Snap Valley

4 years, 9 months ago
4 years, 7 months ago
13 7754

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 9 months ago

My Writing for Snapjaws. They can also be found on my dA and within the Snapjaw-Valley group there as well. NO LONGER TO BE UPDATED

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July prompt for Snapjaw-Valley

Illumi - Seajaw 5

July Prompt - Illumi

A dark grey Seajaw with orange markings was tidying up the small underwater cave they call home. She seemed a bit rushed and frantic, pebbles and rocks were flying out of the cave opening, stirring up a cloud of dust in the process. "It has to be perfect!" she said, blowing a few small bubbles from her nose. She seem to have been repeating this for a while, as the roof of the cave has a collection of bubbles in the center. "Wait a second! No one is even going to see in here. I gotta clean the outside too?! Ugh!" the Seajaw said, clearly displeased with her dumbness. She used her twin tails, and a quick push off the floor, with her hind legs, to quickly propel herself out of the cave. When she was outside, and the dust settled, she stood there, wide eyed, at the mess she had made by trying to clear out her cave. She looked up for a moment and saw groups of other Seajaws swimming around, it's the new arrivals. "No! I'm not ready yet! Wait, I can just greet them at the shore and keep them away from here." the Seajaw nodded and started to swim toward the surface with a smile. She smiled and greeted some of the new arrivals that she passed, as well as some of the current residents, once stopped her to ask a question. "Oh! Illumi! You can go on land without holding your breath right?" the Seajaw asked her, in which she responded with a nod of approval. "Perfect! Can you set this welcome banner up somewhere in the valley for me, please?" they asked. Illumi smiled "Sure thing!" she said cheerfully as she took the banner and poles from the Seajaw. She then continued her accent to the shore. Once she reached the surface and waddled onto land, she took a deep breath and huffed to clear her gill openings of loose water, she nodded as she confirmed her aquatic lungs were working the way they're supposed to. She looked around and greeted anyone that was on the shore, Seajaw and others. She then dragged the banner with her for a bit until she reached the center of the valley, where other Jaws were setting up decorations and having fun. She looked around for a good open place for the banner, once she found the spot, she started to dig small holes in which to place the ends of the poles in. The others around her were too busy to really notice her so they didn't offer a hand, but that was okay in her book. She got each pole in the holes she dug, the poles leaned a bit, but were stable enough to keep the banner up and visible. She took some steps back to take a look at her work. "Welcome to the Valley! Sincerely the Seajaws!" Illumi mumbled to herself as she read the banner. "Meh, it's not what I wouldn't put on there, but it'll do." she shrugged. She then started to make rounds around the area to meet and greet the other Jaws, in an attempt to make the new Jaws feel welcome. She also was hoping to make more friends as the only Jaw she know was a grumpy stand-offish Hunterjaw.