
1 month, 28 days ago

Vay spent his whole life stopping criminals. However, when taking down Levin goes awry, he finds himself… overwhelmed by feelings.

Levin was in the middle of a heist before the most irritating Jr. Cop showed up. But there’s still something about his horrid posture and shrill voice that won’t leave his skull.

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As Vay ‘received’ the call from Baku about the rumored Rare Candy heist, he could barely contain his excitement. Thoughts of the praise for foiling the notorious LKD all by himself. Just like the lead-up to all the other times he got reprimanded by Forest, Vay saw no possibility that going in alone would backfire on him. With more basic thought going towards his dreams of recognition over common sense, Vay rushed towards the one eevee who would empathize.


“No Vaporeon. I’m not breaking protocol to help you mess this up. We’ve been given two months of paperwork backlog to power through, so let’s let the actual cops do their jobs and not earn their ire,” Split replied in a very repeated manner.


So Split wasn’t going to empathize via shared positions as Jr. cops… Regardless, Vay knew he had this, he was evolved, for starters. There’s no way a bunch of eevees would be getting the better of him. Furthermore, he was the hero, and LKD were the villains, there would be no reason for them to triumph over him.


“You can do it Vay! I believe in you!” An incredibly slow Eevee hyped up.


“Yes. Vaporeon can handle the assigned paperwork with me, and not act impulsively,” Split interrupted, not wanting to deal with his partner’s shenanigans.


“Of course, I’ll just have to…  get some coffee…” Vay faux-agreed before Izzy could get into an argument with the solitary eevee.


Of course, the second he said this, Vay rushed out to claim the glory of stopping Box 3’s mafia from carrying out their schemes. Izzy, gushing like she lost all of her (two) brain cells, went on to stalk Vay, craving to be there to see what she thought would be his triumph and to feed into his delusions. This left Split to groan to himself and take out a walkie-talkie.


“Baku, this is Split. Vaporeon wouldn’t stop talking about how he would stop LKD with something involving Rare Candies. Please stop him before he gets himself killed,”


That was… a bit harsh on those two if I’m being honest…


Meanwhile, Levin was with his younger brother, barking out orders on how he wanted this heist to go.


“Alright, I’m gonna need your muscles to open this door, and no screw-ups. Got that?”


“Got it, Levin,” Devin dutifully replied, being a little Bisharp to whoever gave him an order.


On command, Devin began prying the door open, yielding thousands of Rare Candies. Thousands of Rare Candies that several pokemon in Box 1 would pay top pokedollar for. With these in hand, Levin was sure that he’d manage to reach the boss’ income quota for this month. Stashing the candies into their bags, the brothers began fleeing the scene of the crime, hoping to slink back into their base uninterrupted.


Coincidentally, the Jr. Cop and fanatic duo came rashly closing in on their location without even realizing it. Just like a cliche-filled young adult romance novel, the two mortal nemeses crashed into one another. Once they got back to their senses after the momentary pain, they mustered up words that could only come from the most passionate of feelings for another mon.


“Oh great, this was exactly what I needed, running into this bloody idiot who only knows how to show up at the worst possible moment!”


“Levin. Birdsong! I, Vay Icedrop of the B3PD, will be the one to stop your reign of terror! With you being brought to justice, LKD will lose its-”


While Vay went on his tangent, Levin and Devin simply continued to their base, with the Jr. Cop oblivious to them ignoring him and the collar-adorned Eevee having all of her attention on the disproportionately fluffy Vaporeon. The two devil-looking eevees made approximately twenty feet in distance before Vay caught on.


“WAIT! I WASN’T THROUGH WITH YOU TWO!!” Vay screeched as he began to give chase, with Izzy ‘discreetly’ following.


Unfortunately, as this chase began playing out, everymon’s favorite Eevee, Conar, had lost his world-famous giant tin of Cream Cheese, which was rolling at the four morons at promising speeds. Suddenly, Blizz came by in the nick of time to freeze said tin, saving a pair of simps as well as an e-boy and wannabe mafioso who both hated him.


“Oh my Arceus… Blizz… you managed to save all those nobodies just when they needed you…” Daisy stated after materializing out of nowhere.


“Yeah, I can’t let anymon here down, especially not my brother!” Blizz responded while waving to Vay, which only made the Vaporeon angrier and Daisy more in love.


“Blizz… I’ve been waiting a long time to say this… I love you! I’ve just been too afraid to say it until now!! Please run away with me!!!” Daisy begged in a way that was absolutely in character and not thought of on the spot.


“Of course,” Blizz bluntly answered before leaving with Daisy to heights that Vay couldn’t reach.


Speaking of that runt, he seemed to be taking it better than expected. That was of course, only because the bar for him was so low that anything other than bloodthirsty screeching was a cause for celebration. Levin just continued with what he was doing earlier, a stony expression accompanying him as he began taking advantage of Vay’s misery.


What did you call Devin?


You didn't even try to make that sound realistic. Glaceon and Leafeon sound nothing like that.


With any and all rude interruptions tuned out, Vay began to make his way back to the Icedrop house, contending with both the humiliation of letting Levin get away and that Daisy chose Blizz without a second thought. How could she have done that, with the whooping zero conversations that he held with her? How could he have let this get in the way of bringing that menace to justice? Stepping into the B3PD room only brought another distressing sight: Forest expectantly standing in front of him, did Split snitch on him?


“Vay, my dude, I know you want to prove yourself, man,” his boss started, sounding exactly like the stereotypical stoner.


“But you can’t just go around barking up trees without a plan, mann, you get what I’m saying?”


“…yeah… I guess…” Vay complied, not wanting to be lectured anymore after getting his heart broken.


“Look little dude-bro, I know why you’re so eager to deal with those LKD guys behind bars. Which is why you gotta work on your ego problems mannn, getting your world rocked by one insult is gonna get you nowhere mannnn, you get me?”




“Alright my dudes, I’m gonna head out now, don’t overwork yourselves. Are you getting this Split?”




“Alright, see you two on the flip side,” Forest said as he began to retire to a night of sleeping and ‘grass’.


Vay was busy fuming. On top of everything that happened today, he had to deal with that stoner getting on his case and the obvious comment on his height. Arceus, Split was the only one of his coworkers that he could stand. Speaking of that…


“Split, did you tell the others I was actually going to do something productive?”


“No,” Split lied without a second thought.


“Good…” Vay said as he bought everything and scowled at the ground.


“Vay, I know I don’t understand how rough today was for you, but I just wanted you to know that I’ll be there; and there’s always somemon else who’d be willing to see how lovely you are,” Izzy said with all the simping power she had in her.


“Yeah, what good is Blizz anyway? He can’t think to save his life! And my taste in best friends is leagues better than his! Right Split?” Vay exclaimed with renewed vigor.


“Uh, sure. Exactly,” Split said as he got right back into more work, trying to not make any mention of his obvious bromance with Omar.


“Daisy will realize this in a day at the most and leave Blizz for me in no time!” Vay delusionally said.


This was simply met by two reactions. One was a simple resignation coming from having to endure Vay gushing about Daisy for a long while. The other was devastation that Vay completely missed what they were trying to convey.


You are extremely unpleasant, you know that?


As time progressed, a key realization began to click with Vay: Daisy wasn’t going to be leaving Blizz. In fact, they were still going strong and celebrating some of Box 3’s current miracles—the most attractive actor in the box ending the break with his loving girlfriend, Eve dying after the ladder got removed from the body of water she was in, and nobody loving Al—truly everymon but Vay was happy.


This ear-grating disposition went unnoticed by nomon who had the displeasure of talking with him. While the rest of the box’s police force was already suffering enough, a certain Eevee was aggravated by it the most. Levin frankly didn’t care what the hell his sister’s romantic life consisted of, there might’ve been a time when he did, but that was now long gone. Vay, on the other hand, was visibly pathetic at every turn, either sobbing about Daisy for the umpteenth time or cursing Blizz under his breath. While he would normally be welcoming a (junior) cop announcing their presence before they came, this was just annoying.


If all went well for once, he and his brothers would be able to carry out their latest plot without having to deal with his bemoaning. Taking in the LED border of Box 3, Levin turned to his brothers to order them around.


“Devin. If anymon other than the Water Wimp comes by, tell us and we make the getaway. Kevin, the two of us will just put nonsense here to serve as a distraction for our poison barb dealings tomorrow. Got that?” Levin laid out for his brothers.


“Yes” “Okay Levin”


Levin’s plans went without obstruction. He and Kevin vandalized the wall to an amount that seemed like it would eat up enough attention, and Devin didn’t report anything of note. Internally praising himself for making Devin their perpetual guard after that close call, Levin began gesturing for his elder brother to follow him down. As they joined the youngest brother and began to head back to their base, their ears were assaulted by a piercing yell that could only belong to one individual. One oh so annoying individual.


Levin” Vay snarled in the most self-important tone the red-furred eevee has ever heard.


“I will end this tonight and-”


“Vay. Let me stop you right there,” Levin interrupted with his usual bluntness, giving the Vaporeon a slight shock at being called by his given name instead of an insult.


“What are you going to say next? ‘And make Daisy love me!’? ‘And show Blizz who’s the best!’? I genuinely want to know which of those two it is,”


Vay simply avoided looking his most or second-most hated mon in the eyes. His brothers just stood there like they would during his confrontations with Daisy.


“Whenever you get in my way, it’s always something to make your life seem better than it actually is. All this is doing, is just making you look pathetic, at this point, I'm genuinely getting secondhand embarrassment,”


Vay’s silence continued, his expression slowly morphing from a look that could kill to a look that would leave one wishing they were dead. Kevin and Devin instead took the time to escape this situation without looking back, leaving Vay and Levin to their own devices.


“I might seem pathetic to you, but at least I give back to the world! You dedicate your life to making others miserable and terrorizing innocents while I help undo the damage you cause! You can pity me all you want, but at the end of the day I have a worthwhile cause, you just try to win a competition only you care about!” Vay shouted as a rebuttal, angered at the notion that this devil thought of himself as above him.


“I could honestly say the same about you on that last part. Leafeon loves your brother. Not you. Get over it and get a muking grip on yourself…” Levin muttered as he began walking off to join his brothers.


Instead of attempting to give chase like he normally would, Vay simply stayed behind, letting his enemy’s words fully sink in. His whole life Blizz was better than him in every conceivable aspect—his career, being well-liked, and now romance—Arceus, he really was failing at his life… at this point, the only thing he could think to do was bring himself back to his place of work and pretend that he knew what he was doing, that he had his life under control.


Back with the one with anger issues, Levin didn’t even spend a second in the base before realizing that sheer ridiculousness was about to take place. Seated in a chair was his younger brother, arms crossed like he was trying to mimic a parent catching their child sneaking out.


“Levin, we have to talk…”


“About what?” Levin responded after his initial sigh, waiting for something completely-


“You love Vay, don’t you Levin?”





So maybe it was finally time to institutionalize Devin.


“Devin, what in the ever-loving muk are you talking about?” Levin asked, hoping that this was just Devin playing a deranged joke.


“You began screamin’ at him an’ tryin’ to make him leave. After you an’ Daisy stopped speakin’ with each other, you did the exact same thing to make her leave whenever you see her. An’ before you started likin’ Al it would be the same story. W-whenever you get close to somemon, you try makin’ them leave before and after it a-actually happens,” Devin answered in a tone that made it seem like he was trying to mimic a therapist.


“It’s not just that either, think about your history with him. Out of all the cops in the box, why does one of the Jr. Cops constantly eat at your mind, tryin’ to outwit him at every turn when Forest and Baku are right there?”


“Devin, can you just shut up for a bloody minute? I had to deal with that Jr. Cop’s shiinotic and now I’m coming home to you rambling sheer absurdity about my romantic life,” Levin asked, not wondering how Kevin was able to tolerate him.


“How often do you even think about him? Whenever you talk to me an’ Kevin about the cops, it’s usually about him. When you mention what you talk with Al about, it seems to mostly be related to Vay. He seems to be on your mind a lot…”




This was just unbridled insanity at this point. He talked with that (very pretentious) Eevee about himand how this box seemed to run on sheer insanity with them being the only sane residents. There was also how that damn Jr. Cop was able to predict his moves. How he was able to counter him with similar efficiency. How smug he would get when he got a win… Him geeking out whenever their relationship happened to mimic a comic he thought was cool (Every Man #331 was his favorite)…




“Levin, please, I already lived through you and Daisy fell apart… do you really want to push away Vay too? You could at least try to give it a shot. What else do you have to lose at this point?” Devin begged his brother, thinking back to how little emotionally intimate relationships he truly had with others.


Levin said nothing in response. He simply turned back to the surface, leaving his brother to himself. After waiting a few seconds, he promptly rushed over to the eldest brother’s location.




“Yes, Devin? Is there something wrong?” Kevin asked as he cut off his brother, taking any potential threat to their youngest as worse than violating the Geneva Convention.


“Levin’s going to come to terms with his feelings!” The blue and red-haired Eevee announced in joy.


“That’s nice, he bare- wait. What do you mean by ‘come to terms’?” Kevin asked, his initial appeasement shifting to apprehension once he heard Devin’s choice of words.


“Yeah! He’s going to ask Vay out! Isn’t that great? He’s finally openin’ up emotionally like you wanted!”


Kevin didn’t even bother replying to his brother as he began bolting away to find Levin, oldest child instincts kicking into full force. Devin meanwhile only took a second to realize that, like with most things in life, he failed. Rushing to stop Kevin from potentially ruining Levin’s romantic endeavors, Devin began following his older brother in an attempt to further reason with him.


I genuinely hate you… why are you defaming my brothers like this…? Why…?


Opening the door to the jail room and stepping in, Vay felt the growing sense of shame engulf him as he tried to take his mind off of the humiliation that was plaguing him. His thoughts of doubt were interrupted by the sound of a certain devotee ringing throughout his head.


“Vay! How did everything go?! Are you any closer with the LKD problem?!” Izzy asked with less than zero awareness of the manner in which he entered the room.


“It’s been horrible. Levin thinks I’m pathetic, Daisy chose Blizz over me, Split’s the only decent sibling I have, and I’ll probably never get promoted from Jr. Cop at this rate!” Vay bemoaned to the Greenpaw eevee.


“Well… you should probably try moving on from Daisy… How about doing something like hanging in the Water Box..?” Izzy spitballed.


“Move on… THAT’S WHAT LEVIN SAID!!!” Vay shouted before succumbing to self-pity.


“How…? How do you get on knowing you’ll never be loved back?!?” Vay asked nomon in particular, hoping for a magical solution to descend from the heavens.


“Usually I just hang onto false hope if I’m being honest,” Izzy responded, having no clue why this was so difficult for him.


“Vaporeon, if you really want heartbreak advice, listen to me,” Split started before getting on one of his usual soapboxes.


“We’re getting Split lore…?”


“Split, you've proven your status as my only good brother.”


“You might not know this… but there was a time I wasn’t single, shocking, I know,” Split stated to his flabbergasted audience.


“He was sweet, took no shinx, was adorable, I could go on. But soon, he started getting problems with our family, which he began taking out on me. Then he dumped me for not taking more control over my siblings,” Split continued on with his exposition dumping.


“I did my best to hide my heartbreak, but I knew I needed some outlet. So I did the only sensible thing. Sinking myself with work and bottling up any bitterness in my body until it festers up as uncontrollable rage,” Split gave as advice with a straight face.


“That is so smart…” Vay ate up, not seeing any balancing or emotional regulation issues with the previous statement.


“Now go and do the same, so your heart can heal… mine’s still hurting after… Randy” Split encouraged before lingering on the last bit under his breath.


Vay, for his credit, was more than ready to give the advice from an Eevee who probably cries himself to sleep on a nightly basis a try. However, before he was able to make any movements, everymon’s attention was turned to the figure standing in the doorway.


You know I’ve never been in a relationship, right?


All that Levin could think of at the moment was getting to Vay as swiftly as his body would allow. Losing Daisy wasn’t that big of a loss. Sure, he spent several nights staying up wondering where it went wrong between them, but even then that just put her in a similar position with the rest of his non-triplet siblings. But what Devin was saying about Vay… call it paranoia, but the thought of that scrawny Vaporeon eventually becoming similar to faceless coppers like the girl in purple or their medic in blue, only identifiable to him through one feature and his color… It was one of the few things that made him dread. Al and Kevin were always getting on his case for what they called ‘repressing his emotions’ but Devin seemed like he was cool with how he ran things. If he was the one who was telling him to do something about this Vay issue…


Levin put a stop to his overthinking as he approached the entrance to the B3PD HQ. With this, it would be now or never, stop acting like Devin and make his presence known like he always does. The sight of the other Jr. Cop (with zero friends) and the weird girl who clung to Vay like she owed him her life. While those two could frankly rot in the Distortion World with no care being given by him, the one he came here for was standing in between them, with a gawked-eyed look to complement his bony build.


“Muk it, I like you,” Levin said with an eloquence that would clearly make a poet blush.


“…what…?” Vay clichely asked, not expecting this in a millennia.


“We’ve spent years trying to muk each other over, we always know each others’ tells, and we already spend an immense amount of time together”


The two eternal rivals simply gazed at each other, taking in each other’s words. Levin was shocked that he got all of those… feelings out, he’s never had to work with insecurity, or the possibility of rejection before, but damn did this lift an odd weight off his shoulders. Vay struggled to comprehend what was just told to him, he was… wanted by somemon? He was being seen as an equal…? All this time somemon was waiting for him…?


“Levin… I… what can I say…? I’m just…”


Time appeared to come to a halt as they silently began coming closer, leaning into a kiss. Paws now clasped with each other, the two felt a silent understanding of everything that went unsaid between them. Then, just as magic was about to happen…




The two new lovers turned to the source of that demonic screech and found the stalkerish loser with a demented look on her face.


“I spent all this time waiting here and you repay me by falling for Levin! YOU KNOW FULL WELL I LOVE HIM!” She snarled about the crush on Levin that she has always had.


Mouth foaming, the psychotic Bisharp lunged at Vay, likely intending to kill him. Thinking fast, Vay pulled out an asocial e-boy’s (and secret femboy) best friend, razor blades. With the swiftness of a spaghetti western showdown, he threw one of the blades at his opponent.


As anyvee would’ve predicted, the razor blade went directly into her throat, causing her to choke on it, as what typically happens when one comes into bodily contact with razor blades, infamous for being the most widespread choking hazard.


“He’s my younger brother first and foremost Devin, I’ve got to interfere with his social life!”


“But it’s love Kevin, you can’t get in the way of that!”


With true comedic timing, Levin’s brothers stumbled onto the scene of his and Vay’s interrupted moment (and Izzy’s corpse, but nomon really cares about her). With one look at his brother and new life partner, Devin reevaluated the sequence of events so far—he crushes on a girl for Arceus knows how long, avoids her like the plague, his brother gets with his mortal enemy first, he puts their relationship in potential jeopardy through Kevin being overbearing, and his attempts at righting this weren’t even necessary. With these sudden realizations in play, Devin promptly collapsed under his own weight, dying the way he lived, a complete loser.


Kevin, on the other hand, also died… honestly, there could be an in-depth explanation as to how this happened so closely to the previous two demises… but honestly Kevin is so unnoteworthy without his brothers, it can just be said that he died for classified reasons and nothing of value would be lost.


That just left Vay, Levin, and Split to deal with the mess that these current events left behind. Split for one was annoyed to no end. First, he had to deal with three bodies and the corresponding police reports. And then he was also stuck with Vay picking Levin of all vees to be lovebirds with. In fact, if Vay was dating the leader of the mafia… then that meant…


“Wait, Vaporeon… with all of… this… how are you even going to go about the future?” Split asked his occupational partner, gesturing to the chaos their HQ was now in.


“Oh… I was just thinking of doing that day-by-day,” Vay responded without any hint of joking.


“But what about the whole ‘becoming a whole cop’ thing we had going on?”


Alright, that’s more than enough.


“I’m not sure about me, but I know you’re going to get a lot of flak for all of this happening on your watch Split. I mean, it’s no secret everymon else trusts you more than me. They’re going to be more disappointed with you,”


This was disgusting, there’s no chance in the Distortion World that I’d be anything close to cordial with a criminal like him.


The moment Vay’s words hit Split’s ears, he instantly dropped dead. His body went cold before he could even think of any plans to give his hopes and dreams any proper burial.


The only reason you aren’t dead is because I can’t move my arms you gossipy Cufant…


“Looks like he lost all will to live so badly he died,” Levin bluntly noted, lightly nudging Split with his foot to make sure he was actually dead.


Please, I don’t know why you’re doing this but we get the point. I thought we were friends…


“Well, I have to say Vay, you were certainly adept at killing back there,”


…I’m scared of you…


“And you had a raw, cold deposition that made you seem like you’re above the rest of these idiots~”


How are you managing to top the rest of this in decrepitness…?


That was all that needed to be said between the two before they went to finish what they started. As the two embraced, Levin’s tongue began asserting dominance in Vay’s mouth (or something like that) as Vay’s paws went to-




With that outburst, everything went back to reality. The Eevee who yelled out, Kevin, was standing next to Split, who looked just as disgusted as he did. Bow, who was behind this decrepit tale, was standing between them and four medical beds. It should be noted that her paws were occupied with two crude hand puppets of Vay and Levin who were currently in the motion of making out just as previously described. Speaking of Vay and Levin, they got the ‘pleasure’ of having to sit through this odd love story of them. Granted, their injured state on the beds likely explained why they didn’t put a direct stop to this themselves. Devin and Izzy were in the same predicament, stuck lying in their beds while listening to Bow rant on about this rancid romance while dealing with their own injuries.


“Well, Kevin, you and Split wanted an explanation for this so I gave you one,” Bow shot back, disgruntled at Kevin’s reaction.


“Bow, your explanation had five Eevees die in it while Vay and Levin began to… do their thing…” Split refuted with a growing disgust as he remembered what he’d just endured.


“What I want to know… is why the muk you did nothing to stop this Daisy,” Levin interrupted with sheer anger, hating this experience ever since he got here.


“Well… I mean at first it was kinda accurate… and then I just… uh… wanted to see where it would go next… I thought it was kinda cute…” Daisy nervously tried to defend herself before drifting off to certain thoughts that this brought into her head.


Everymon else in the hospital, Bow and Vay included, took a minute to both connect the dots as to what Daisy meant by that and subsequently judge her for unironically finding this adorable in any way shape, or form.


“The minute I get out of this and done with the yellow-bowed skuntank, you’re dead Daisy. I’m killing you where you stand,” Levin threatened in a tone that was even more cold than his usual manner.


“Bow. Just tell us what actually happened and actually treat the patients so everyvee here can get on with their lives?” Split asked, hoping that some freak accident would put him out of his misery.


“Look Split, if you wanted this to be quick, then youshould’ve thought of that before Al ruined my day,” Bow responded, letting her inner Bisharp run wild.


“But what did Split have to do with any of that? Can’t you just wait to be angry with Al later?” Izzy asked, only earning Bow’s ire.


“Well I’m angry now and Al’s friends with that little rage-ball thug for some reason, so he’ll have to do for now,” Bow explained as she pointed at Levin, proving her point as the insult enraged him further.


“Then why the rest of us… we aren’t friends with Al…” Devin tried to question.


Bow’s expression then morphed into the most contempt-filled that she had yet. As she approached Devin she began to retort.


“You and Izzy already know what you two did… especially you. You. Little. Eve helper.” Bow said the last part only when she was right in Devin’s ear, whispering it so that only he could hear.


Right after Devin had a year or two shaved off his life, Al and Dewey made their ‘triumphant’ return, with the former carrying a cake with him.


“Dewey! Welcome back, did Al give you too much trouble?” Bow reverted back into her energetic big sister voice the instant she saw a coworker she liked.


“Oh, hey Levin. I’m guessing the little Vespiquen cancer neglected to do her job. Again,” Al spat with venom as he dropped the cake onto the counter to heal the four with potions.


As the Eevees began thanking Al for both the medical assistance and letting them leave this Arceus-forsaken hospital. Vay, however, had one burning question on his mind.


“Wait, what did you do that was even so bad in the first place?”


“I ate Bow’s lunch by accident because she didn’t label it. So now she’s being as unbearable as possible. Dewey probably went with me to get her a replacement just so he didn’t have to deal with her,” Al explained, throwing in some added contempt towards the end.


“I’ll have you know that Dewey loves me, isn’t that right Dewey?” Bow argued, Al being behind Eve when it came to her most hated mons.


“…I don’t really want to get into any of this on the clock…” Dewey gave as his non-answer.


“Right, the reason this took so long is that I had it made special,” Al added, practically snarling the last word.


As Bow looked to see what he was talking about, she saw what he was talking about, the cake’s design. On it was a crudely designed Clef. Above him were the words “CLEFY SAYZ: kys” with the last bit being inside a speech bubble.


Without losing the smile she had before she looked upon the design, Bow turned her attention back to Al, the unbridled rage hidden behind her expression decipherable by listening to what she said next.


“You think you’re funny, don’t you Al…?”


“What? It’s the guy you won’t stop harassing, I’d thought you’d like it,”


“Al, normally the roles are reversed for us… both don’t do this, I don’t feel like going through what this Bisharp feels like next man,” Levin warned.


“Vay and Levin’s beautiful romance could only be topped by two things: Al and Dewey joining this hot love fest,”


“Arceusdammit Al…” Levin only said as his response to what Bow said, silently praying that she didn’t lock any exits.

Author's Notes

If you felt that this was bad and/or a waste of you’re time… thank you for the compliment :)

But seriously, this idea was in my head ever since the Fight chapter. That led to Jed/Shane and Eve/Bow booming in popularity due to shipping two rivals who were beating each other horribly, but Vay/Levin, despite being one of the first rivalries in the comic (predating both of the previous two by debuting in the Ch. 6 Meanwhile), I saw nothing of it… so that’s my excuse for wasting time on this :P

I also wanted to work with the Box 31 canon because 1. Why not become the first fic to do it and more importantly 2. What we already know of it clears up most of the mess associated with SSEC rn (like how all 4 major examples of housecest are nonexistent in b31) so I wanted to work with that.