
5 years, 1 month ago

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Night drifted by fast. Once again his sleep was dreamless. Whether that was a blessing or not, the leader was unsure. Though, there was one thing he knew for sure: He was extremely tired. He's felt this way for a few days now. Even after what felt like a night of good rest, Ripplestar felt the weary ache follow him throughout the day. And today was no different. Despite going to sleep later into the night, Ripplestar's eyes opened early, staring into the dark log that was his den. The sun hadn't peeked between the trees and yet, here he was. As he gazed at the dark texture, his eyes drooped, his body still wanting to do nothing more than just.. sleep.. But the mere idea only furthered him to his paws and out of his den.

The camp was silent, as to be expected, but his eyes still drifted over to the medicine den. He had hoped Honeygaze had been awake as well. It was something he had grown use to, seeing the medicine cat up early to bath in the morning sun rays. But it seemed even this was too early for the early riser. With a long stretch, Ripplestar let his paws lead him out of camp. His steps were slow, sluggish, but somehow steady. The grey tom still managed his basic functions and soon found himself climbing the first tree low enough to match his energy level. He kept climbing without aim, reaching for branch after branch until he couldn't take it anymore a simply plopped down where he was.

Why was he so tired? Why couldn't he sleep? Why has he found himself looking over his shoulder constantly. He knew the answer, but he didn't want to believe it. He didn't like the idea that this problem was suddenly consuming him, but it was inevitable. His brother had made a lasting, fearful impression on him in their moons together. He may have gotten away from his deadly grasp on power, but he felt the thought gnaw at his mind of Rain hunting him down and finally fulfilling the threats of death he so often promised him. And now, with enemies on his north border, his anxiety rose. It was no longer a matter of 'if' in his mind, it was a matter of 'when'. Ripplestar shook his head. "Try to relax Ripple... you can't lead a clan this way... you need to do better..." He berated himself softly before letting out a heavy sigh.

He remained on that branch for quite sometime, until the sun finally peeked through the trees. He shakily stood and made his way down the tree, taking soft breaths to calm himself and focus so he didn't fall. He had a clan to lead, he couldn't be panicking over an invisible threat. He needed to be stronger. He needed to be better than this. He needed- "You look terrible." Came the familiar soft purr of his honey eyed clan mate. He raised his head slowly and saw the creamed tom walking over to him from their fresh kill pile. Wait...? when did he get back to camp? He hadn't even noticed he was walking. He didn't even remember making it out of the tree! He really was out of it... He shook his head clear before attempting to stand up tall but Honeygaze stopped him with a charming chuckle. "Don't even try it Ripplestar~ I've been eyeing you since I've joined you. You can't hide from me~" Though the words he spoke were as flirty as usual, they were held much concern and worry. "What's wrong darling?"

Ripplestar gave a small smile to his medicine cat. He was flattered to have his close eye and care and even felt a his heart begin to beat a little faster. "I'm.. I'm just tired." He admitted with a sigh as he looked to the ground. "Tired cats don't roam around in the morning." "Yea. It felt like a good idea at the time." Ripplestar retaliated with a soft pout, ears drooping a bit as if he were being scolded by a mother. And in light of that, he attempted to come up with some excuse for his roaming. But his tired brain was soon reminded of just who he was talking to as he felt Honeygaze softly nuzzle under his chin, causing his fur to heat up slightly. "You know what sounds like a good idea now?" The tom asked as pressed up against his leader a bit more and purred like a motor. It was a calming effect that Ripplestar appreciated greatly, a smile growing on his face. "What would that be?" Ripplestar couldn't help but purr back, tail curling slowly. Honeygaze noticed this and grinned, patting his leader on his cheek with a paw. "You know what, you little flirt~ Get some sleep!"

Ripplestar laughed a little and stuck his tongue out a bit before sighing. "Of course~ A wonderful idea that is. But that won't be happening anytime soon. I have a clan to run." Honeygaze shook his head and gave Ripplestar a small push towards his den, though his smaller size only made his leader lean to the side. "You can't run anything looking like that! Everyone will think you're on Starclan's doorstep!" He chided. "I'll get the patrols together and make sure hunting gets done. So relax and sleep. Med-cat's orders." Ripplestar let out a small laugh as Honeygaze tried to move him, but he was truly grateful for the consideration and his smile widened a bit more. "Are you my medicine cat or my deputy?" He teased lightly only to earn himself an adorable confused look from the cream colored tabby. "Ripplestar, I'm still getting use to the this medicine thing. Don't give me other jobs to do.." Little did Honeygaze know, that was already what he was doing on his own, but Ripplestar just shook his head and smiled. "Yea yea. Sorry." "Don't apologize- just go sleep." "Right, of course. Thank you Honeygaze." He added gently, Honeygaze returning his words with a soft smile and another nuzzle, and this time, it was one that was heavily returned.

"If you're still having trouble sleeping, just call. I may have some herbs to help you." Ripplestar purred. "Don't waste your supply. Surely just having you there well be enough."  Now it was Honeygaze who heated up a bit at the cooed words. He smiled and pressed into Ripplestar's fur on last time before taking a step away to cut their moment short. His tail lingered a moment longer under Ripplestar's chin though, and he looked over his shoulder to softly speak one last time to his leader. "Get some sleep." "I will." And with that, Ripplestar finally made his way back to his den. Before he crawled into his log, he cast a look over his shoulder to look at Honeygaze. He saw his medicine cat with Ashstride now, batting those soft eyes and purring his sweet words and Ripplestar could feel his heart sink a bit. But he couldn't be angry with anyone but himself. He had rejected Honeygaze's advances many times by this point. The moment he just had with the tom was probably no more than a dream. The mere thought of it being no more than illusion only made his heart sank all the more. Suddenly he felt tired all over again, his body heavy and weak as he crawled into the soft moss that lined his log's floor. He didn't like the cause behind his sudden weariness, but at least he'd be able to sleep a bit.

Just as he let his eyes close, he felt a sudden strong movement across his pelt. He jolted up and watched, transfixed as his own body seemed to move like a wave. It was a strange, frightening sensation as he stared at his pelt, his markings moving with the ripples of this new wave, distorting as if a water droplet had fallen onto them and caused this shift. Just as suddenly as it arrived, it was gone, and Ripplestar blinked out of his trance. Everything was still and normal, but the fear and confusion remained. Was he really that tired? Another dreamy illusion? No.. that he knew for sure was real. But it was so unnatural that it was hard to believe. With a shaky breath, he licked his fur down to calm himself then rose to his feet to check the camp. It was silent. Everyone was gone. He didn't panic though, for he knew Honeygaze had simply done what he said he would. Instead, Ripplestar turned his gaze to the sky. It was clear. A beautiful blue adorned the sunlit sky and not a single cloud was in sight. But that ripple of his fur, his body, his soul- it meant something. There was a voice in his head now, whispering but loud. Gentle but stern. And it was letting him know one thing:

"A storm is coming."