New face in town!

12 days, 11 hours ago

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The curious pup, who was named Jingle by the Willow who gave him his makeover for his curious nature of anything that makes a jingle or any “satisfying“ sound decided that the town and the surrounding noises was not for him or his picky ears quite yet. But rather, this pup insisted went on his happy way to the nearby forest just by town.His small stubs of paws happily trotted down the dirt and dusty path. His floppy ears bounced with each step, his wings twitching and moving along side his tail that swayed with each new sound and site. However, the rattle and sounds of the trees and nature drew the pup to it like a moth to a flame, or in this case, a curious pup to a forest. As the pup walked, the crunch noise of the leaves were a game and treasure for the curious pup! He decided to jump around before he rolled around in the leaves as if the forest was his playground, the leaves his sandbox. Just, not sand but leaves instead. The sound of the leaves breaking satisfied the content pup. As it echoes in his ears and the surrounding forest. As the pup continued,  more leaves fell and blew off from the trees below the playing pup. As he saw this, more and more leaves falling down, the pup became more joyful as he had newer leaves to roll and play in. He was even curious enough to eat one, or try to anyway. Making a note that the leaves were much better was toys for fun then food for his stomach. As he was in bliss and enjoyed his time in the forest, The only downside came into view. It seems after this playful scene, the amount of dirt and leaves stuck in his fur was almost unimaginable. It seems this poor pup, who came to the forest clean and pretty needs to revisit the town for a clean up, possibly a bath too, that dirt was a bit wet and looked like it became muddy. He did not like an idea much of a bath, but the smells of soap was the only good side. What a silly messy pup, I am sure it be a bit of explaining to do how he got dirty fast. If it be much of a conversation anyway for the tiny pup.