Introduction to Spellcasting

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
3 1334

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

The beginner handbook to any aspiring spellcaster, written by the legendary Ethis Allury.

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Levels of mastery

Spellcasting is a wide form of art divided into many categories and uses. Every spell has it's individual use and purpose. Some spells are made up from ingredients, others from pure energy. In this book I will explain how spellcasting is performed, and also how to counter incoming spells. Spellcasting will almost always be performed under the guidance of a Major or a skilled family member if you have no access to a Major. The current study system is lined up after skill levels.

Beginners (Also known as lessers)- Novice - Intermediate - Major - Master - Caster I will include a brief explanation of each of these titles. Beginner is the stepping stone to spellcasting. Students of this skill level can start as early as 6 of age. Some parents may start teaching basics to their toddlers, even though this method is very looked down upon due to the lack of mental complexity of the child, and may cause harm. The term Lesser is often used to describe beginners on their way to become a novice. How and when they decide to use the term is up to the individual.

Novice casters are more honed in their skill, and will perform much better than lessers. They may still have issues with energy backfiring in casting, but will generally do better and understand the complexity of casting a spell.

Intermediate casters starts to learn palm casting in the beginning of their year. They will now have mastered the basics of fingertip casting and will no longer have the use of a wand. Some may still have backfiring and pain issues, so wands might still be required. Intermediate casters have wider access to spells than novice and beginners.

Majors are concidered one of the three greatest caster titles, due to their expertise and knowledge. Majors tends to study a particular magic subject to teach further. Few majors have a general study. Majors can take on the title as professor/teacher and teach to lower ranking casters. Some majors will gain access to learn how to use and control Core casting in dire situations. They will have to apply to a Master and enter several trials for acceptance.

Masters are one of the highest caster ranks in the world. They take on the task of joining several councils that watches and protects the land, in preparation for war and disaster. Their extensive knowledge and intuition makes for great soothsayers and core casters. They will know how to handle and counter curses and the most vile spells with ease. Masters will sometimes take on majors as students to teach them to become a Master themselves. A Master has the right to dismiss teaching a major whose intentions seems harmful or unethical. (Reanimation and lifespan spellcasting experts will usually be shunned for their practices)

Casters are the highest rank currently known in magic practices. There are very few Casters still alive and is therefore protected within The Casters guild. They will remain in the guild and do their work from inside the walls. The Casters have been hunted down for their power and knowledge, wars have broken out in the past because of this, and thus the Casters are hidden in secrecy. It is said that some of them live freely outside the walls of large cities and the guild, and shroud themselves from the world to live in peace. Casters have developed the world we live in with their teachings and techniques. Books and scrolls written by Casters containing spells are only allowed to be bought by certain people, including some Majors and Masters. The spells they contain are too complex and difficult for anyone else.

Beginners are expected to reach Novice within 3 years of studying. Novice are expected to reach intermediate after 4 years of studying. Intermediate are expected to reach Major after 6-7 years of studying. Majors are expected to reach Master between 8-10 years of studying under another Master. This number may vary greatly depending on the availability of the Master who is teaching the Major. There are no expected years of studying to become a Caster. Most Casters took 40 years from their beginner years. These expectancies vary greatly from student to student. Some might need another year to reach the next rank while others pass certain subjects and spells much faster.