How Salve Got Her Name

13 days, 9 hours ago

It's a dad joke

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The newly born god stirred from her slumber on the tranquil shore. As she sat up slowly, she was greeted by the sight of countless stars reflecting on the still lake's surface—a curious phenomenon given the early morning hour. With a sense of wonder, the child leaned forward, her hand reaching out to disturb the peaceful waters, only to hear a soft hum of amusement behind her.

"Hail, and well met," a voice greeted her. Turning around, she beheld the glimmering eyes and crooked smile of a god much older than herself.

After a moment, the child simply returned to her task, disregarding the greeting. Her small fingers traced delicate patterns over the calm, glassy surface.

"Careful, careful now. It's best that you don't fall in," the god cautioned.

Content for the moment, the child sat up and focused on the god before her. She observed how his eyes smiled, his fine attire, and the creature—a bird, she realized—perched gracefully upon his shoulder. How did she recognize it was a bird?

Furrowing her brow in deep thought, the child puzzled over this odd knowledge.

Seizing the opportunity to return the child's attention to the present, the older god spoke again.

"We should start again. Hello, and well met, godling. I am called Thalna."

"Hello, Thalna. I am called...." Her uncertainty deepened as she struggled to recall her own name.

"Well, hello," the child continued hesitantly.

Thalna's eyes crinkled further with merriment and mischief.

"Is that so? Then you shall be Salve."

Instead of irritation at the jest, the child's face lit up with recognition.


"Salve." Somehow, it felt right as the word passed from her lips.