Animal Transformation

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
6 3167

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

The art and magic of animal transformation written by Agatha "Blackpelt" Unrulla

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If you have the patient mind of a wolf hunting for her prey, or the reckless strenght of a dueling bear, this book is for you. I am Agatha "Blackpelt", leader and Major of the Animal studies and Blackpelt tribe in Feralmor. Transforming into your ultimate animal is a thrill no one else can even start to imagine. To take on several shapes and freely roam the wild. To become cunning, feral, and truly one with your mind and nature. Becoming your inner animal, and mastering it. I will explain to you everything I know. I live and breathe nature, and so will you by the time you are done reading this book. I will tell you how to become an animal, not only by shape and form but also how to live as one (For a much longer period of time than recommended)

Finding your true beast form is a long term commitment. It will require you to take on over 100 shapes and still not be satisfied. You will spend hours in front of the mirror trying to think of who you really are. I will guide you in this process to the best of my written ability. My true form is the Stalk Wolf. A magnifiscent creature who can stand on two legs and still run on all four. A giantess of a being with the might of a bear, and the teeth of a Rhoboros Shark. It took me 16 years to find that one animal that suited me the most. Not only had I gone through 300 transformations, but I mastered each one of them, and I still felt disatisfied. It wasn't untill I heard the legend of the Stalk Wolf I got interested like never before. There were only pictures of the stalk wolf when I was younger.

There were no physical traces or visuals of the wolf itself anywhere. But I was determined to find it, and become it. So I set out on a 3 year long journey, taking the shape of every animal I needed to survive the different biomes. It took me a long time before I found the wolf. When I returned home I realized I didn't have enough fur to become it forever. This displeased me, so I made a hybrid spell that eventually backfired and thus I was covered with 5 times the amount of hair had on my body. But it gave me the gift of permanent transformation. I could now transform into the wolf whenever I wanted, without using ingredients.

A gift which is concidered a curse. I can freely transform to the Stalk Wolf, but I am unable to remove the excess hair on my body. And I might have become slightly more feral. And I also lost my humanoid teeth and they got replaced by fangs so I had to wear a painful brace forever to align them correctly so I could chew food again. I really don't see why it is concidered a curse. When you become an animal alot of things rush through your mind. My first time was a common cat. Easy enough, but the first few times you transform your brain cannot comprehend the new information immediately. You might wobble around a bit and get used to your 4 new legs and anatomy. This is where it gets interesting!