and any other adult. 

Tee 28

The isn't the perfect parent, xe hates kids and pets, xe can hardly take care of xemself let alone someone else. Xe tries xir best to accomodate kasch and xe knows xe does a bad job but xe loves kasch. When kasch went missing, Tee only noticed a couple of days later. Xe had a complete meltdown. Xir work gathered dust and so did Tee. Xe went stock still and hardly moved, only to be found by Ren after days of not sleeping or eating. Tee doesnt have a history of bad mental health in terms of sense of self, but does have dissociative episodes, especially when stuck on a problem. Xe has problems with perceptions of reality (in contrast to xir work, and thats probably why xe is so obsessive with figuring out the universe to try and convince xemself that it actually exists). Has a habit of forgetting about ppl / has problems with object permanence. 


kasch 9

Kasch starts dumpster diving around supermarkets and butchers for bones to add to her collections. Eventually he stumbles onto one dumpster with Telepachu bones in, he bags them all and bolts. Slowly become more intersted in the place they start hanging around it more. Eventually being caught diving by Cass who was putting new body parts out. Cass, thinking Kasch is homeless and looking for food, throws a leftover sandwich. This happens nearly everyday until Cass finally invites them in and Kasch meets the bar members. As being a child who only had communication with an adult when growing up, making friends and conversing with these adults is so quick and easy compared to his school mates. Being an extrovert, he quickly becomes addicted to this and starts spending all his time there. One day Kasch stays way too late to catch the bus so Cass offers to drive them (they dont know the way the bus goes from here) so they stay the night. The next night she returns to a catatonic Tee. 

tee 30

Tee notices Kasch suddenly has a steady stream of bones going into their room and found out they were dumpster diving (kinda gross, thought Tee). But one day it turns 6pm and Kasch still isnt home and Tee starts to worry that shes lost again and starts spiralling. Xe goes down to the police station like Ren told them to do last time, but they have no reports of a missing child. This is when xe starts going loopy. They walk the streets of the local town, looking down alleys where dumpsters are, asking around butchers if theyve seen an orange kid but comes up empty handed. Tee cant bring xemself to go back to an empty house and xe books a hotel to stay for the night, not sleeping but going over every scenario to prepare for the worst. The next day its 6pm again, still finding nothing, xe decides to go back home and send xir pigeon to Ren to see what to do. (Xe thought xe could handle it xemself this time) and proceeds to just sit in a heap on the bottom of the stairs just hoping that the door would open.