Quotes that Howl has said:

4 years, 10 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
1 1075 2 8

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 10 months ago
1075 8

Just some quotes that Howl has made in the past. A few of them are from Roleplay, others I’ve made up myself and will probably use in other roleplays.

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Her lines: (Swearing warning)

“A slug? You dropped me for a slug?”

“Huh, I can see why he has the face now.”

“Great job, you really fucked up this time!!”

“Why don’t you jog on back to your mediocre, happy-slappy crew and leave us alone?”

MAKARI!! You dick!! Why aren’t you going with my plans!?”

“You see the skull on the piercing? You’re gonna look like that if ya cross the line.”

“Just take him already, it’s not like I have anything to do with him anyway...”

“I didn’t ask for you to just put your hands up and confess, did I?”

“Just give up already, he’s with me now, nothing’s gonna change that, ever!”

“That’s so cool! Where were these contracts when I needed them!?”

“So, *looking at the opposing members* who’s our first victim?”

“Haha! I win again!”

“Perfect! Finally, a place where those mad, sexist people can never find me!”

“So.. what kinda hell are you planning for them?”

“Can’t you see I’m busy here!?”

“Yeah! We’ll be unstoppable! Me and you!”

“Oh, come on! It’s only making me jump! It’s not like I’m being frightened or nothing!”

“Oh yeah? You and what army?”

“I swear to god, Makari’s not my boyfriend, ya got that?”

“Get ‘em...”

“Wait a second, WAIT A SECOND!!... did you just call yourself useful?”

“You’re a waste of my time...”


“Be honest, does this really make me look... sexy?”

“You? A leader? Ha! You couldn’t lead a bunch of children to a playground! Not that I’d want to anyway...”

“... sure...”

“Yes, I’m a girl, so what? Doesn’t mean I can’t be better than you, right?”

“I might not be the tallest person in the world, but you? You’re like, only slightly taller than me!”

“If it has a mute button anywhere, count me in.”

“You get paid for this shit?... why not force them to pay it up?”

“Oh no, please don’t do a dance, of all things!”

“Change the song, this one gets on my nerves...”

“I think we all know what I want out of you sir”

“Oh hang on... nope, don’t remember any time I haven’t been cool”

“Awesome? Me? Heheh... is that a compliment or are ya flirting with me?”

“I like cool, if you’re cool, I’m cool. I’m always cool by the way, capiche?”

“Guys, please! Use your fuckin’ manners! Can’t you tell I’m a woman here!?”

“I put the emo in Nemo, so don’t tell me how to be the emo, alright?”

“Oh, boo hoo bitch! Grow up!”

“You call that a sense of fashion? I... it makes no sense to me, like, what’s with the heelies?”

“*mocking an American girl accent* OMG, like, shut the fuck up Patricia, nobody cares about your life stories.”

“Why don’t I fight? Two reasons: one, I’ve got Makari to protect me. Two, you’re just jealous of my looks~.”

“So this is what you call home? Meh, I can get used to it.”

“Jack the Ripper ain’t got nothin’ on me!”

“So now you’re throwing a robot in the lake? Heheh... bonus points if we get a show of sparks!”

“Not cool... not cool at all!”

“Ugh... fuck me sideways... that was one helluva drink!”

“Dude... *hic* you have.. you have no idea how much fun this is!”

“I don’t like the sound of whatever he’s got planned...”

*laughs in disbelief* “You really think you rule this place!?”

“Heh... I like it when I see the fear on their faces!”

“I remember when I was a teen like those guys... wait a minute, I’m technically still am a teen!... Oh well, at least I ain’t stupid!”

“Meh, free food is free food, am I right?”

“I like being on top of you! Wait... no... forget I said that!”

“When life gives ya lemons? Bah, if anyone gave me lemons, I’m squeezing them to death!.. What?”

“Well, it looks like you finally made yourselves useful!”

“Him again? God, I swear he’s just asking to hurt himself!”

“So tell me... does it hurt? <:)”

“Well, maybe if you weren’t being so much a dick, I might have let you go away, but trust me, you’ve put this on yourself :)”

“Let the little scamp run, running after him ain’t gonna make things any better.”

“Well you had better go do something about it because I hate them too much to care!”

“I swear, they just can’t leave me alone for five minutes! Five minutes!!”

“I don’t care if that guy belongs to someone else, we’re keeping him!”

“Well would ya look at that? It’s happening again!”

“Did you just... light a leaf on fire?”

“I’m just here to watch how he kills his prey, that’s all I’m doing!”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake...”

“Hey, I’ve got enough problems as it is, get outta here!”

“This is some kinda Romeo and Juliet thing, isn’t it?”

“Oh please, You’re not the one who’s first thought’s isn’t murder anymore....”

“So... umm... you wanna have sex later?~”

“Well, I guess it ain’t too bad... for a runaway...”

”Come on now little baby... say fuck!~”

“Well, I did nearly forget my birthday once, so it’s all good!”

“That’s not.. what I wanted for Christmas, but.. whatever...”

“I get that we both like sex, but that face... eurgh.. just stop it.”

“I’m going to eat this cake and beat someone up! And I’ve just finished my cake.~”

“Now excuse me, I will NOT put on that poker face just to make you happy! I don’t care if you’re cosplaying some.. queen of hearts, or whatever that is, but just... no! I swear you perverts keep evolving in the weirdest way... it’s like Pokémon on drugs!”

“So what do you call a group of Pokemon, Pokemen?”

“Hmm... I can see why you had that surgery now... I’d sue those surgeons if I were you.”

“Hmm... nah, let’s just ignore those guys.”


“I’m just gonna point this out again, you have way too much time on your hands..”