4 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
3 882

Entry 3
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

[Eventually will be updated] A few choice pages of the site created by Rem. Rempaint is a simple site about various things, mostly about the things that interests Rem. This website exists in the world "Main Universe" Please consider this as bonus material instead of plot important, although I may reference things from here from time to time in the future. Chapters will be added whenever!

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(Wanted to try writing as Rem again, so I wrote this as a basic test but also to establish a friendship with NQ aka New You. Writing is weird for me so sorry if it's boring! I'll try harder.)

Blog post #4 - Boring life stuff

"I'm still very much getting used to the idea of writing blog posts, I've never been the best at making things sound exciting... Recently I got a hold of something neat, one of those old virtual pet toys a fad from the past. It was kind of a happy little accident! I had gotten an unrelated item from a thrift store and when I opened it up, bam, There it fell! No batteries, unfortunately I didn't have the batteries for it... What a shame, I was super excited to tell you all about it but I guess there's the next entry for that. Actually I probably should've saved this for another blog post..... It wouldn't be authentic if I went back and changed it right? People like it when you're authentic right? I like it when my things are authentic, the same thing right? Let's talk about something else!

I've mentioned my friend with the antlers before right, the one I refer to as NQ for privacy reasons. Yeah well I mentioned my site to him and he said it was "cool." and when I told him more about it he proclaimed it "nerd s#%#." which I assure was in a very brotherly affectionate tone. NQ's kind of my opposite and yet we're bros for some reason, so hey I have one friend! (I'm pathetic I know :-0 ). Another thing we talked about is what we'll do during the summer. Truth be told my family and I haven't done much in the case of 'summer fun'. We went to the fair once and my dad got sick off the food, poor guy. Anyway one of the ideas we had for summer was going to the beach. NQ said he was interested in the 'sights', if you know what I mean. I don't get the appeal, everyone looks so awkward in swimsuits especially me. If we do go I don't plan on swimming, maybe I'll study the wildlife if I encounter some.... Granted nobodies in the way. :/

This was..... Rather short, still getting the hang of this. Never was a writer but there's a first for everything, yes? Well let's end this blog on a positive note! Tonight my families having pasta! What kind? I'll leave it as a surprise until I post again next time. I'll give a hint tho... It's really good pasta. Bye for now internet travelers! " -  Rempaint