Ravlyn & Gatcis: Interact

4 years, 9 months ago
449 3

Wanted to do a quick little thing of these two interacting because they're my Volume One beans ^_^

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It’s a quiet evening and Ravlyn is taking advantage of that and of the near empty cafe she’s found to get some work done. 

Because sometimes bosses just expect impossible of a troll and Ravlyn has nothing to do but get best in an attempt to keep up with their demands and keep her insides exactly where they belonged. Namely on her inside and not on her outside. Usually she’d go and bother Kneonn into letting her lurk in his office while she worked but apparently there was a purple stealing it for an undetermined amount of time, which while bullshit needed to be weathered and endured as patiently as possible for him to keep his own skin intact. The curses of being so low on the spectrum. 

That was fine though, Ravlyn had found somewhere to work. The meowbeasts were somewhat difficult to work around but it was hard to be too pessimistic about her own circumstances when there was a spotty one with a chunk missing from his ear demanding her attention.

Apparently his name was Horrortooth. Ravlyn adored him. 

Or at least that’s what she thinks the sour, stiff and surly Olive that had taken her order earlier had called him. Either way, she still loved him. 

“Do mew want a refill?” 

Ravlyn looked up from the piles of scattered papers, there was an order to them it was just she was the only one who’d get it, to the voice speaking to her. It’s a new one, brighter, more cheerful than the Olive’s from earlier. Understandable because it was a much shorter troll this time, a burgundy to. Dressed in the same maid attire as the other troll that worked here though, another employee then. 

“Yeah sure,” more caffeine was only going to help her get through her work load quicker. Definitely nothing detrimental to her health at all. 

“Wonderful.” The burgundy materialises a pot from her sylladex and fills up Ravlyn’s mug with the bitter beverage, an unassuming guileless smile on her face. “I hope you enjoy.”

The burgundy paused a moment and Ravlyn took the idea that it was her turn to do something in return. She chose to wave her hand at her, eyes wandering away from the almost painted on smile on the other troll’s face.

“I’ll try.”

Thankfully the burgundy seemed to accept that because with a final courtesy the burgundy turned and left Ravlyn to what she was doing. She was… a bit more unnerving that Ravlyn wanted to admit she was.

She might… think about not coming back here in the future.

… But the meowbeasts were so cute.