Mentor Initiation - Space

9 days, 6 hours ago

She laid down in the grass, reaching out to the stars with her hand, pretending to be able to capture one of the bright object. She pretended to hold onto it tightly, but once she let it go, a purple misty... face was behind insteady covering the bright light for a moment.

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-Faceless? Faceless are you here? - Andromeda yelled, growing more desperate at each unanswered call. She looked everywhere to find the space mentor, but kept running into a bunch of "oh, he just left" and many "hmmm I've never seen them around here, have you checked there?". The doubt in her heart about finding this mentor was growing stronger, but she was still holding onto hope. And this hope led her to a clearing in the middle of the night.

Said clearing had a small lake in the middle, one that perfectly held the image of the full moon in its water. The sky was clear, letting the stars light her path as she looked around a bit more. Alas. No luck, again. 

Andromeda sighed and sat down at a comfortable looking tree. Tomorrow, she'll continue the search. But tonight, she can't go any further. 

She laid down in the grass, reaching out to the stars with her hand, pretending to be able to capture one of the bright object. She pretended to hold onto it tightly, but once she let it go, a purple misty... face was behind insteady covering the bright light for a moment.


-In the flesh. 

He helped the stunned gravent to stand up, inspecting her visitor in the meantime.

-So. First of all, how did you find me?

-I asked around a bunch and... and some skires pointed at where they saw you last. So I ended up here.

Andromeda couldn't decide if this was the wrong thing to say or no, Faceless' swishing tail did not help her either.

-And what do you want from me?

-I heard that you take apprentices for space magic. - Faceless nodded so she continued. -I would... like to train as well.

-Why so?

Andromeda's nervousness was creeping into her head. She knew way too much depended on this. 

-I... I. I want to get stronger. I cannot be this trusting with everyone again. Or at least be able to defend myself if something happens or if I get attacked or-

-So this is related to the arm. Interesting. 

How did they see the arm?

Andromeda thought her cape covered it. But it seems not well enough. 

-How rude, I haven't even asked for your name yet.


-Well, Andromeda, prove to me that you are worthy to be taken as an apprentice. Place the full moon in my hands, and I shall teach you.

The gravent froze. The moon in their hands...? She heard that it was hard to catch Faceless and hard to stay as an apprentice. But nobody mentioned the part about it being hard to even start out! Panic slowly settled in. She travelled so much, she expected so much from this, she had to be stronger...

No. Deep breath, Andromeda. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. It was obvious Faceless didn't mean it literally, but then what did he really want? She thought about the things she was told about the cccat, her journey, the things she has seen so far...

Her eyes wide open when she realized.

The pond.

The gravent rushed to the water and scooped up some, weaving her fingers as tightly as she could, so no drop was wasted. 

-Hold out your hand, please.

Faceless did as she asked. And Andromeda slowly let all the water in his cupped hands. The surface, albeit small, still reflected the bright full moon. 

-Very well. - his voice now more pleased than before. - Meet me here tomorrow, at nightfall. Then we can start on your proper training. 

The mentor disappeared in the dark, just as mysteriously as before. 

Andromeda needed a moment to realize what just happened. She... did it. With hope in her heart, she took one more look at the night sky, whispering a 'thank you' to the stars before setting up her camp for the night.