Various little blurbs about Kochev

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
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Chapter 9
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

Various blurbs regarding Kochev. Chronological order per Era.

Lost prince: Chapters 1-?

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Druidic Experiments

After toiling around with a bunch of soil, some seeds, a plant pot, his own blood, and a whole bunch of druidic magic, he finally did it. He replicated a plant from his home forest. Overjoyed he was, finally to have another voice to talk to at least. The more the merrier! He called out to the little plant, asking it questions and generally just wanting to strike up a conversation. But it did not speak. He thought maybe it needed some time to adjust itself to existing, and chose to leave it be for that moment, returning the next day to attempt again. But it did not speak. Confused he was. He had done everything right, he assumed. The blood of forest royalty, the magic infusion. The.... Soul. Was the soul such a dire component? He knew they were delicate to work with. He couldn't even use the ones he had stored up. Casting a Speak with Plants spell, he attempted to see if maybe it was just the connection that was damaged.  And it did speak. But not like it should be speaking. It was... Behaving with goals from the forest but as an individual mind. It didn't care about being a unity, or any thoughts on anything. All it wanted to do was to spread.  And it was an abomination. A terrible, terrible mistake made by him. Taking it out of the soil with the hand that had given it life, he took it away instantly. He would have to start over. And he would have to keep doing that until he made the right one. They didn't speak.