i will always, always find you.

5 years, 11 months ago

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vlin-Today at 7:40 PM

Vlinny is pacing through here. That's a really weird thing to do, considering they've read the warning on the door sign, but... huh.

nefer/spierce-Today at 7:41 PM

Nefer slowly peeks into the room...? Blinks. "Vlinny? What are you doing in here?"

vlin-Today at 7:42 PM

"Uh..." They bite their lip. "I forgot something, and I couldn't remember what it was, so I came in here to see if there was a memory of me knowing about the thing I forgot? But it mostly is showing key points from my life instead..."

nefer/spierce-Today at 7:43 PM

"Ah..." She frowns... "I'm sorry it isn't showing you what you wanted." :<

vlin-Today at 7:44 PM

"I got to rewatch the one time we fought that spider, though, so that was pretty neat!" Wonder why that's a key point...

nefer/spierce-Today at 7:46 PM

Nefer smiles! She has to admit that fighting the spider with Vlinny made her pretty happy... "That was a lot of fun...! I'm glad I got to fight alongside you."

vlin-Today at 7:52 PM

"It was! We should do it again sometime. But first we should leave this room." :>

nefer/spierce-Today at 8:22 PM

Nefer nods! "Mhm! Though, I'm curious as to what it'd show me..."

vlin-Today at 8:55 PM

"If you wanna come look, we can walk together?" They offer a hand!

nefer/spierce-Today at 8:58 PM

Nefer takes Vlinny's hand and smiles! "That would be nice!" She carefully steps inside... and as soon as she does, shards of a memory begin to appear above. It appears to be the Miitopia universe...? Though, there's no sign of Nefer yet... In fact, Nefer doesn't seem to recognize anyone else there. She blinks, confused.

vlin-Today at 8:59 PM

Vlinny seems a lil concerned. "Maybe it's showing me instead? Or it's in first-person..." But Vlinny doesn't recognize those people, either.

nefer/spierce-Today at 9:18 PM

Nefer is silent, but she holds Vlinny's hand a little tighter. There was a version of the Dark Lord-- no, the Darker Lord, but-- it wasn't one either of them recognized, either. Maybe one or two of the party members Nefer recognized, but no one else.

vlin-Today at 9:24 PM

And at the same time, shards are forming... the same image, different people? These are... scenes Vlinny recognizes.

nefer/spierce-Today at 9:40 PM

Nefer holds Vlinny's hand even tighter. There's three different scenes now, and Nefer only recognizes one of them. To the left is what she assumes Vlinny remembers, to the right is what she remembered, but the center... The center was unfamiliar, but it kept progressing, and the Dark Curse was trapped now, and the hero spoke to the Great Sage--

vlin-Today at 9:44 PM

The same story, the same words as always... Vlinny can't help but mutter them as the memories march on. "Now I see... it's this face of mine."

nefer/spierce-Today at 9:47 PM

Nefer slowly brings her free hand to her mouth, breathing a little heavier now. She knew who the Dark Curse would be in her timeline, and Vlinny had already told her about their timeline, but who-- who--

vlin-Today at 9:48 PM

Vlinny squeezes Nefer's hand. That destruction-or-salvation question... they're worried that their memories will change to destroy the curse, and that everything will vanish...

nefer/spierce-Today at 9:51 PM

Nefer looks at Vlinny, and she sees that worry in their eyes and clings onto them tighter than before. No, she wouldn't be scared. Whatever happened here wouldn't affect who she was now, nor would it affect who Vlinny was. All three scenes go the same route-- to save the curse --but they were all going to be different people. Nefer knew this.

vlin-Today at 9:53 PM

It's them. And it's... oh...

nefer/spierce-Today at 9:58 PM

It's Vlinny, and then it's Cress-- someone Nefer didn't know very well, but recognized from that moment, and-- ...Nefer's grip on Vlinny loosens. She doesn't remember this, but... she still finds herself almost losing her balance. If not for being able to lean on Vlinny, she would have most certainly fallen, but part of her wished she had. She stares at the scene before her. Stares at herself, as she touches her own face, now returned to her.

vlin-Today at 9:59 PM

Vlinny... gently steadies Nefer as they, too, look at Nefer reborn. Huh...

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:01 PM

Nefer looks down. She smiles, just a little sadly, as the floor ripples underneath her feet. "...You know..." Her staff has clattered to the ground by now. She doesn't remember when she dropped it. "...When you first told me what had happened to you, I was almost tempted to tell you that I would have done the same thing, had I the chance."

vlin-Today at 10:03 PM

"...I guess we really are pretty similar, huh..." A quiet pause. "Do you want to sit down?"

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:07 PM

"I suppose so." ...Nefer nods. She slowly sits, staring at her own lap. Staring at her own hands. "...Even before I was taken to the Miitopia universe, I always... had the feeling that I had done something wrong. I never knew what it was. I could ask people as much as I wanted, and I never got any answers." She closes her eyes. "Part of me wonders if this is what I was feeling."

vlin-Today at 10:08 PM

Vlinny sits down too, and gently puts an arm around her. Their jacket's actually really warm on the outside. Comfy. "I'm sorry that happened... I don't think about you any differently now, though. I still think you're really great."

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:10 PM

Nefer still stares at her hands. This time, Vlinny can actually see a bit of rukh fluttering around, but-- it's not as Nefer drew it. These few, though small in number, are pitch black. "I appreciate that, Vlinny." She glances up at them with a small, strained smile. She's tense.

vlin-Today at 10:15 PM

Vlinny gently offers her one of their hands. "And it doesn't change who you are, either. Just because you remember something you forgot about, or forget something you remembered... you're still the same person at your core."

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:21 PM

...The black rukh fades. Nefer looks up at Vlinny, and, after some hesitation, she takes their hand. "...Thank you."

vlin-Today at 10:21 PM

...Hug the Nefer.

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:23 PM

Nefer hugs back, very tightly. ...A little sniffle.

vlin-Today at 10:25 PM

"It's okay..."

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:26 PM

No, Nefer continues sniffling, and the sniffles eventually give way to a small sob. She hides her face in Vlinny's shoulder, clutching their coat in her fists.

vlin-Today at 10:31 PM

They gently try and help her dry her eyes, but in the process accidentally end up also crying a little. So instead they just sort of hug her more and also sniffle.

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:33 PM

((nope, just two crying losers +))

Nefer is very much comforted by Vlinny's presence... The sobs end after a little while, and she just leans on them, her grip on their coat loosening.

vlin-Today at 10:35 PM

"Let's go somewhere less sadness-inducing, okay?" They gently help Nefer to her feet.

vlin-Today at 10:41 PM

This is the room-for-dealing-with-stuff right? Vlinny's pretty sure it's the tears room. They've gently led Nefer here.

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:43 PM

((the tears room ....))

Nefer is calmer now... She sniffles a little, but the tears have stopped for the most part. She holds Vlinny's hand tightly.

vlin-Today at 10:46 PM

Vlinny holds her hand tightly back. "You know... I'm really glad we met."

nefer/spierce-Today at 10:47 PM

Nefer smiles at them, gently rubbing her eyes. "I'm glad we met, too."