The Chapel Demon

4 years, 10 months ago

Are all demons truly terrible monsters? Maybe not....

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"W-What do you mean you wanna go in there?! That place is abandoned for a reason Aaron!" Bandit sounded concerned to say the least, afraid at most. He's heard some damn crazy stories about this place, like the one about the chapel demon.

"Oh yeah, and what's that? Some ghost stories? That's no reason to avoid an abandoned town. No one is here, in fact when we go in we can even test some stories of yours!" Aaron happily replied, unfazed by his friend's fear.

"... Fine..."

"Thank you, now to test some stories of yours!"

And so they did. The noisy manor turned out to be animals in the walls. The living plant in the fountain turned out to be a Lotus Dorb, which, being the animal lover he was, Aaron decided to bring along with them, once it happily blubbed it's yes to going with then of course. The haunted restaurant was just some dancing ghosts having fun partying it up! And the last story... the chapel demon. That one went a bit differently...

"This is the last place. It's said that in this place's basement there's a demon. He's the reason this town is abandoned in the first place. He ran everyone out and killed everybody who stayed behind to have it all to himself!" Bandit said, he would be ecstatic to disprove this one as well.

Aaron tried to open the door. Locked from the inside.

"Hey would you mind helping me out?" He asked the Dorb that was happily sitting on his head. It immediately jumped down, and squeezed under the door. In moments it was unlocked and opened, the dorb sitting on the ground waiting for the two foxes. The two looked around for a bit, and found nothing. No stairs, no food, nothing.

"I guess this place doesn't even have a basement or something living here..." Aaron said to Bandit, but as he did, he stepped on something. A red tile on the floor, as he stepped on it one of the kitsune statues moved, revealing a large spiral staircase going down.

"I guess it does have a basement Aaron." Bandit said snidely to the other fox.

"Shut up, I'll go down, you stay up here in case something happens."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that you'll be fine though."

"Yeah…" Aaron half heartedly responded as he began walking into the darkness, hugging the wall. Why was this so deep down? Faintly he could hear the statue closing, no going back now… once he neared the bottom he saw… light? Was there really something living down there? Well from what he could see when he reached the bottom, yes. There was food, things to drink, some cloaks bunched up in the corner. As he looked around the room, he found a door tucked away in the corner between the small out cropping made from the stairs and the main wall of the room, and opening it was strange… unlike the front room it was very dark, the light from the doorway seemed to have trouble piercing it. Suddenly from the darkness, he heard a voice.

"W-who…. ... are.. you?" It sounded like a little girl but more importantly, it sounded very, very afraid.

"My name is Aaron."

"... But who... .. .are… . you? W-Why… .. are you … .. here…?"

"Well I could tell you everything but… I think it would be easier if I at least knew who I was talking to. Could you please come out?"

"N-No… please just…. .. tell me…"

"Fine, I'm looking for… a demon."

The voice didn't reply.

"Hey, you still there?"

Yet again the room was silent.

"Did something happen?"

"...  . Please…. .."

"Please what? A-Are you okay?"

"... don't …  .. hurt me."

"Wait, why would I do that?"

"Everyone else….. looking …. . for me.. wants to…. ."

"Wait you're-"

Before Aaron could even finish his sentence another bay stepped into the light. The bay was short, mostly covered in red with some golden yellow markings and golden ripples in her deep blood red water. Her ram horns and long dark red hair had golden rings on them. Her tail that was tucked between her legs had water markings that looked like demonic claws grasping the fluff. She really did look the part but… why was she so afraid? 

"... yes… …"
"What's your name, and are you okay? You seem pretty afraid for a demon, especially how you-"
"That… .. story isn't… .. true… People.. attacked me… .. I … .. scared them away… .."
"O-oh really…?"
"Yes… please… … go away…"
"But you're here, all alone."

"... and?"
"That isn't good…"

"Maybe you should come with me? I can make sure no one hurts you, I promise."
"... Sure… ."
"Oh you never answered me when I asked your name!"
" ... Anagora... .."
"Cool name!"
"Thank.... . you.."

Anagora didn't know much about this other bay so… Why did she feel like she could trust him?