Skire Scoop

13 days, 17 hours ago

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The Gravent stumbled down the sidewalk, his steps staggered and unbalanced; arms full of bags that threatened to give way any moment now. He had never truly minded making the commute to the market, rather enjoying the walk, but sometimes his ambitions of what he could carry back were a bit farfetched.

Hopping up the cement stairs to his porch, the Gravent used his foot to push the door open- scurrying inside and narrowly avoiding getting his tail caught (again) as it swung shut behind him.

As he reached the kitchen counter, Happy Camper finally let it all drop; letting out a heavy breath of relief as he let his shoulders slouch. Well, at least it was over with now...

Knowing better than to sit down and allow himself to lose motivation, Happy Camper began to pull his groceries from the paper bags; organizing them by where they needed to go.

He was quick to put away the frozen and refrigerated products first, then moving to pantry and cupboard items. While working diligently to get everything in its place, he briefly let himself get sidetracked- popping an instant hot chocolate cup into his brewer so that it would be ready by the time he finished up.

When he finally closed up the cupboards, folding up the paper bags and stashing them in a basket, he pulled one last item out from within one.

Grabbing his cup, careful not to spill it as he moved towards the living room, the Gravent was finally able to settle in on the couch and let himself sink into the cushions. He took a moment to set up his television, turning on a small lamp to keep the room relatively dim, and then setting his cup onto the coffee table.

With that, he finally began to unwrap his prize: a candy bar. A small treat for the work he had managed to get done today.

But, as he peeled back the wrapper, he was rather surprised to see not one, but two bars within the packaging. What were the odds? It didn't matter to the Gravent, he was simply happy to savor the extra snack as he settled in for the night.