love songs.

4 years, 10 months ago

a sweet moment between my wonderful boys.

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"When I look at you, love songs seem to make sense, y'know?"

Ross has been thinking about it for days, a sentence that Marsh had murmured against his chest in a stupor. He knows Marsh loves him a lot, like, a lot, but Marsh isn't a romantic gooey gushy person. He settled a long time ago with knowing that he would always be showering his boyfriend in love and he was lucky to get an 'I love you too' in reply.

It's fine, though! He loves Marsh dearly, and is perfectly content with the way their relationship works. Ross knows he still has a lot he has to help his darling recover from before he'll be comfortable being open and expressing love like he wants. 

So, hearing such a sweet thing- even though it may be a bit cliché- is rightfully surprising! As Ross sits currently, leaning back against his headboard, Marsh laying horizontal on his bed with his head on Ross' abdomen, tapping away at some game on his phone, Ross' mind wanders. 

First, he thinks of how cute it is that Marsh plays so many games on his phone, always ones with cute graphics, especially if they've got dogs. Then, he thinks of how sweet Marsh is with all animals, because Ross has seen the way he acts with Jesper's cat, always making Q purr and come to Marsh first whenever he's around. Ross briefly recalls when Sage asked them all to come over to comfort Nate, how excited Marsh got to meet his puppy, even if he couldn't really show it outside of petting her every time she would waddle over to him. She's so round, Marsh had said, later in private, with a dopey smile on his face. That smile is Ross' favorite, the one that Marsh can't control and pretend he isn't doing, he always smiles that way about animals, and whenever Ross sits and showers him with affection for too long.

"Why do you look so happy?" Marsh's voice pulls Ross from his thoughts, he looks down to see Marsh has set his phone down against his chest, head tilted to stare at Ross instead. The way he's laying, his hair is falling out of his eyes and Ross' heart is suddenly beating way too loud.

"I love you," Ross says, without a thought. Marsh rolls his eyes, and then he sits up, and Ross almost whines.

Marsh shushes him with a finger against his lips, and then suddenly there's a weight on his hips, because Marsh has settled with sitting in his lap. Ross grins at him, quickly wrapping his arms around Marsh's middle while Marsh wraps his around Ross' shoulders. Ross eagerly kisses him, and he's surprised when Marsh responds just as happily. 

"I love you too, idiot," Marsh mumbles against his lips, and Ross' heart swells again. He tugs his boy as close as he can against him, burying his face in Marsh's shoulder. Marsh makes a small noise of protest, but doesn't actually do anything to fight against it.

Ross can't talk, not right now, so he settles with running his hands under Marsh's hoodie so he can pull it off over his head and hug him again. He plants feather light kisses along Marsh's neck and jaw, each one is a statement of his love. Marsh laughs a little, a breathless, happy sound, and Ross is reminded he wants to make this boy happy for the rest of his life.

He kisses Marsh properly again, before knocking their foreheads together gently. He's got so much to say that he's losing himself in his thoughts, but that's fine, as long as Marsh is around he's always going to be find his way back.

When he thinks about it, they're like their own love song.