To Ash Clan

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Creek followed the pretty gray she-cat back to her home with the other clan cats. His paw steps were slow as the cold pierced through his small body, chilling him to the bone. His hunger had left him with little energy and he was frightened by the piercing gaze of the cat that followed close behind him. He was younger than the gray she-cat but still older than Creek. His yellows eyes never let Creek off his sight. He felt miserably and he could feel tears welling in his eyes, but he bravely held them back as he tried to force himself to smile. He had finally found the clan cats and they were taking him to their home. Creek wouldn’t be alone anymore. Perhaps there would be kits his age too and he could have friends. The thought helped push back his tears, even if his body still shivered.

As Creek tried to keep up with the clan cats, he wondered how much longer they would have to keep walking. As numb as his paws were, he could still feel the small wounds on his tattered paw pads, cracking from his long walks in the cold. His head was hanging low as his tail half dragged through the forest undergrowth. His ears flickered, his amber eyes suddenly becoming alert. He raised his head as he scented the air.

-“Took notice didn’t you?” Meowed the pretty gray she-cat back with a smile

-“He should have noticed sooner, we’re practically already there” retorted the cat with piercing yellow eyes before Creek had a chance to speak. The harsh tone made Creek flinch. Had he done something wrong?

-“He’s still a kit, he could do well with training right CinderSmoke?” Added the cat that walked besides them. He was a pale brown with white stripes running down his back towards his flank. He had a soft voice and seemed kind.

-“It first depends on what OakStar decides” The gray she-cat reminded the soft voiced cat, before turning to Creek again and asking, “What do you smell?”

He hesitated a bit as they had all turned to watch him, “Cats… a lot of them I think. It’s, it’s all muddled together” The gray she-cat and the soft voiced Tom smiled, but the yellowed eye Tom snorted conspicuously. He turned away as the gray she cat shot him a small glare. Creek noticed all these small interactions between the cats but wasn’t sure how to respond to them. Commenting on any of it seemed like intruding on friends, so he stayed quiet, following the best he could.

-“It’s the scent of our clanmates, you’ll get to see them soon enough. We're close to camp” meowed the soft voiced Tom.

-“Just a couple of paws steps left” added the pretty gray she-cat.

Creek felt butterflies in his stomach as they came close to what they called the entrance of their camp. At first, he had made a point of trying to remember the path they had taken, just as his father had once told him, ‘Whenever you are heading to a new place and wish to return, remember the path you take. Look for landmarks that will help you remember your way back.’ Creek had remembered his father's words but along the way, he had gotten so nervous, he had completely forgotten the way they had come from. He felt disappointed but surely it would be alright. If things went right, he wouldn't ever return. The gray she-cat lead the small group. Creek hesitated, suddenly feeling a small twinge of fear.

-“Scared?” Whispered the yellowed eyed Tom as he walked past Creek to the gray she-cat’s side

-“OwlPaw!” Scolded the soft voiced Tom, catching his words. Even when he scolded someone, his voice still sounded gentle. He was bringing up the rear.

Creek frowned at the yellowed eyed tom’s taunt, taking a step forward, refusing to stand down now that he was finally so close. Even so, when they finally walked past the entrance and Creek noticed several cats turn to look at the small group, Creek shank down, feeling intimidated. He had never been around so many cats at once. Suddenly everything felt overwhelming, as their gazes turned to him. 

A young brown Tom approached the yellowed eyed Tom, a concerned look on his face, “OwlPaw? What’s going on?” Creek could hear as the brown Tom whispered to the yellowed eye Tom.

-“CinderSmoke found an intruder. He says he wants to join us.” 

Intruder? Was Creek that? The brown Tom looked at Creek, a concerned look still plastered on his face. His face wasn’t harsh but Creek still dropped his gaze to the ground. There was nowhere else he could turn since from every direction someone was staring at him. The brown Tom’s gaze lingered slightly longer before he quickly scurried away to a small den where he said something indecipherable to and older black cat. Creek didn’t paid much attention as now other cats also began approaching, talking to the gray she-cat in hurried, yet hushed voices, glancing at Creek every so often. She gave them all a quick response before finally walking past them, “RabbitSong, stay with the kit while I fetch OakStar” she instructed to the soft voiced Tom. The yellow eyed cat followed her. As the gray she-cat walked away so did everyone else that had approached her, leaving Creek and the soft voiced Tom in the center of their camp.

-“It’s okay, don’t worry” whispered the soft voiced Tom. Creek wanted to at the very least smile at him to show him he appreciated the comment, but he felt too nervous, too tired, too hungry, and too cold to do much of anything other than sit there shaking, and wait.

A couple of heartbeats passed of hushed whispering before a brown cat with deep blueish green eyes appeared, followed by the gray she-cat and the younger yellowed eyed Tom. With her back, the soft voiced Tom took his leave, joining the other cats. Instantly, Creek could hear as they whispered question to him curious about the whole situation. The gray she-cat spoke up right away, “We found him when we were out patrolling. He seems to be alone…” she hesitated for a heartbeat, “and he said he wanted to join us.” The brown cat with the deep eyes had been listening silently as he looked at Creek, though when she finished he raised an eyebrow. He remained quiet as he began walking around Creek in slow circles, perhaps trying to figure him out. If there was time for him to hide his fear, it was now. Creek was still exhausted but remained calm, despite feeling like prey. Taking a deep breath, not only did he wait in silence but so did everyone else. At the same this was happening, a group of cats arrived to camp carrying prey in their mouths. They seemed surprised by what was happening. They quietly dropped their prey in a small pile before joining their clanmates, trying to figure out what was happening, but not daring to interrupt.

-“What’s your name?” Finally meowed the Tom with the deep bluish green eyes.

Having been caught off guard after several moments of silence, Creek flinched, as he heard the toms voice for the first time, “Creek” he responded weakly.

-“Where are you from Creek?” Asked the Tom, finally ready to really get to know the kit.

Creek hesitated, unsure what to answer, “The…forest” he replied clearly confused. He had been born in the forest, how much more specific did he have to be?

-“Most likely from outside any clan borders” interjected the gray she-cat.

-“You’re not a kittypet correct?” He continued asking.

Creek shook his head. He didn’t know what that word meant.

-“No, you don’t have the soft scent of one. You also don’t have the scent of any other clan, yet it is still feral. Your parents must have been rogues”

Creek simply nodded. Other clans? Were there more clan cats? Did they all not live together? Creek was slowly and painfully realizing how much he truly didn’t know about the forest cats.

-“My deputy tells me you were found alone during her patrol. Where are your parents?”


-“And are you alone?”

Creek hesitated for no longer than a heartbeat, “Yes” he sighed, ‘I am now’ It didn’t matter if he was lying slightly, about both his parents being dead and being alone if the reality of it was the same as if those words were true. He didn’t feel like explaining anything about himself, at least not this way, not while so many cats he didn’t know watched.

The brown Tom was quiet as he sat in front of the kit, “SleetFang” he called out.

From the crowd of cats, a white Tom with gray and brown spots approached. Creek looked up at him. The Tom walked to Creek’s side though he didn’t offer him even the slightest glance. He looked at the brown Tom but remained silent.

-“SleetFang, I am assigning this kit as your apprentice.”

Creek perked his ears up as he looked at the brown Tom. Apprentice surely meant he was going to be allowed to stay right? But, for what did he have to be apprenticed? Creek snuck in a small glance at the white Tom. He looked surprised at first before a frown formed on his face.

-“He’s a kit OakStar” he meowed with a flicker of his tail, “He looks no older than 4 moons old”

-“His apprenticeship will be different. It will start now but he won’t be allowed to fight or hunt until he’s 6 moons old. I am assigning him to you now so can teach him about Clan life. Not only about Ash Clan, but the others as well. Things that clan born kit would know, you’ll have to teach him.”

The white Tom, seemed rather conflicted. He finally glanced at Creek with his icy blue eyes. His glance wasn’t threatening, and although Creek didn’t break eye contact, he still crouched lower. SleetFang, he made it a point to remember his name, sighed, which the brown Tom understood as acceptance.

At that moment, the brown Tom began walking away, though he still held everyone’s attention and no one dared to move from the spot or break the silence. He climbed the trunk of a large fallen tree, giving him a good look at the whole camp. With a loud and clear voice that carried a sense of authority, he addressed the entirety of the clan. Creek was unsure of what to do, or what anything the brown Tom was saying. He only perked up for the small snippets about him that he could understand. He glanced at SleetFang once again, was he really going to be his ‘mentor’? As Creek was becoming lost in his own thoughts, the brown Tom addressed both him and SleetFang.

-“Creek, from this moment on, you will be an Ash Clan member. You will be an apprentice to become a warrior of Ash Clan. Until then, you will be now known as CreekPaw.” Creek was excited to know he would be allowed to stay though he frowned a little realizing he would have to change his name. He didn’t really understand why he had to, and if he was frank, he also wasn’t sure he liked his new name. What was even a CreekPaw? He guessed it didn’t really much matter anyways, as long as he was able to stay.

-“You two, face each other” ordered the brown Tom, pulling Creek out of his thoughts. He had a kind smile on his face.

Creek followed orders as did SleetFang. Now facing him, SleetFang watched the kit who sat in front of him, his icy blue eyes unwavering. Creek’s amber eyes never broke contact with SleetFang’s and yet, he couldn’t read the tiniest bit into him. Creek only watched with curious eyes, SleetFang never giving away what ran through his mind in that moment. He only listened to OakStar, his leader, before he bowed slightly, coming face to face with the kit in from of him. Creek tilted his head to the side. There was a pause in what OakStar was saying. Clearly there was something that was expected of him, but he didn’t know what to do. SleetFang meowed in a low tone, “Mentor and apprentice have to touch noses, before the ceremony can conclude” His voice remained as calm as his eyes.

Was that what was happening? Was this his apprentice ceremony? It didn’t much matter to Creek. He was glad to be here. His nippy nose touched that of his now mentor. A sense of relief filled Creek. The fear that lingered in his body slowly faded. His mentor would surely look out for him. Creek wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. SleetFang sat up, glancing up at OakStar before the cats that had been spectating slowly began moving from their spots. Creek could hear their whispering though it was still low enough that it remained indecipherable to him. 

A cat padded away from the crowd of cats approaching SleetFang with a sly smile. He had flowing dark blue fur, and piercing lime colored eyes, “SleetFang! Congratulations on finally getting an apprentice.” SleetFang instantly looked irritated and tired. The blue furred Tom turned to Creek, “So you’re SleetFang’s apprentice huh? I can’t believe OakStar accepted a rogue kit. You’re so small too!”

Creek felt overwhelmed to suddenly be approached by such a forward unknown adult. He crouched closer to the floor and scurried a few paw steps towards SleetFang, hiding behind him. SleetFang watched Creek before giving the blue furred Tom a small scowl, “RipplePool-“ 

Before he could continue any further, the small brown Tom Creek had seen talk to the yellowed eyed Tom when he arrived, walked towards him, followed by a black and white adult, “Sorry to interrupt but could I borrow your apprentice SleetFang? I’m sure you can tell why” She had a gentle voice and kind eyes, but Creek still remained behind SleetFang.

-“Sounds like a good idea, While he’s with BlackFrost, I would like to have a word with you SleetFang.” They all turned to see, OakStar had come down.

-“Come on, you can just follow us” meowed the black and white she-cat, BlackFrost.

Creek looked at SleetFang before he meowed, “Go on” with a small nod. Creek still hesitated but he listened and followed BlackFrost. She smiled warmly at him while the young brown Tom with her,

guided Creek along.

-“Where are we going?” Mumbled Creek in a low voice to the brown Tom walking beside him.

-“Don’t worry, we’re just going to the medicine cat den. You look like you could use a bit of help.”

Creek ignored that last part. It was most likely true. He internally sighed, it was probably plain as day for everyone else to see that as well, “Medicine cat?” He questioned.

Before the brown Tom could answer, they entered a small den. Instantly, Creek’s nose was flooded by the scent of dozens of herbs. He looked around, while he sniffed curiously at the air, “We’re the medicine cats of Ash Clan. Well, BlackFrost is, she’s my mentor. I’m an apprentice, kind of like you, but I’m training to be a medicine cat.”

-“Oh” Meowed Creek. He wasn’t really sure how to answer to parts of what he was saying.

-“Just sit over here” From a little ways deeper into the small den, BlackFrost nudged to a small nest with her white paw. Creek settled down as he let out a small sigh, “Tired?” He only nodded. She smiled at him while continued asking, “Can you show me your paw pads?” 

Creek lifted his right paw, feeling a little bit nervous, “They’re all the same” he mumbled. The combined sensation of numbness and stinging he felt was just enough to let him know how worn and scrapped his small paws pads were. He had been walking for so long in the cold.

-“Have you eaten recently?” Creek shook his head.

BlackFrost turned to the young brown Tom, “Do you think you can handle treating him while I get him something to eat?” The brown Tom smiled as he nodded. With that, she began walking outside the den. Though she was perfectly capable of handling this on her own, she wanted to make sure Creek felt comfortable. He seemed to have responded well to her apprentice, and since he had nothing too serious physically, she was confident her apprentice would do just fine.

Soon after BlackFrost had left the brown Tom placed two small white flowers with a bright yellow middle in from of Creek, “Try to eat these okay?”

-“What are they?” Creek sniffed at them curiously. They had a pleasant smell.

-“Chamomile. They strengthen the heart. We usually use them for when a cat is traveling. It also helps ease the mind. I’m sure you’ve had quite a day today.”

Creek didn’t respond, with another final and cautious sniff, he started gnawing at the small flowers. The brown Tom also began chewing on a large green leaf. Even with the sweet scent of chamomile filling his nose, Creek could still smell the tangy smell of the leaf. The brown Tom didn’t seem to like it either based on how he scrunched his nose slightly with every bite. He wasn’t eating it either. Fascinated by what he was doing, Creek kept glancing at him every now and then while he finished his own little flowers, “I’m done” he announced. By now, the brown Tom had gathered a small amount of the chewed up leaf.

-“Oh, alright then” Meowed the brown Tom getting up his spot and bringing over the small amount of chewed up leaf he had created, “Would you mind showing me your paw pads? This-“ he signaled to his little green pile, “should help soothe the pain a bit and encourage quicker healing.”

Creek outstretched one of his paws, allowing the brown Tom to take care of his cracked paw pads. Creek flinched a little, feeling his small wounds sting, but he soon became used to it. Little by little, each of his paws began feeling a little bit better. The brown Tom was quiet while he worked at first but Creek didn’t mind, he had a kind demeanor and it made Creek feel at ease, which was something he appreciated since he had been so on edge the last couple of days being alone. Eventually the brown Tom meowed casually, “I’m LittlePaw by the way”

-“Hi” responded Creek a bit shyly.

LittlePaw simply smiled a little and replied with a simple, “Hi” before continuing with his work. Just as LittlePaw was finishing up, the black and white she cat that had left, BlackFrost, came back with a vole in her jaws. Just the sight of it made Creek’s stomach rumble. She walked up to him, resting the vole at his feet, “I’m sure you must be hungry. Try and this, herbs can only do so much if you don’t eat.” She glanced at Creek’s paws before turning to LittlePaw and meowing, “Good job” He seemed proud of the compliment.

Creek didn’t need much convincing, he was starving. However, as hungry as he was, he felt a twinge of guilt with every bite he took. He hoped that this feeling of hunger was something only he had been feeling. He hoped Russet would be sleeping tonight somewhere warm and with a full belly, ‘I’m okay now, I hope you are as well’ he thought to himself, feeling a few tears well up in his eyes, he blinked them away. As he finished, he let out a yawn. It had been a long day for him and now that he was allowing his body to relax and warm up in the cozy nest he was resting in, his body began feeling heavy. He could feel the small aching of his little bones. The sun was setting by now. Was he meant to sleep here? He looked around. BlackFrost and LittlePaw had moved to the back of the den with their backs turned to Creek. Quietly, he stood up, falling almost instantly as he added weight to his now healing paw pads. He glanced back, making sure they hadn’t heard him before he snuck out of the den.

Despite how little time had passed, the camp was now a different scene. The other cats must have already gone to sleep. Creek looked around for SleetFang’s white fur. He was his mentor, surely that meant Creek had to be with him. LittlePaw and BlackFrost seemed nice, but neither were his mentor. Creek flickered his ears happily as he spotted SleetFang. He was walking alongside the Tom with flowing dark blue fur, and piercing lime colored eyes towards the entrance of another den. Creek quickly padded towards him though as he approached the entrance, he slowed down, feeling the slightest bit hesitant.

The Tom with lime colored eyes, RipplePool, settled down in his own nest before he spotted the small body of Creek crouching at the entrance of the warrior’s den. He snickered before meowing, “Hey look SleetFang, it’s your apprentice.”

SleetFang turned, his icy blue eyes staring down at Creek, “What are you doing here?” His voice was calm, “You should be in the apprentice’s den if BlackFrost is done with you.”

-“But he’s not really an apprentice” chimed in RipplePool, “He’s still a kit, shouldn’t he be in the nursery?”

-“I want to sleep with you” meowed Creek with a small voice.

RipplePool snickered before SleetFang shot him a glare. As he turned to Creek and looked at him for a couple of heartbeats, before letting out a sigh, “Fine.”

-“Wait, really?” RipplePool sounded surprised that SleetFang had agreed so easily.

-“I’m tired RipplePool. Those Scorch Clan cats were insufferable today.” As annoyed as he sounded, he also did look tired, “We'll figure out your sleeping situation tomorrow.” He finished, addressing Creek this time.

Creek didn’t want to sleep anywhere else, but he didn’t protest for now. He was happy. As SleetFang settled down in his own nest, the one closest to the entrance, Creek nuzzled at his side. For a heartbeat, he remembered the soft fur of his parents. Feeling at ease, Creek’s exhaustion quickly caught up to him and he was soon deep in sleep. It had been a long day for SleetFang as well, and he was too worn out to protest when RipplePool chuckled in a quiet tone and teased, “What an adorable sight.”