timeline of events

4 years, 10 months ago

a cool bullet pointy list.

skill learning does not match up with rank because both rushed through their ranks

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arrival in elledolias.

wakes up inside a forest, just outside of elledolias.
and so begins his habit of falling asleep in forests without bothering to make sure it's safe.

wakes up right behind the village.

on his person, he finds an amulet with the name '津迦力' on it. it's not his own name.

he resolves to find the person this is. if hevel has this, then it must be someone important to him.
chooses to become a protector upon realizing that it would give him opportunity to figure out himself better.

[rank up] novice

chooses not to be a protector, and instead stays in the village to do chores for them in exchange for money for food.

tends to camp outside, with protectors that do not have enough money to buy their own homes just yet.
as a protector, he chooses to become a healer. he takes on simple quests to earn money.
he finds out he gets lost very easily this way.

he meets tierra, who tells him that he would find his own memories soon. he's not sure how to feel about that.

he meets auryn, who thinks his inability to take compliments is funny.

he meets ezrael via finding him napping in the shade of a tree. the headpat wars begin.

they meet.

noting how similar they looked alike, they decide to combine their finances and rent a small house together.

it goes like this;
jin would take care of the rent;

and hevel would care for the house, and any pets that jin happens to bring home.
jin learns quickly not to let hevel cook. he can't cook to save his life.
unfortunate that hevel froze the sink shortly afterwards.
the halloween event happens.
jin finds out he can't handle ghosts.

however, much to his horror, a ghost slime named mogwai follows him home.

 [rank up] rank four

hevel doesn't like mogwai very much. mogwai keeps trying to eat the white part of his hair.

the workaround is to feed mogwai lots of marshmallows whenever it starts whining.

initial meeting with hughes and silvia due to auryn's meddling. it doesn't go very well.

they ended up drawing pictures of each other, but it seems that none of them could draw all that well.
(jin takes the pieces home, and tucks them away in a folder.)

initial meeting with saki. he falls out of a tree, but saki catches both him and auryn easily.
how strong is she-?

auryn drags jin to a party at hughes' house after a mass disaster where several protectors burned their food.
he meets asteria and hughes' two children, ylen and betty.

family is formed with jin, auryn, silvia, and hughes.

at the end of november, jin remembers a part of his earth history - that he was a coward who often ran away from his problems instead of confronting them -, and panics.

among this memory, he does remember that hevel is his blood brother, back on earth.
he likes the relationship they have now, though, where hevel doesn't look at him differently.

he could no longer look at his reflections, hating himself, until he cut his hair.
he's going to be different this time, he swears.

[rank up] rank three

hevel doesn't come along.
he doesn't see the point in socializing.

despite hevel's efforts of being relatively unknown, auryn finds out about his existence by breaking into the house he and jin share.

they don't talk much; she's only in search of jin, after all.

hevel finds her high energy annoying.
initial meeting with solace and ghost slime through auryn.
solace is quiet, but ghost slime is always cute.

they decide to go on a quest and jin gets a stab wound in his shoulder. he meets heilyn, who heals him.


an invitation to the winter ball is extended to every protector, and then some.

both jin and hevel get an invitation, and both head there.

hevel officially meets hughes and silvia for the first time, who jin often talked to him about.

he doesn't talk to them, though.
during the winter ball, jin's first dance is taken by ezrael, who proceeds to extend an invitation to train with him, if jin ever wants it.

formally meets sloan and avela, who are both accepted into the family.

admits to auryn the truth about his memories - about hevel, about himself, and the vague memory of his mother.
he also reveals the reason he always wears gloves to her - on his palm are several ridged scars, but he doesn't remember how he got them.

he also meets kiyoshi, saki's boyfriend.
kiyoshi doesn't seem to like him very much.

in the middle of the ball, hevel is stricken by a violent headache, and takes off to return back to elledolias early.

he remembers who the '津迦力' on his amulet is. it's his brother, jin, the person he's been living with this whole time.

hevel stayed up late to confront jin about the truth.

the ensuing conversation is ugly.

horrified, after a night of relative fun, jin wasn't expecting this kind of explosive end to it - neither does he have the memories to defend himself.
whatever hevel yelled at him about, jin did not remember.

hevel seethes. was jin making a mockery of him?
jin knew - who he was looking for, why he wanted to find him, everything.

knowing he couldn't handle anger in a less explosive manner, he sweeps out of the house.

thinking to himself, he eventually calms down - but creates a resolve that he didn't want to see the horrified look in jin's eyes again.
he resolves to get stronger, and return back to jin only when he thinks he is strong enough to protect his smile.

[rank up] novice
jin spirals into a depression, and doesn't leave his house at all after hevel's departure. 
while on a quest he struggled to do alone, he met a draco named ayral, and moves in with him for the time being until he finds someplace better.
christmas party with just silvia, auryn, and hughes. jin forms an attachment to hughes' cats. they're his cats now.

he moves in with hughes shortly after; his own house feels too big and empty, he thinks.

cetan teaches jin how to dance, after the winter ball where he struggled to keep up with other people. cousin jet is a nice person to be around.

helps the family out for their christmas party from afar, but doesn't join them.


jin stumbles across hevel in person at the quest board.

once again, the ensuing conversation is ugly.

hevel tries to tell jin he was trying to get stronger, so jin wouldn't have to needlessly get hurt.
however, jin took his words as hevel trying to tell him that he would never be strong enough to protect himself, and that he always needed someone to look over him.

he is angry.

remembering ezrael's invitation, he takes off without a word to anyone, and effectively disappears for a month.

during this time, he meets ezrael's sister, mikhalia, who found jin's slip of the tongue calling ezrael 'grandpa' so funny she insisted on him calling her grandma as well.

jin helps ezrael and mikhalia be linked via calling orb.

not knowing what he's done wrong to warrant jin's anger, hevel tries his best the only way he knows how.
he begins to train with the draco that he's living with. whether jin liked it or not, hevel was going to get to his goal.

jin didn't need to understand what he wanted to do in order for him to be protected by hevel.
[rank up] rank four


jin returns from the journey with boosted confidence and fighting skills (thank you ezrael.).

[rank up] rank two
[skill upgrade] delta -> gamma

auryn isn't happy with him, and the family - or those who know of his disappearance - had been worried to death, and all of them scold him to some degree for not saying anything.
auryn decides to give him a taste of his own medicine, and refuses to talk to him at all.
jin doesn't understand, personally, why that affected him so much.

initial meeting with lancelot.

the taquito party at cetan's place happens. auryn returns to speaking terms with him.

calling orb link with hughes, so that in the case he forgets to leave a note again he wouldn't make the family worry about him.


arc two, chapter one.

they receive the mission to find and retrieve the items partaking to their classes.

during the lantern-creating festival ceri called protectors for, jin asks avela how to find the mana berries located within mangroozian.

avela isn't very happy about this question.
he can be scary when he's not happy about something.

jin successfully retrieves the berries from the elf queen with silvia, but has to be rescued by auryn and hughes due to the method he got them. (curse auryn, and her list of pick-up lines.)
hevel retrieves the flower, but decides not to turn it in.

he encases it in ice and puts it aside. it's a keepsake for him, now.


auryn filled up both hughes' and jin's room with yellow roses - for friendship, she cheered. yellow roses mean friendship.

jin was unable to part with the roses, too fearful to put them on the windowsill where they could gather sunlight -

and they died there, under his bed.


arc two, chapter two.

they begin preparation for the war, and both jin and hevel pick up the leaves from the osque.

jin's hair is growing out again, so he puts his into a bow he uses to tie up his hair.
hevel hooks his on the chain of the amulet he keeps close to his heart.


a mysterious mailbox shows up in the middle of town, beckoning people to put in letters to their loved ones.

jin, forgetful as always, sends lots of letters to auryn, including one where he confesses his feelings, scribbling out most of it... it looks like it was a first draft he got embarrassed over.

he posts the letters without even looking over them.

hevel sends a single letter to hughes, thanking him for looking after jin in his steed.

an event occurs - the concert of caring.

protectors were called to perform their talents on-stage.

after being awe-struck by auryn performing and some encouragement and advice from hughes, jin confesses his feelings to her a bit away from the concert itself.

it doesn't particularly go anywhere, but it feels better just to get it out there.

something goes wrong, and so hevel does not attend.

hevel's getting taller because of his late puberty. and it's throwing off his sense of balance so wildly - his center of balance is changing every week, not giving him the chance to get used to it - during his growth he is no longer able to ice-skate as well as he did before.

during his mood drop over his inability to ice-skate, ayral offers to teach him a new skill to learn to tide him over and hands him a bow and quiver of arrows.
[job switch] sorcerer -> hunter


a fashion show occurs.

jin escapes from taking part.
hevel puts on a military lolita outfit and rocks it, thank you very much.

a magic show is hosted by a protector called nillian.

hevel loves performances, so of course he had to attend.

before the show begins, he manages to have a civil conversation with auryn. she isn't as intolerable as it seemed, even having the ability to joke around a bit - even if it started off with an attempt at surprise-tickling him...

he talks to hughes. he seems to show much fatherly concern over the person sheltering him for the time being.
they agree to disagree on how to treat jin, and part ways fairly amiably.

he meets asteria. she seems nice enough.

he meets cetan, in a rather shameful manner. maybe next time he shouldn't lean back in his chair so far.
jin is late in showing up.

when he does, he meets up with auryn and asks her out.
here, they are officially a couple.

he meets lopa. she seems to love performing - or at least, showing off, and hevel loves watching performances, so he likes her, a bit.

he meets silvia. she doesn't freak out as much as hughes does, which is good.
after watching a part of the magic show, jin off-handedly remembers that he has seen similar tricks before on earth, on the television. so - he isn't particularly impressed by it.

he refuses to explain to auryn how it works though. he doesn't want to break the illusion for her.

hevel's completely enraptured by the same part of the magic show. despite knowing how it works, he still likes the planning and successful pulling off of it.


iris and ryu get married. he doesn't know them, but he's happy for them.

silvia disappears. jin is torn up and lost, most of all - he doesn't know what to do without her, since she had always been the more responsible healer.

lancelot, ylen, and avela all leave to prepare for the war in their own way. jin misses them, but feels after all these disappearances, he needs to get stronger, too.

he needs to grow faster.
he can't be left behind now.


lancelot returns with way too many family members for jin's comfort.


during a quest, jin hears word of an elf scholar who spent years studying the principles of magic.
he immediately leaves to find him in mangroozian, barely remembering to call hughes to tell him where he's headed.

however, when he meets ningru, he agrees with about ten percent of what ningru says, and likes even less of it.

hevel begins to regain more of his memories.

and he begins to see where jin is coming from.
he knew of what jin was going through under the hands of their mother, and he was never around to stop it. hevel could see, now, that the bad times far outweighed the good -

- and he felt guilty.
after a heart-to-heart talk with hughes over ningru's words, he decides to return to ningru for his official training, as well as befriending the elf's husband, lance.

ningru trains him in all fields - from various weapons to agility to magic itself. the elf waves it off as this - after all, jin would find it much easier to dodge weapons if he knows how to wield them.

well, he's not wrong.

[rank up] rank one
[skill upgrade] gamma -> beta
[skill learned understood] zenith


news of a cult named lily love pops up, along with the release of a man named jarred.

the protectors decide to infiltrate the wolf's bane branch of the cult and free the prisoners.

while trying to get a suitable disguise from the mask salesman, hevel is tailed by etoi, who then insists on coming along to the infiltration party.
jin follows auryn in trying to get a suitable change of clothes for the formal party, and ends up horrifying jarred with a dab and then somehow ends up in a dress.
he needs to learn how to say no to auryn sometime, but that day is not this day.

even though hevel was supposed to get a change of clothes for the infiltration party, hevel ends up causing chaos within the shop with his friend london after mocking her for not using hands to put on a dress shirt.

he gets threatened to be thrown out by cetan, which quickly puts an end to that - but cetan made an annoyed face upon being called 'dad'.

now that's funny.


silvia returns, much to jin's joy.
his mother is back, and he no longer feels as if he needs to struggle over being the sole healer.


after much convincing, ayral finally convinces hevel enough to get him to return to elledolias for a visit.

despite the explosive arguments that resulted the last two times that they met each other, this time their meeting was frigid.
jin had all the time in the world to stew in his anger, and he did.
despite choosing not to think of hevel most days, a lance of anger shot through him every time he thought of how hevel left - and this feeling grew worse with every memory he gained of earth.

hevel was never around.

even when he was, he was always so distant. sometimes emotionally, sometimes mentally, almost always physically. connecting with hevel, on earth, was difficult at least and impossible at most -

this brother that he loved was always so agonizingly far away.

after hearing jin's words and knowing they couldn't reconcile at this time,

hevel returned back to ayral.


arc two, chapter three.

the protectors get trapped within the cave they were storing their provisions and get transported to the other realm.

despite the warning that no one knew anything about the other realm and therefore everyone should be careful, jin sets off alone to explore.

hevel follows him out to try and keep him safe.
jin doesn't appreciate that, especially not after all the animosity between them.
[skill learned] zenith

they meet a girl named aime, and after befriending her and gaining her trust, the nightmare phase begins.

the protectors are warned by aime that the nightmare phase causes a set of lilies which pollen contain severe hallucinogens to spontaneously bloom, and it would be safest to stay within the cave until the nightmare phase is over.

jin, however, decides that being cooped up in the cave was too stifling - and besides, he wanted to snag one of the hallucinogenic lilies for ningru.

however, the plan goes awry when auryn decides to eat a leaf off the tree growing the lilies, and promptly collapses. all the protectors that left the cave - kiyoshi, auryn, rozella, sterlyn, lancelot... - immediately decide to rush back into the caves just in case auryn's condition got worse.

hevel messed around with london mainly, first eating a pencil and then offering an ice skate to her to eat.
lopa melts the skate before she could, though.

he heads off to get a replacement, finding the so-called 'dad', otherwise known as 'metal guy', with his girlfriend nukhalin, and tells them that several protectors left the cave.
they got a scolding for a lifetime from nukhalin, which mainly confuses jin most of all, and he makes the mistake of talking back to her.

he just doesn't understand.
the other realm seemed just as dangerous as earth was. certainly not any more.

while the protectors that snuck out with jin got scolded, hevel made his escape with london to explore. can't get scolded if they didn't get caught!

lopa follows them out, and made a seemingly unlikely friendship with london. hevel watched in bemusement as he headed a bit off to fetch auryn's cape that she dropped, as well as one of the lilies that jin said he wanted to snag before he left, making sure to preserve it within a block of ice so it didn't wilt or allow anyone to breathe in the pollen from it.

by and by, they didn't get caught.
after so long in such high tension and never knowing if they're ever getting home, jin snaps and throws himself at hevel, knife in hand.

they roll across the cave floor - jin, surprisingly, had the rationality to pick a place where no protectors were around, to prevent them getting demoted.

they come to a stop, jin sitting atop hevel's chest, dagger gleaming.

and jin stabs him, shoving the knife into his chest.

"you're just like mother-"
"you're wrong - this one is self defense-"

scared, unsure if jin would attack again until he was dead or if this was just a warning, hevel gathered the energy to summon a sharp blade of ice.
hevel stabs him in return, right in the back.
all things considered, it was a miracle it didn't paralyze him.

jin drops the knife. he cries, then. he cries for silvia, cries for things he didn't know he misses, cries because he has to go back to earth eventually and- and- and-

and hevel just watches him, wide-eyed in shock.

a stalemate, that's what they call it.

the people jin call family burst in then, hauling them off of each other, working on calming jin down while hevel slinks back to care for his wounds on his own.

ezrael has an idea, overlooked by astra (who made a comment that perhaps they should be put in straitjackets). the draco decided that perhaps it was simply the tension that made them that way, and if they had any underlying causes they should tell each other.

but hey - the tension, first.

he collects their weapons from both of them and tell them to have a fistfight - he'll step in if he thinks it's required.

jin stares at ezrael in disbelief.
hevel stares at ezrael, eyebrow raised.

but they both follow his instruction.