
4 years, 9 months ago

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Today was a proud day for Oidhche. Not only had his new Clan accepted his skills as an Astronomer, but they had created a scientific division just for him and a few interested dragons. Already he had an assistant - a Guardian by the name of Realta, who took Oidhche as his Charge - and they were assigned a Scribe, a Wildclaw named Blossom, to record all of their findings.

"You must report all of your research findings to the High Council and myself twice a year. Once just before Crystalline Gala and again before Brightshine Jubilee." Queen Dusk had told him in a meeting of the High Council.

Oidhche smiled in giddy excitement. The Clan had turned the announcement into a small festival, with starry banners and drapes hung from the many cave openings that housed the Clan. The most decorations were hung around a small chamber just below the Council Room. Oidhche had discovered it's usefulness when he was exploring in his free time.

A crevice in the ceiling led out at an angle, perfectly framing a section of the sky. It was then that the empty cave became a hub for Oidhche's research. Of course, the newly dubbed Astral Telescope was primitive at best, but Oidhche had plans to make it better. Slowly, he and his new team would smooth the sides of the crevice and add mirrors in certain sections, before adding a small distance of pipe and a rotating section topped by a lens. This would allow them to see the entire sky.

When asked what his research would be, Oidhche explained that the movement of the cosmos was of primary interest, followed by any possible movements of the Shade in deep space. Once approved, Oidhche began to diligently lay out a method of work.

Now, after the long hours and excitement of the day, Oidhche and his team began to settle down in the Cave of Stars for their first night of work. "Well then, I hope everyone has brought what they need for the night. I have taken the liberty of getting the snacks." Oidhche grinned at the three dragons before him.

"I will be back shortly, sir. My inkwell was not sealed correctly by Celeste so I must get a new one." Blossom quickly trotted out of the room, dry inkwell in her claws. The other two dragons, Realta and a Coatl named Gealan, began to set up the bedding in the rooms adjacent to the main chamber.

Oidhche glanced around with pride for a moment, before he noticed something strange. There were bright beams of starlight shining through the Astral Telescope! "Realta, Gealan, come quickly! I need you two to witness this so Blossom has a proper record of this phenomenon!"

The two younger males came barreling out of Realta's new room, skidding and tumbling over one another and losing traction on the smooth surface of the cave floor. They crashed into the wall below the telescope and into the beam of light. Instantly, there was a bright flash.

Realta emerged with yellow patterns glowing across his hide and the liquid in his belly glowed with cosmic light. Gealan was covered in swirling shapes of cosmic dust, dotted with starlight and surrounded by small blue fireflies.

"What the..." Gealan uttered in shock. Realta only looked amazed at the once-faint markings. Oidhche was stunned. The stars had touched the young dragons and left their mark upon them. He turned his gaze to the light, still shining through the crevice above.

Slowly and reverently, Oidhche approached the light. He had just stepped foot into it when Blossom returned. The light startled her and caused the purple Wildclaw to squawk in alarm. The light was gone almost as soon as it started, completely gone from the room.

Oidhche stood silently, his once mottled blue skin transformed into the patterns of galaxies far beyond the reach of dragonkind. "Blossom, would you be a dear and record the Astral phenomenon to be known as the Star-Touch?"