[AU] Pokemon Therapy

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
1 489

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

In a world where Pokemon are only used for battle and maybe even healing, one young kid begins on a journey of discovery, for different sorts of ways pokemon and humans can work together to help eachother.

Told in Perspective by an Eevee

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Protagonist of the story is an eevee.

Everything is from the eevee’s perspective for the majority.

Child captures eevee one day and they become great friends who love to travel together. They end up having to move to a city like area that doesn't have much grass or greenery and it's soon found out that she has asthma and lung issues that were only further agrivated by the fumes and harsh chemical environment of the city. She is unable to complete schooling or own many pokemon, and go out and become a battler, or a contest person like her father was.

She s only allowed to keep and own 3 pokemon, since more might become too stressful for her. She chooses Eevee, Roselia, and Kirilia. Since they are three of her closest pokemon and two of them are grass pokemon which help filter the air around her.

She is sent to live with her grandparents in one of the forests and there explores the mountains when she’s not under house arrest. She gets into lots of trouble, but her three pokemon have her back, as she has theirs. She never orders them to fight or anything. 

She always has her inhaler on her, and at some point she falls down while exploring and gets stuck near the base of a mountain. Her kirillia runs off to try to get help, and the eevee tries to run around to find something to go help her as the roselia tries to keep the person calm using various moves

Even tually a Riolu can sense all the comotoion and panic and goes over, and helps the human get out from under i suppose, rocks or something. And riolu also joins her on her journey, though he doesn't get ‘captured’ until she gets home, since she doesn't have pokeballs on her, her grandmother gives her an empty ball and gives it to the girl, which the girl would offer the riolu who would just bonk it's head against it, allowing itself to be captured.

Eventually the eevee eveolves into a leafeaon, the kirilia into gardevour, the roselia into roserade and the riolu into lucario. And these pokemon are straight up her therapy/health pokemon which she relies on, so that she doesn't get breathing/asthma attacks. Most of them dislike being in their pokeballs because they like her and want to ensure her protection.

She uses her experiences and realizations that pokemon, as happiny and etc, can help others like the nurse joys- but even more so that grass pokemon can help prufy the air for hospitalized patients, and there can be therapy pokemon who have ara and thought ddetection, who can both be trained and taught and help others. And so she helps impleent and works with hospitals and lots of other things, it's the little things that count for her.

The eevee watches this all from the get go.